Sutton Public School

Week 6 Term 2 - 5th June

From the Principal

Dear Parents,

I would like to start by thanking everyone for supporting our new drop off and pick up procedures. Our staff have been working hard to organise the children into family groups to make this process ea smooth operation. To improve this process even further I would like to ask parents if you could please:

  • Keep an eye on the gate and give us a wave when you see your child.
  • Remain in your car until your child is at the gate and then support them to get in the car safely.
  • If you are waiting on the other side of the road, walk across the road to get your child when you see them.
  •  Continue to maintain social distancing between parents and other adults.
  • Move away from the front of the school as quickly as possible so we can continue to get children into cars safely.

It is also really important that all children exit through the front gate under the supervision of the teachers. Please do not encourage your child to meet you in an alternate location. This is extremely important for the safety of your child.

I have sincerely enjoyed doing the front gate duty. I have meet so many lovely families and watched the special bond between parents and their children. It is such a nice start to my day and I hope the children enjoy being welcomed at the front gate each morning.


Mrs Sally Deacon

Assistant Principal

Important Information

Important Dates Term 2

8 June          Monday            Queen's Birthday Holiday (Public Holiday)

18 June       Thursday           P&C Meeting - AGM

26 June        Friday                 Last day for 2021 Year 5 Opportunity Class Submissions

3 July            Friday                Last day of Term 2

2021 Applications for Enrolment

Every child is entitled to be enroled at the government school that is designated for the intake area within which the child's home is situated and that the child is eligible to attend.  If you have a child who will be eligible to start in 2021, please complete an Application for Enrolment form and provide the school with copies of Birth Certificate, immunisation history and proof of Residency. If you have any questions, please call our School Administration Manager, Anne Hull,  on 6230 3215.

2021 Year 5 Opportunity class placement

Parents of our current Year 4 students are advised that the  application process for placement into a Year 5 opportunity class in 2021 will now commence. The process was put on hold in April 2020 due to the COVID-19 situation.

We now have a revised and simplified timeline for the OC placement process to ensure that students and families can have certainty about their placement as soon as possible.

The changes include:

  •  A new date for online applications. Parents must apply between 9 June 2020 and 26 June 2020. Late applications cannot be accepted.
  •  A new test date - Wednesday 16 September 2020.
  • The Year 5 opportunity class for students in the Queanbeyan Network of Public Schools is located at Queanbeyan South Public School

To ensure fair and consistent assessment of students across New South Wales, students will be offered places based only on their test results this year – there will be no school assessment scores.  

There will also be no opportunity for appeals given the tight time frames.

If you are making an application for your child, please complete the attached "Intention to Apply" form and return to Sutton Public School.

For further detailed information, visit

Intention to apply for a Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2021 Form


Tell Them From Me Survey - Year 4/5/6

In Term 2 2020, our school is taking part in the Tell Them From Me student survey. The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help them improve. The survey is completed online and is run by an independent research company, The Learning Bar, which specialises in school-based surveys.

The survey typically takes 30 minutes or less to complete by students in Years 4, 5 and 6 only, and will be administered by the school during normal school hours. 

Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please complete the attached form and return it to the school by  Friday 12th June, 2020.

More information about the survey and the research is available in English on the CESE website:


Opt Out Form - Tell Them From Me Survey



The benefits of strong school/family relationships are clear with research consistently showing their importance to social and emotional wellbeing and academic achievement, regardless of other factors. More than ever in the last few months the importance of the connection, collaboration and communication between school and families has been evident. Our school community is working to provide a supportive transition back to whole school on site learning.  In the classrooms we have provided opportunities for students to share their experiences and have discussed the new routines, such as drop off and pick up,  by linking them to Sutton Public School  values. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s social and emotional wellbeing as they transition back to the classroom please do not hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher.  

Some of these resources might be useful as a resource for parents if their child needs additional support.

How to communicate with your child about COVID


Voluntary Contributions

The school asks each family for a voluntary financial contribution each year.  Contributions are not compulsory but they do enhance the school’s educational, building and ground development. 

In 2020 we have an ambitious program for improving student access to technology.

30 ipads - for use with our robotics programs and  infants classroom activities - 10 of which have been purchased 

2 ipad charging docks - to manage the charging of ipads and downloading of apps and software

The Voluntary Contribution is currently set at $100.00 for 1 child and $130.00 for 2 or more children at the school.  

These payments can be made through the Skoolbag app or the Sutton School Website.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Fun around the School

Shapes with Kindergarten

Fun in 3/4D

Kitchen Garden



George M - for doing wonderful book work and beautiful colouring during literacy time!

Flint M - for writing multiple independent sentences during literacy time. Keep it up!


Charlie C - for his enthusiasm and participation in whole class writing. Keep it up!


Sophie K - for always having an excellent attitude towards learning!

Gus M - for always working hard and being on task!


Emma L - for creating a descriptive and eye-catching advertisement in English!

Sophia L - for outstanding effort and persistence with independent learning. Fantastic attitude too!


Henry R - for a great start at Sutton Public School!

Jackie M - for always displaying a positive attitude towards her learning!


Josh V-O - for always doing his best work and giving 100%!

Victoria W - for doing great work in maths long addition!


Zac L - for showing courage in all his school work!

Charlotte K - for displaying responsibility in all her school work!


Tahlia C - for working hard during home learning and class time!

Ella A - for working hard during home learning and class time!


Lizzie C - G - for using the PEEL technique in her persuasive writing!

Morgan M - for contributing great ideas to our migration discussions!


Izaak M - for contributing to class discussions during PD Health!

Challenge Accepted

We are pleased that so many Stage 2 students have accepted Mrs Doran's reading challenge and have been recording all the books they have been reading.  Details of the challenge can be found in the Year 3/4 Google clssroom for Library.

This week we are rewarding Blanaid IM and Sean B for their efforts.

Other Notices

Annual General Meeting of the Sutton Parent and Citizens Association

P&C AGM - Thursday 18th June.

AGM at 6:30pm. Followed by a General Meeting at 7:15pm. It will be another online meeting.

If you would like to take part, you will need to e-mail Johanna Bradley at to register your attendance.  Please watch for further information regarding meeting Agendas and voting procedures.

Following your email registering your intention to take part in the meeting you will be sent the Zoom meeting link just before the meeting starts.

All positions will be spilled. The positions are:

- President- Treasurer

- Secretary

- Vice Presidents (2)

- Canteen Coordinator

- Fundraising Coordinator

- Communication Coordinator

We look forward to your participation.  Please get in touch with Johanna if you would like further information regarding the P&C or any role descriptions.

Sutton P&C Photo Competition 2020

We’ve all been holed up at home too long. Now that we are allowed out again, it is time to show everyone the best of what you’ve found at your place! There are four categories and three themes, with great prizes including a peoples’ choice award. Here’s your chance to show off your 2020 vision!

Submit your photos here:

We look forward to seeing your entry.

Memorial Gates under repair

A sincere vote of thanks to Mr Alan McNeill of Sutton on his successful grant application to the New South Wales Government for assistance to maintain a war memorial.  The funds received have ensured a slipping marble plaque has been re positioned and secured (with thanks to Avalon Memorials).  Mr McNeill has coordinated this work and will also see to the repainting of the gates.

Our school gates commemorate the residents of Sutton who fought in both WW1 and WW2.  A dawn service is held in front of the gates each Anzac Day.  They are an important heritage sight within the village.