Edgeworth Heights Public School

Term 3 Week 1

What's inside this issue

WelcomeStaffingCOVID-19 Restrictions
SRC PJ DayPBL Reward Day  + Green & Gold DayUniform Shop

Upcoming Events

July 23rd - SRC PJ Day

July 26th - Education Week

July 30th - PBL Movie Reward Day + Olympics Green & Gold Day

August 27th - Book Week Parade


Welcome back everyone for the start of another school term at Edgeworth Heights Public School. It was so good to see all our students on-site, ready for learning last week and we are extremely grateful that we can continue to teach face to face.  Although it is still very disappointing that there are once again restrictions for parents and carers entering school sites and we ask for your complete cooperation in upholding these safety measures. It is also disappointing to inform you that many of the activities planned for this term are at this stage postponed. With the growing Covid-19 case numbers within the state, we are highly aware of the possibility of a potential lockdown in our local government area and/or the likelihood that we will once again return to learning from home. To help us prepare, in case we need to revert to At Home Learning, keep an eye out for our Survey via text message this week, which will provide valuable information about our access to technology. If you are not currently subscribing to our free Skoolbag app I encourage you to do so as this will keep you up to date in this climate of constant change. 


Many of you would already be aware of the changes to staff that have taken place during the break.  Mrs Duncan is on leave for the term and Jo Connolly is relieving Principal. Miss Radford will remain as the Stage 3 AP. Mrs Williams, who we welcome back from maternity leave will be taking several classes K-6. We also had to say ‘au revoir’ to Ms Gadowsky who has gone on maternity leave. Ms Davis will be taking 5/6G and working closely with the Stage 3 team. Our school counsellor Cathie Turk is on leave for the term, and we welcome Ms McCartney to our team. We are also very fortunate to have 3 pre-service teachers working in our school alongside Mr Frizell, Mrs Randall and Mrs Edwards.

COVID-19 Restrictions

A reminder that students should not attend school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19. Any person with any COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home and should not return until they have received a negative test result and are symptom-free.

Non-essential visitors including parents and carers are not permitted in schools. At this stage, some visitors are permitted in schools based on the program they deliver, and we are fortunate to be able to continue with our Sport in Schools program as well as our Occupational Therapy program.

All staff and essential visitors to school sites, must sign-in using the school's QR Code prior to entering the site as well as sign-in at the office as a visitor. 

 Parents and carers are unable to enter school grounds for drop-off and pick-up. Whilst waiting to collect children from school outside of the school gates, please physically distance from others. It is recommended that you wear a face mask and if possible remain in the car and wait for your children come to you, although we understand with our younger students that this may not be appropriate.


Council rangers have brought to our attention that some parents are double parking while waiting to collect their children and, in some instances, blocking neighbouring driveways. In the interest of everyone's safety, please park in designated areas. 


Last Tuesday evening, we met with our dedicated P&C team, where we discussed kinder orientation, uniform changes, canteen changes, at home learning options (if needed) and upcoming school events such as the end of year celebrations for Year 6. We were given an update on recent fundraisers and discussed future events. Our P&C play an integral role in helping staff to provide the best education possible for our students. Staff and Parents meet the second Tuesday of every month 6-7pm. Our next meeting is Tuesday 10th August  and it would be great if you could join us. 

Canteen Closed

Thank you to our P&C for running our Canteen. It requires great organisation and relies on families giving up their own time to serve our kids. We are currently in negotiations with a new canteen manager so until this is finalised our Canteen will be closed. 

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Our SRC will be holding a fundraiser this Friday, 23rd July. Everyone is encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school and bring a gold coin donation. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear.

PBL Reward: Green and Gold Day

It is wonderful to report that the students of EHPS have once again filled our 'Saltie' barrel and earned a whole school PBL reward. The reward will be a movie. To comply with COVID-19 recommendations students will watch in Stage groups. Students will be given a packet of chips and a drink to enjoy while watching the movie. The date planned coincides with 'Green & Gold Day' an Australian government initiative to support the Australian Olympic Team. So we are encouraging everyone to wear green & gold on Friday 30th July. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear

Uniform Shop

We are currently in the process of receiving sample uniform designs from several vendors for our new school uniform. Thank you to everyone who completed our uniform survey last month, we appreciate your feedback. Our current uniform shop will continue to run until our new uniform vendor is selected. It is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays 2:30-3:30.