St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wandal Newsletter

1 February 2023

From the Principal

Wandering around the school is a pleasure at any time of the day. In the morning students are happily catching up with their friends, and the many parents and grandparents that come onsite are chatting with other families or teachers and staff. In the afternoons, many people are catching up while waiting for pick up, ducking into classes for a check-in and letting the children have a final play before heading off for the day. With most of the impact of COVID-19 behind us, I invite families to rejoin our community and come in before school, for Monday and Friday assemblies, after school and all other events. We would like to work in partnership with families to create a safe school that celebrates the whole child, including their spiritual, social/emotional, cultural, cognitive, and physical development. We want you to come through the gates and be with us on the learning journey.

Looking forward to catching up inside the gates in the near future

Bernadette Brennan

2023 Movie Night

From the Assistant to the Principal: Religious Education (APRE)

Prayer Reflection

Catholic Social Teaching

All classes have been learning about the Catholic Social Teachings, which guides moral decision making. The Catholic Church believes we have the responsibility to participate in society and to promote the common good, especially for the poor and vulnerable. But what does that mean for us here in our school community? 

We discussed the word ‘social’ in conjunction with the knowledge that these teachings were established to improve the lives of the entire community. We then narrowed this down to our classroom community, to help make these teachings a lived reality or practice.   One of our school goals is, to represent an understanding of the Catholic Social Teaching Principles in symbolic ways that are personally meaningful and relevant to each class.  


To learn more about the Catholic Social Teachings ask your child about their classroom covenants or click here

Scroll through the photos to see some of the Classroom Covenants

Term 1 Prayer Reflection

Week 3Year 4 Gold Prayer ReflectionFriday 10 February
Week 4No Assembly - Pupil Free DayFriday 17 February
Week 5Year 5 White Ash WednesdayWednesday 22 February
Week 6 Year 2 White Lent FocusFriday 3 March
Week 7Year 1 White Prayer ReflectionFriday 10 March
Week 8Year 3 White Prayer ReflectionFriday 17 March
Week 9Year 2 Gold St Joseph Feast DayMonday 20 March
Week 10Holy Week - All ClassesDate to be advised

Thought of the Week

Parish Newsletter

From the Assistant Principal Curriculum - APC

Quick Guides: Overviews of learning in each stage of school



Rockhampton District Trials