Dear Parents/Caregivers,
The transition to face to face learning was smooth for all students in Years 2-6. It was wonderful to see all the students’ smiling faces and for the students to be able to catch up with their classmates and teachers. Teachers were delighted to have the students back to further build on the learning started online.
We must continue to be diligent in keeping our community safe. We ask that if your child shows any symptoms of being unwell, that they remain at home. We will send students home if they present as unwell.
Once again, we are offering our students the opportunity to be involved in Children’s’ University. CUA aims to encourage high quality out of school hour’s activities for children aged between 7 and 14 years of age, engaging with the wider community as learning partners in this process. The most important principle of CUA is that participation is voluntary and activities must take place outside of the normal school day. If your child would like to become a member of CUA for 2022, please collect a form from the Front Office, complete the details and return it to school by 3rd March along with payment. Our CUA coordinator is Ms Natasha Koll.
At St Patrick’s School we encourage heathy eating habits. At approximately 10am each morning, students stop for some brain food. During this time, students are encouraged to have a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable in the lunchbox. This healthy snack is in addition to the food parents provide for recess and lunch.
As we start the New Year, it is important that all our students feel they belong to our school community. One way we look to do this, is by having a school uniform. Can I please remind families to make sure your child is wearing the correct uniform each day and that is clean and tidy and without additional accessories. We have had a few students wearing a variety of items that are not part of the uniform and we will be sending home reminders to families explaining the concern and we would very much appreciate if you could follow this up straight away. Please note we do sell hats in the uniform shop if you require one. We ask parents to label everything as this greatly assists us in successfully returning uniform items to the students.
St Patrick’s has a School Board consisting of the Parish Priest, School Staff and parents of the school. The Board allows parents to have a voice in the strategic direction of the school. The School Board meets twice each term. This year it will be in Week 3 and Week 8 of each term from 7-9pm. Board members hold their position for 2 years. As of date, we still have some vacancies on the School Board. If you would like to join the School Board, please complete the Nomination Form in this Newsletter and return the form as a matter of urgency.
In all things love
Barbara & Anne Marie
Leadership Team