Dear Parents
Thank you to the P&C for providing the staff with a special lunch for World Teacher's Day last Friday. The teachers felt appreciated and acknowledged.
Last night was the P&C AGM and the P&C's last meeting of the year. Congratulations to the new Committee that was voted in last night.
~ P&C President - Bonita Chan
~ Vice President - Andrew Veldon
~ Vice President 2 - Emma Jane Anderson
~ Treasurer - VACANT/still to be filled
~ Secretary - Brooke Lennox
~ Band President - Leah Manwaring
~ Building Fund Co-ordinator - Ian Air
~ Canteen Convenor - TBC
~ Class Parent Co-ordinator - Alex Robertson
~ Fundraising Co-ordinator - Eve Quigley
~ Grounds Co-ordinator - Ian Air
~ Uniform Shop Convenor - Amelia Sharpham
Thank you to the parents who volunteered for another year and to the newly elected members. The staff and I look forward to working with you.
Welcome Kindergarten 2023
Next week we welcome Kindergarten 2023 and their parents to NPS. All students enrolled for Kindergarten 2023 will have information on these days already. If you are looking to send your child to Kindergarten and have not completed an enrolment form, please do so before Tuesday 8 November.
Tell Them From Me
A reminder that the Tell Them From Me survey closes at the end of this week on Friday 4 November. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary but your responses are very much appreciated. To complete the survey, please click on this link:
Planning for 2023 is well underway.
If families are not returning in 2023, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible. Please email the school office. Staffing and classes for 2023 are based on student enrolment.
In the coming weeks, we will start the process of forming our 2023 classes. At this time of year, our staff are regularly asked that special consideration be given to student class placement for the following year. Our staff have a very good knowledge of our student's needs and do a very good job of forming classes to meet the needs of all the students. All our classes are mixed ability and cater to the wide range of needs among the students.
If you feel that you have extenuating circumstances that require a parent request and these are not already known by your child’s teacher, please put your request in an email to the Principal no later than Friday 18 November. Please note that requests for specific teachers or friendship groups will not be considered.
A few gentle reminders
School starts at 8:55am, it is important that your children are at school by 8:55am or as close to the bell as possible.
Please do not walk across the car park when dropping off or collecting children from NOOSH. The children know the car park is out of bounds. The children's safety is our priority.
Have a good week.
Warm regards
Jacqui Gordon