We have noticed that some of our students are arriving at school incredibly early in the mornings. Please be aware that teachers are not on duty in the school grounds until 8.40am before school. It is advisable for students to arrive at school as close as possible to the supervision time. Students are to remain seated on the courtyard steps until staff go on duty. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Strong attendance is critical to student success at school, both academically and socially. This year the Department has revised their expectations for attendance rates with students now expected to maintain a minimum of 90% attendance throughout the year.
The Home School Liaison Officer will be visiting fortnightly to check attendance and follow up any concerns. A priority will be investigating ongoing poor attendance, regular partial absences and any unexplained/unjustified absences. It is important to tell the school if your child has to be absent from school and to provide a reason for the absence. It is a legal requirement that absences are explained within 7 days.
The most efficient way for parents to do this is by responding to our SMS messages. Parents may also call our Admin Office or write a note to explain student absences. Eliminating unnecessary absences will support your child to maximise their learning potential and develop positive social interactions with their peers. Please see information for parents regarding attendance at school which is included in this newsletter.
WELLBEING MORNINGS We will be hosting Wellbeing Mornings in Week 8 of this term. Parents and carers are invited to join us for the morning activities on Tuesday 14th June and Thursday 16th June from 8:45 to 9:10. A schedule with the fun activities which have been planned will be sent home shortly. We look forward to seeing you join in the fun.
Rita Pittman