Issue 1 Thursday 17 February 2022


Term Dates 2022

TERM 1Monday 31 January  -  Thursday 14 April
TERM 2Monday 2 May  -  Friday 8 July
TERM 3Monday 25 July  -  Friday 30 September
TERM 4Monday 17 October  -  Friday 16 December

From the Principal

Welcome to 2022

Well, we’re back! Thank goodness! It has been such a relief to welcome back all our students this week. I can imagine that parents and grandparents are especially relieved to have the children back at school. The teachers and SSOs are thrilled to be able to work in class with their students and to really get stuck into the learning. The students who were on-site during the first 8 days are excited to have their older siblings and classmates joining them at school. But the best bit was seeing the happy young faces as they came through the gates on Monday morning. It really is joyful to know that our children like being here and are happy at school.

I reflect back to May of 2020, when the newsletter welcomed everyone back from our first wave of COVID restrictions and online learning. That newsletter was full of praise for the adaptability and hard work of the teachers and gratitude for the support from our families. None of that has changed. What has changed is the rhetoric around ‘the new normal’. I think we’re all beyond that now! Now, we seem more able to ‘just be’; to accept the inconveniences and to find happiness despite them. Perhaps we’ve learnt from our students, who are often more resilient and flexible than we imagine.

 And here are those pesky inconveniences:

«  Parents are requested to continue to avoid coming onto school grounds – please drop-off and pick-up your children at the school gate.

«  Exceptions will be made for parents of new Receptions and if your child is upset. In these circumstances, you must:

-          Wear a mask

-          Maintain 1.5m distance from other adults

-          Use the QR code, if entering any buildings (avoid this if possible)

-          Leave promptly, please don’t linger to chat to other parents

«  Please reduce traffic in our Front Office by making appointments for purchasing uniforms, etc..

«  Children in Years 3-6 will be strongly encouraged to wear masks: we have child-sized surgical masks available.

«  Children will continue to wash their hands before eating. Hand sanitizer is also available in all classrooms.

«  Extra daily cleaning is continuing to occur.

«  Children need to be kept home if unwell, even if symptoms are very mild (this includes: runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, feeling tired, sometimes diarrhoea or vomiting and loss of taste or smell). A PCR test is recommended in such circumstances.

 Acquaintance Night

Our Acquaintance Night has been cancelled this year. In its place, all class teachers will be sending home a comprehensive class newsletter next week.

Governing Council AGM – Tuesday 8th March @ 6pm

All parents are invited to our AGM. This year the meeting will occur via Zoom: an invitation to join this meeting will be sent out on the Skoolbag app. 


Gail Holland

A Message From Your Governing Council

On behalf of the Greenock Primary School Governing Council, we welcome both new and returning families to the 2022 school year. Although the start of year was not what we expected, 2022 is set to be an exciting and busy year for the school community with a number of projects planned, including:

· External painting of the school Wellbeing Room

· Facelift of the gazebo - fundraised for by the SRC members of 2021.

· Increased opportunities for parent involvement and interactions, including working bees, coffee club and fundraising events.

· Continued internal work of the Wellbeing Room, including new furniture and paintjob

 As some of you may already have noticed, thanks to the generous donations from our local community, over the Christmas break we were able to replace the roof on the Wellbeing Room, a project that was well overdue. None of this would have been possible without the funds raised by the families at Greenock Primary. On behalf of the 2021 Governing Council, we would like to thank all who contributed.

The Governing Council is an integral part of the operation of Greenock Primary School. It provides a link between the school community and the school principal, staff and students.  We, as a team, aspire to make projects, such as those listed above, a reality.  

The Governing Council allows parents/carers to make a difference within our school community, and to the school lives of our children, by encouraging development and growth within the school.  We welcome and encourage parents and carers to become involved. This can be done by nominating for the 2022 Governing Council. 

The Governing Council meets 2 evenings per term and are involved in many of the “behind the scenes” coordination and running of projects. If you are interested in joining, please complete the nomination form that will be sent home with your child.

 Should you not be able to commit to the Governing Council this year, you can still contribute by becoming involved in “just one thing”. A letter outlining this will also be coming home with your child.

 We wish you and your child/children a safe and successful 2022 school year and look forward to “meeting” you at the AGM.

 On behalf of your Governing Council,

 Rebecca Koch & Courtney Mackie

School Routines and Procedures

Front Office Hours:

The school reception area is staffed  between 8:30am & 4:00pm (open term time only)

Contacting the school:

 You can contact the school by phone or email (details at the bottom of this newsletter).  On a day where there is only one staff member working in the office or if you call outside of school hours, the answering machine may be on.  Please leave your name, contact number and a short message with the reason for your call. If you ask for a call back, we will respond as soon as we are available to do so.  All messages are passed on to the relevant staff member.

* If you have any queries for staff whilst these current Covid resrtictions are in place, we ask that you use the above methods to contact the school rather than coming to the school in person.  Thank you.

