Dernancourt School R-7 Newsletter

29th August 2019


Book Week Celebrations


At Dernancourt we have celebrated Book Week in a number of ways this year, your child may have been involved in some or all of the activities offered this week including; the Book Week dress up day and parade; attending the whole school incursion, purchasing and /or selling raffle tickets; participating in a range of learning experiences and lunchtime activities including a treasure hunt in the library as well as enjoying reading the many wonderful shortlisted books.

This year we 'opened' Book Week  with the parade was held on Friday 16th August with the whole school gathering in the gym at 9.00am to showcase student costumes.  This year’s theme, "Reading is my Secret Power", was an exciting one that enabled students to use their imagination by choosing to come dressed as a favourite book character or something associated with their favourite book.

It was wonderful to see so many of our students participating in the celebration, working with their families to plan their costumes. We certainly appreciate and acknowledge the effort our families contribute to making this a successful celebration.              

To conclude our celebrations students attended the Book Week Incursion  - "Big Dreams"  on Friday 23rd August, the performance was a musical performance by Echelon Productions. Students were all engaged in the performance which was able to bring the books to life and celebrate the 2019 shortlisted books.

Thank you - Special thanks to our Book Week Committee  Sue, Emma, Steph B., Pam, George and Kellie for their team work and commitment towards ensuring another successful of Book Week.

SSO Week 26th-30th August 2019

At Dernancourt School R-7 our staff, including Principal, Deputy Principal, Teachers, School Services Officers, Aboriginal Community Education Officer, Bilingual School Services Officers and Grounds Persons, work together as a team to provide high quality education for students.

At our school we have 24 support staff supporting our classroom learning programs. Our classroom SSOs and BSSOs all work in collaboration with teachers to design and deliver learning support in the classrooms and the yard.  Support staff are a valuable part of our intervention programs. Admin SSOs ensure the effective and efficient running of our finance and front office, including our information technology.

Throughout this week, we have recognised and celebrated the work of our support staff. Each class has acknowledged and thanked our support staff in a variety of ways.

On behalf of our school community I would like to thank all of our hard working and dedicated support staff for their  positive contribution to the lives of our learners.

More friendly faces

Special Dernancourt welcome to our new staff Emma Clayton, Kaylah Saint and Deahne Kontopoulos.  Deahne is replacing Steph Bell while she is on parenting leave and you can find our more about our new staff members in the next newsletter.

Open Night 2019

Open Night preparations are under way. Our classes have been busy discussing work they are proud of and what they would like community to see when they visit our school. Our annual Open Night is an opportunity for us to showcase the teaching and learning programs on offer at our school. This year Open Night will be held on Thursday 5th September from 6-7:30pm.  Families are welcome to walk through all areas and participate in a variety of learning activities and see examples of our students learning. Your children can teach you!  All learning spaces will be open and teachers will be available for general discussions and to answer questions about their year level or specialist learning area. 

We hope all our families will take this opportunity to see first hand, “what“ and “how” your child learns.

This  celebration of learning is open to all current and prospective families.  Please see the flyer below promoting some of the attractions. We look forward to sharing the range of learning opportunities offered at our school.

Please note that this is not the forum for questions or discussion about specific students.



We would like to announce that we have a special guest speaker, Fraser Keagan from Rite Bite doing a presentation at  our Governing Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th September @ 7pm. 

Our canteen is governed by Rite Bite and all products are sold within the Rite Bite guidelines.  If you would like to know more please attend our next GC meeting.


The Colour Run returns to Dernancourt School R-7 in Term 4!  Watch this space . . . more information will be in our next newsletter.


The following students have completed the Premier's Reading Challenge

 J7  Chayce, Bableen, Hujjat, Dominic, Connor, Corbin, Elise, Andre

P2  Mariah, Alice, Elisha, Savannah, Alana, Alex

P3  Jasper

P5  Riley    

P6  Elliott

P8  Jayden, Lucas, Ruby, Radhika, Tiana, Hamza, Daniel, Isabella, Pa, Grace, Taylor, Emma, Aadil, Jacob

P10  Maddie

P12  Domenic, Lachlan, Harper, Daniel, Brooke, Nguyet, Aleesha, Tyler, Sienna, Devina, Jacinta    

P14  Chris, Zarifa, Haydn, Alex, Sarah, Tyler, Eleanor, Chloe.W, Sarah, Isabella, Tamas, Joshua, Rimi, Ramsay



Congratulations to the following students who received an assembly award last Thursday.

J2 - Aria, J3 - Erin, J4 - Xinyao, J5 - Kaliah, J6 - Samson, J7 - Connor

P2 - Alana, P3 - Jamelson, P4 - Kimi, P5 - Sammy, P8 - Daniel, P10 - Maddie, P12 - Feroz, P14 - Alex


This week's Eco Warrior Awards go to Sarah (P5) Daniel (P6)

Well done!  Our next assembly is Thursday (Term 3 Week 9).  Please be seated by 2:00pm


Congratulations to our Book Week Raffle winners - Aarav (J6), Jamelson (P3) and Ethan (P6)


As the old Sports Day banners were still well loved but looking worn we recently purchased new Sports Day banners using the PE/Sports Day budget. Students are looking forward to using the new banners for the first time on Sports Day in 2020. P10 will proudly  be presenting the new banners at assembly in Week 9.


The crossing monitors for Term 3 are:  

WEEK 7   Reikaya, Dion P, Larissa, Rebekah 

WEEK 8  Ceridwen, Nitya, Dion.W, Liam 

WEEK 9   Teejay, Eliza, Jasmine, Brooke

WEEK 10  Jack, Daniel, Harper, Beth