Normanhurst Public School

Term 4, Week 4 - 1 November, 2022

Normanhurst Public School Vision Statement

Normanhurst Public School is an inclusive and collaborative community dedicated to meeting student needs. We seek to prepare our students to adapt and thrive in a dynamic society by providing diverse and innovative experiences.

Acknowledgement of Country - Normanhurst PS

Let us remember, beneath the soles of our feet and the concrete of our school, lies the land that is, was and always will be a part of the Eora Nation. As we meet here at Normanhurst, we acknowledge elders past and present. Together, we recognise the footprints of those who have come before us and the unique role of Aboriginal people in the life of this region.

The weeks ahead

Term 4 

Week 4

Friday 4 October - NPS Showcase 9:15am 

Week 5 

Tuesday 8 November- Kindergarten Transition session 1

Week 6

Monday 14 -16 November  - School Leaders at CCA Conference

Tuesday 15 November - Kindergarten Transition session 2

Wednesday 16 November - CCA Multicultural Lunch at NPS

Week 7

Monday 21 November - Surf Education Year 6

Tuesday 22 November - Kindergarten Transition Day - Session 3


Principal's Message

Dear Parents

Thank you to the P&C for providing the staff with a special lunch for World Teacher's Day last Friday. The teachers felt appreciated and acknowledged.

Last night was the P&C AGM and the P&C's last meeting of the year. Congratulations to the new Committee that was voted in last night. 


~ P&C President - Bonita Chan 

~ Vice President - Andrew Veldon 

~ Vice President 2 - Emma Jane Anderson 

~ Treasurer - VACANT/still to be filled

~ Secretary - Brooke Lennox 


~ Band President - Leah Manwaring 

~ Building Fund Co-ordinator - Ian Air 

~ Canteen Convenor - TBC

~ Class Parent Co-ordinator - Alex Robertson 

~ Fundraising Co-ordinator - Eve Quigley 

~ Grounds Co-ordinator - Ian Air 

~ Uniform Shop Convenor - Amelia Sharpham 

Thank you to the parents who volunteered for another year and to the newly elected members. The staff and I look forward to working with you.

Welcome Kindergarten 2023

Next week we welcome Kindergarten 2023 and their parents to NPS. All students enrolled for Kindergarten 2023 will have information on these days already. If you are looking to send your child to Kindergarten and have not completed an enrolment form, please do so before Tuesday 8 November.

Tell Them From Me

A reminder that the Tell Them From Me survey closes at the end of this week on Friday 4 November. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary but your responses are very much appreciated. To complete the survey, please click on this link:

Planning for 2023 is well underway. 

If families are not returning in 2023, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible. Please email the school office.  Staffing and classes for 2023 are based on student enrolment.

In the coming weeks, we will start the process of forming our 2023 classes. At this time of year, our staff are regularly asked that special consideration be given to student class placement for the following year. Our staff have a very good knowledge of our student's needs and do a very good job of forming classes to meet the needs of all the students. All our classes are mixed ability and cater to the wide range of needs among the students.

If you feel that you have extenuating circumstances that require a parent request and these are not already known by your child’s teacher, please put your request in an email to the Principal no later than Friday 18 November.  Please note that requests for specific teachers or friendship groups will not be considered.

A few gentle reminders

School starts at 8:55am, it is important that your children are at school by 8:55am or as close to the bell as possible. 

Please do not walk across the car park when dropping off or collecting children from NOOSH. The children know the car park is out of bounds. The children's safety is our priority.

Have a good week.

Warm regards

Jacqui Gordon

Term 4 Calendar

Road Safety - Term 4

PBL of the Week - Stop, Think, Act

Please share the news within the Community...Enrolments are OPEN!

GOT IT - Tips for Staying on Track

Merit Awards Assembly - Well done to everyone!

School Concert 2022 - 'Australiana'

Friday 4 November - Everyone to be seated under the Cola at 9:15am

  • Please bring a rug or a pillow to sit on the ground to watch the performances.  Dances will be finished by morning tea time, around 11am.
  • Dance Group - to wear their dance outfits.
  • Wear sports uniform - you will be dancing in your sports uniform.
  • Band will also be performing during the morning.

Year 6 Mini Fete - White Elephant Stall

With the Year 6 Mini Fete coming up later in the term we are seeking donations for the White Elephant stall. Please have a look for any toys, games, books etc. that you no longer need and may like to donate. Any items you wish to donate to the White Elephant stall can be sent to Ms Moore (6M) by Friday 25 November. All profits from the White Elephant Stall go towards the Year 6 gift to the school. Thank you for your support.

For the Love of Reading - Leaderboard!

'For the Love of Reading'

“Keep reading. It’s one of the most marvellous adventures that anyone can have.” – Lloyd Alexander

We are off to a roaring start with our reading this term. We are already beating our figures from this time last term. So far, we have read 1753 hours in 2 weeks.