Staff in the Front Office:

*Monday  -         Gail 

Tuesday  -         Liz (am) & Gail 

Wednesday  -   Mari & Gail

*Thursday  -        Mari

*Friday  -             Mari

Uniform Purchasing:

Uniforms can be purchased on Monday - Wednesday by appointment. Call the school office for an appointment time. Uniforms can not be purchased outside of these times. Payment is by EFT and uniforms will not be issued until payment is received.

Drop Off and Pick Up Times - Drive with caution:

Remain in your car and move off after your child has left or entered the car.  These are very busy times of the day and we ask for your cooperation so that our students and the school community  can safely come and go from school each day.  Remember to drive slowly. 


 School Supervision - Yard Duty:

Yard Duty begins at 8.30am each morning.  Please ensure children arrive after this time. Staff will be on duty until 3.30pm each afternoon and children will be supervised  within the JP playground area until they are picked up by their adult.  Please arrange to collect your  children at 3:10pm each afternoon and contact the school if you are going to be late.  If you are having difficulty with these times consider using the Before/After School Care, Happy Haven,  who are operating from Nuriootpa Primary School. Phone 81555444 to book or for more information.

Late arrivals and early departures:

If your child is late to school (ie: arrives after 8.50am), they will need to sign-in at the Front Office and take a yellow 'Late Arrival' card to their class teacher.  If you pick them up early for an appointment, you will need to sign-out your child at the Front Office and take a pink 'Early Departure' card to the class teacher.

Note: Please provide Front Office staff with a reason for either the late arrival or early departure: this is a department requirement and not meant to be intrusive.

 Student Exemptions:

If you are going on a family holiday during school time please inform your child’s class teacher and complete an Exemption Form at the Front Office.  All family holidays must be approved by the Principal and  applications should be forwarded to school at least 2 weeks before you travel.

Student Health:

It is recommended that healthcare plans and medication agreement forms be reviewed every 12 months.

This year we are asking you to update your child's healthcare plan & medication at the beginning of the school year so that your child is covered for the whole year.

Updating plans & medication at the beginning of each year  will be more convenient for parents, will ensure that your child is supported appropriately for their medical condition and will reduce administration time for staff.

Asthma Care, Allergic Reaction plans and a Medication Agreement form is available on the Skoolbag App for parents to access and take to your doctor or you can ask at the Front Office.


Parents are reminded to complete the Permission/Consent eforms on the Skoolbag app and also the Student Personal Information update forms for each child that were sent home on Monday with the oldest child in the family.



Reception Class Report

So far this year, the Reception class have been up to quite a lot – apart from just getting used to school and school routines. There have been some very big changes in the lives of these little people. And they have adapted to those changes so very well. We have started learning our letters using Jolly Phonics. We have only learnt six so far and we already can sound and blend some words. We have been using Heggerty to practice listening to sounds and making them with our mouths, as well as some “Mouth-letics” each day. We are learning about books and how authors create books and started making our own. We have even learnt the three ways to read a book – read the words, read the pictures or read the words and pictures together. In maths we’ve been looking at numbers and counting and making sure to count carefully so nothing gets missed out. We have started looking at shapes and patterns, too. As well as sorting things into different categories. We are using the Kimochis to learn about emotions and how to handle them. We have met Lovey-Dove, Cloud and Huggtopus so far. They have been really good at helping us learn how to recognise feelings in ourselves and others. For science we have started learning about plants and what they need to grow and stay healthy. In HASS we’ve discussed our families and even drew a simple family tree. And in art we have started to look at colours and how to mix and blend them to create new colours. All of this in only a couple of weeks! Well done to all the new Receptions and their families for getting through these first few weeks – it hasn’t been easy, but the hardest part is over.

Adam Claridge

See what's Happening in the Reception Class

Cooking with Miss Richardson

Caring for our new chicks

Nettie's Natter

Feb 2022

Welcome back everyone,

An interesting start to the year but we’re here! Yay!

Let me first mention that whenever I say or write ‘welcome back’, it reminds me of the theme song for the show “Welcome back Kotter” from way back in the 70’s – oh dear, now I’m showing my age!!! What can I say except, it was a great show and the song was and obviously is so ‘catchy’.

It’s interesting that some things stick with us so that when we see, hear or smell something, a memory (or memories) come flooding back and we either become daunted by how many years ago that memory was or it puts a smile on our face. Sometimes unfortunately though, the memory or memories may not be the ones you want to remember but the ‘trigger’ happens and there they are.

We look back now over the last couple of years and I’m sure that like me, you’re hoping that not only will this year be the start of the end of ‘Covid’, but that our memories will focus on the good stuff and how we all worked so hard to respect each other following the recommendations; how the staff here worked tirelessly to keep educating our students and that smiles, laughter and kindness got us through.

Yes, ‘welcome back’. This is going to be a great year. Let’s plan to focus on the good not the negative, the fun not the frustrations and with whatever challenges we come across we face them head on with confidence, faith and hope.

Until our next natter, stay safe and stay positive.



Greenock Primary School Calendar Term 1, 2022