Old Bar Public School Newsletter

Term 3 Week 8 2020

Principal's Report

I’m sharing this important information as a matter of urgency.


Dear Parents and Carers,

Schools have been informed by the Australian Government’s eSafety Commissioner of distressing reports about a video of a very graphic suicide circulating on social media platforms. The eSafety Commissioner is working with social media companies to contain and monitor the situation. The advice to schools is for staff to not raise this with students as it may draw undue attention to the issue and cause unnecessary worry or distress and increase exposure. However, we believe it is important to inform our families about this situation and to advise parents and carers to consider limiting children’s use of social media at all times.

If your child has viewed this, please let the school know so that staff are aware and we can arrange time with our Wellbeing Team if needed.

Thank you.


I have shared many conversations recently with colleagues about the overt negative impact social media and gaming is having on the lives of some students and families. It is not uncommon to have students fall asleep in class when they have been up through the night on devices. We have also had students sending emails at midnight! The long term effect of inappropriate and overuse of technology cannot be underestimated. We are really in uncharted waters here. I appeal to all parents to be vigilant and to carefully monitor internet use in the home.

Unfortunately, our well-tuned Kindergarten orientation and transition program is unable to go ahead as usual due to the continuing restrictions imposed on schools. The wonderful kindergarten team, led by Ashlie Biega and Frith Miller are being innovative and creating all manner of adjustments to give our beginning students the best opportunities to feel comfortable in their new environment. Buddies have been allocated and there will be a welcome video shortly to share with new and returning families. We want all our little ones to feel a strong connection to their school by the time they walk through the doors next year. Stay tuned and walk the walk with us!

I have some exciting news to share with our school community. Recently, we advertised a classroom teaching position at Old Bar School effective from 2021. The successful applicant, based on a merit selection, is Megan Muller. Ms Muller is currently a relieving Assistant Principal at Wingham Brush PS. We are so looking forward to welcoming Ms Muller into our school family with her wealth of expertise and her proven dedication to quality education.  

The annual Tell Them From Me parent survey is now ‘live.’ (You will be able to access it from the link provided in this newsletter.) Please take 10 -15 minutes to complete the survey and provide us with important feedback on our performance. The survey is anonymous and we really value your honesty. Your responses are taken seriously and where possible – it is always possible! – we will endeavour to address your concerns and improve the way we do things. There are just 100 surveys available, so don’t miss out - get on and do it now!


Deborah Scanes

Koala Fundraiser

The SRC committee recently sold koala clips to raise funds for 'Port Macquarie Koala Hospital' and 'Adopt a Koala'. They have raised $1000.00.

Students have also been creating Australian animal art as part of their fundraiser. The artwork will be on sale for $3.

If you would like to purchase your child's artwork please send in $3 with your child in week 10.

What have our teachers been up to?

Our wonderful teachers have had some big afternoons together recently. They have been continuing on with their professional learning on Visible Learning. They have been examining how to create effective learning intentions and success criteria for our learners.  They have also been learning about Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) Taxonomy. Students learn material in a developmentally complex way. The theory is that children move from knowing that….. to knowing how….. and as they learn new concepts they move from surface to deep to conceptual understanding where they are able to generalise and apply their understanding to different contexts.  Our teachers are an amazing bunch and through their professional learning continually strive to be the best teachers they can for our little learners. 

We are all lifelong learners

Our School Canteen

Community Notices

Health and Safety at School.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2021

Please collect enrolment forms from the front office or online at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/going-to-a-public-school/enrolment/primary-school-enrolment#Kindergarten2

**Please ensure original copies of supporting documents are presented on or before enrolment.**

Compulsory School Attendance

Reminder for parents and carers that attendance for school is compulsory for your child under The Education Act 1990.

Please see download below for helpful and important information on behalf of NSW Department of Education and Communities.