A truly sensational effort from all our students. Keep up the amazing reading. Every minute counts as classes are very close to each other. Check out the K-2 and 3-6 Leaderboards:

K-2 Leaderboard:

1st – 2/3H

2nd – 1N

3rd – 1W

3-6 Leaderboard:

1st – 4D

2nd – 4T

3rd – 6M

Well done to all classes and students. Keep up the great work NPS!

Peer Support

This week in Peer Support…

The focus is on step 2 of the model, Plan. In Peer Support, students learn the need to develop a range of coping strategies and be creative in drawing on these when planning responses. Responses include persevering, seeing the positive side to situations and engaging in activities they enjoy as a distraction for a short time.

During the week we encourage you to…

Encourage your child to talk with you about strategies they could use as difficulties arise.

Next week in Peer Support…

We will further develop the range of strategies we can use in challenging situations. This session will focus on step 3 of the model. Proceed. In order to learn from situations and move forward, students need to go beyond thinking of strategies and action them. Students will recognise that despite the use of a range of strategies, sometimes they cannot change the situation. At these times, it is important to accept the situation and move forward with a positive outlook.

During the next week we encourage you to…

Encourage your child to follow through with the strategies they have discussed and planned to use. It is important to then help them evaluate if this has worked or if they need to try a different strategy.

Peer Reading Tutors

The Peer Tutor Reading program is working well in the library every morning starting from 8:30am. Stage 3 students are working really well with the K-2 students to help them improve their reading. They have also shown initiative with the program and are developing their leadership skills.The program will wrap uo at the end of Week 8 Term 4.

Peer Reading Tutors

'Stellarphant' - poster by Zara in 5F

Zara in 5F created a poster for the library promoting the CBCA Honour Book 'Stellarphant' by James Foley!  

What an amazing picture she created! 

Ducklings - Hatch n Grow!

Kindergarten have been enjoying the ‘Hatch n Grow’ program over the last week experiencing first hand little ducklings hatch from their eggs in a little incubator. We received twelve eggs on the first day and by day 4 we had the privilege of eight little ducklings join us in the classroom. Kindergarten have had the pleasure in watching them grow, cuddle, eat, play and swim. 

Duckling photos!

Thomas Vedris at the state athletics!!

Well done to our basketball team - who competed in the NSW PSSA State Basketball Knockout Finals!

Order Form

Hornsby North Band Festival!

NPS Band Update

Registrations for next year.   Training band: if your child wishes to learn music and participant in band next year, please register using the portal by Friday 4th November:

  • Concert band: please watch your emails for a google form to register your child's intention to continue next year.  AGM Last week at our AGM, the following Committee positions were recruited to:

    President Leah Manwaring 

    Treasurer Elana Zunica 

    Secretary Mamata Hadiardja,

    Camp Coordinator Leah Manwaring

    Instrument Coordination Claire Esgate 

    Position: Roster Coordinator Savita Stebbing

    Position: Music Librarian Ingrid Naden

    Communications Coordinator Kate Tiedt

    Thank you everyone for your support.

    Hornsby North Bands Festival

    On Sunday, both Training and Concert Bands performed at the Hornsby North Bands Festival. We were delighted with some great performances and we wait with anticipation for the adjudicators' comments.

    Band fundraiser - Billy G's Cookie Dough

    This term, NPS Bands are fundraising for new band uniforms and instrument upgrades. We are undertaking this by selling Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough. There are 10 delicious flavours, so there's sure to be one (or more!) flavour that your family cannot resist! Why not buy some to make and bake for family and friends as Christmas presents?

     Billy G’s is a completely cashless fundraiser.  All orders must be placed online and paid by credit card, so make sure you create your online fundraising page at today!

    • How do we create a Fundraising Page? Creating a fundraising page is easy!
      Visit and click the “Cookie Dough Login” button on the home page.
    • Then click the register button to fundraise on the cybersafe, Billy G’s Cookie Dough platform.
      Choose your goals and create a unique avatar.
      Place your order using the “Order Now” button and share your fundraising page with your family and friends via the “Share” section so they can start buying some yummy cookie dough. Easy!


    Kind regards,
    Leah Manwaring
    NPS Bands

P & C News

World Teachers Day - Friday 28 October 2022

Last Friday was World Teachers Day which is when we recognize the enormous efforts Teachers and Educators put in for our children and students. At NPS we renamed it Staff Appreciation Day to also include the office staff, aides and carers who also work within the school community. To show our appreciation, the P&C arranged an on-site luncheon catered from Charcoal Charlie’s in Wahroonga and they enjoyed this last Friday at lunchtime.

We hope you enjoyed the lunch treat and wish you all a HAPPY WORLD TEACHERS DAY 2022!!

