Swimming Lessons: the first 8 Wednesdays of Term 4 (NO Carnival this year because of COVID restrictions)
Prep Opening Morning: Tuesday 3rd November, 9.30am to 11am in the school Library (parents) and Prep/ Year 1 classroom (pre-Preppies)
Currumbin Camp (Years 3- 6 inclusive): departing from school on Monday 30th November, returning to school on Wednesday 2nd December
Prep Transition Day (one date only this year): Tuesday 1st December, 9.30am to 11am in the Prep/ Year 1 classroom.
Year 6 Graduation: Friday 4th December, 4.30pm to 6.00pm at the Blenheim Public Hall (NO Disco this year because of COVID restrictions)
Formal Assembly (instead of End of Year Concert): Tuesday 8th December (time TBC during the day), Blenheim SS upper deck. Unfortunately, parents will not be able to physically attend, however, other platforms are being sought.
Semester 2 Reports publication: Tuesday 8th December (will be sent home with students)
End of Term 4: 3pm Wednesday 9th December
Term 1 2021 commences: Wednesday 27th January