Anna Cavill and STONE Real Estate - Passive Fundraising opportunity

Thinking of selling?? I would like to remind parents and carers that if you are thinking of selling your home, please consider Anna Cavill and mention that you are a part of the Normanhurst Public School community. If you successfully sell your home through her Anna will generously donate $5000 to the P&C as a fundraising bonus.

Anna Cavill is an excellent real estate agent and has won numerous industry awards for her professionalism and sales results in our local area. Please do not be shy. This is a genuine offer, but it must be divulged upfront to the agent. We have sadly missed some opportunities so I thought I might remind home-owners at NPS, that you can assist us and benefit our school in an easy and passive way, when it is relevant to you of course. :)

Social and informal P&C meeting

Some of us parents met for an informal and “social” meeting on Wednesday the 19th October at the Blue Gum Hotel. We appreciate all of you who came along, it is so refreshing to meet parents (not on Zoom) but in-person and discuss exciting projects coming up and help us make some informed decisions.

General P&C Meeting and AGM

This was held on Monday night - 31 October - where the new P&C Team was voted in for 2023 (the financial year runs Oct to Sept). At the AGM all positions were vacated and up for re-election or new nominees put forward. Please see Skoolbag and our next Newsletter for the official results!

The P&C Committee positions to be filled were:

OFFICEBEARERS (4-5 positions):

~ P&C President

~ Vice President (up to 2)

~ Treasurer

~ Secretary

COMMITTEE (5-7 positions):

~ Band President

~ Fundraising / Social Co-ordinator

~ Building Fund Co-ordinator

~ Grounds Co-ordinator

~ Canteen Convenor

~ Uniform Shop Convenor

~ Class Parent Co-ordinator

Joining or renewing P&C Membership fees - please pay $2 fee

Name: Normanhurst Public School P&C Assn
BSB: 032-084
Account: 691 588 Reference:
{Full Name} and PC Fee

Bonita Chan
NPS P&C Association President

Uniform Shop News

Year 2 swim caps for sale!

Swimming lessons will be taking place for Year 2’s this term. We have plenty of swim caps available in house colours - red, blue, green and yellow. Only $7.00! Order online today -

Volunteers needed for Kindy Transition Days - Tuesday 15th and 22nd November!

Can you spare an hour or two on either Tuesday 15th or 22nd to help me fit our Kindy 2023 starters in their school uniforms? Please sign up at or email me at I’d love your help!

I’m also in need of help on Friday mornings to pack orders and organise our pre-loved donations. Please sign up at Any time you can offer is welcomed!

Summer uniform orders and appointments

If you would like to try on summer items for size or access the pre-loved clothing pool, please book an appointment to visit the Uniform Shop on a Friday morning at -

If you know what size you need, please place an order via our online shop at - Orders are delivered to your child’s classroom on Friday each week.

Any questions? Please email me at if you have any questions or can’t find what you are looking for on our online shop.

Kristie Whitehead

Uniform Shop Manager

Canteen News

A huge thankyou to the parents who gave time to help on Pancake Day: Zanny, Kerri, Angela, Kristie, Cat and Kelly. I couldn’t have collected and packed the almost 250 orders without you !

We are still experiencing some supply shortages, please be understanding if we need to offer your child a subsitute on an item ordered.

Volunteer Roster is available on School24, please see if you can spare an hour or more to assist in the canteen. Tasks are easy and fun and the children love to have them serving you. We run much more smoothly when we have some volunteer help.

Any questions please email

Lisa Pang
Canteen Manager

Lost Property

Please pop up and check if we have your children's lost property, we do our best to return lost property.

Please ensure that all your items are labelled with both their first and last name clearly - otherwise it won't find it's way back home!   

Thank you! 

Office Staff

Pymble store The Uniform Exchange - Year 6 Parents

Sue from the Uniform Exchanged reached out to us, see her message below! 

We are eager to help your Year 6 parents by letting them know where they can find good quality, second hand uniforms for many North Shore High schools.

The Uniform Exchange in Pymble was created to help support parents financially and to encourage environmental sustainability.  This is achieved by selling preloved uniforms and text books for people within the school community.   The shop is open 6 days a week throughout the year, and we have over 13,000 quality second hand uniforms and text books in store, which cater to:

Abbotsleigh  -  Brigidine College  -  Barker  -  Knox  -  Loreto Normanhurst  -  NBCS  -  Pymble Ladies College  -  Ravenswood   -  Roseville College  -  St Leos  - The Kings School

The Uniform Exchange is dedicated to sustainability.  Our zero waste policy means we have saved over a quarter of a million uniforms and books from landfill, and benefitted underprivileged children in Africa, PNG, Cambodia, Fiji, Tonga and Vietnam.

Thank you for your help in forwarding our details to your Year 6 parents.

Ph: 9988 3374

1/993 Pacific Highway, Pymble
(just opposite Pymble Train Station)

School Travel

Hornsby Chinese Language & Culture School

Normanhurst Public School

Normanhurst Public School offers a caring, happy and safe educational environment for all children.