Term 2 Newsletter 2019

Cecil Andrews College

Principal's Address

On 12 June 2019, it was announced that South Metropolitan TAFE in collaboration with Rio Tinto, will begin offering Certificate II courses in automation to students at Cecil Andrews College.  These courses will commence from Semester 2, 2019 and they are the first of such nationally recognised qualifications available in Australia.  Cecil Andrews College was one of only three Perth schools selected by Rio Tinto to benefit from a $2 million contribution to offer the courses to secondary students.  Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations will be delivered as a pilot VET for students and will enable them to take advantage of the opportunities automation is expected to deliver the WA economy in the coming decade.


Our School Ball was held on Friday 28 June 2019 at The Esplanade in Fremantle.  I was very proud of the students, who showed maturity and impeccable behaviour and are stars indeed.  They all looked fantastic, they danced and a great time was had by all.  Thank you to Mrs Jones, Ms Franklin and the Ball Committee who did an amazing job!


Our Upper School Football Team finished the competition undefeated, winning the East / South Fremantle District competition.  This took them through to the state quarter finals. Mr Ward and the team travelled to Pinjarra to verse the winner of the Peel District, Pinjarra SHS.  The team started slowly finding themselves behind by 10 points at half time. The students fought valiantly in the second half bringing them within 5 points with a few minutes remaining. Unfortunately, they fell just short losing by 6 points in a tough, physical match.  Mr Ward and I are extremely proud of the students and their efforts across the competition.  They often played with less players and recruited students from lower year levels to fill the void.  I look forward to our team performing strongly again in next year’s competition.

Recently our Performing Arts Dance Students showcased their talents as part of the Dance Alliance's performance - Nexus.  This was an opportunity to showcase the high quality performances and success of our Performing Arts flagship program.  The Dance Alliance consists of 4 schools that have come together to present dance at a very high standard.  This year we were invited to join the Dance Alliance and be a part of Nexus, along with Rossmoyne Senior High School, Shenton College and Balcatta Senior High School.  Mr Ghouse, our Specialist Dance Teacher, accompanied the students and said that they honestly deserved to share the stage with the students from those talented schools, and they did an amazing job.  Our students demonstrated professionalism, dedication, commitment and team work, and performed with energy, passion and enthusiasm. 

Mr Ghouse has received feedback that our students of all year levels “demonstrated great stage presence, tremendous energy and seamless flow in their dance routines. They looked fluid, thoroughly immersed in their performances and demonstrated dramatic engagement”.  Mr Ghouse and I could not be prouder! 


One of our Year 11 students, Georgia Butler, recently travelled to Canberra to play baseball in a national level competition against other states.  Georgia is a pitcher and Western Australia came 4th in the competition.  Well done Georgia!

The key behavioural expectations we developed, STARR, are Safe, Trustworthy, Achieving, Respectful and Resilient.  We encourage and expect our students to adhere to and demonstrate these expectations at all times and I am pleased to report that our older students in particular have been upholding these values and continue to help direct students into classes after breaks.

Our Year 12 students have only one term left!  Exams for Year 12 students commence in Week 9 of term 3 and there will be a Year 12 Breakfast to celebrate on Friday 27 September 2019.


Year 10 counselling will be held in Weeks 2 and 3 of Term 3.  These sessions are very important for your child’s future pathways and parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their students.

School Ball 2019


On Friday June 7, our Performing Arts Dance Students showcased their talents as part of the Dance Alliance's performance - Nexus.  The Dance Alliance has been together for quite a number of years and consists of 4 schools that have come together to present dance at a very high standard.  This year we were invited to join the Dance Alliance and be a part of Nexus, along with Rossmoyne SHS, Shenton College and Balcatta SHS.  I can honestly say, that our students deserved to share that stage with the students from those talented schools.  Our students demonstrated professionalism, dedication, commitment and team work, and performed with energy, passion and enthusiasm. 

The Year 7’s did a characterised Hip-Hop piece and all transformed into the most amazing collection of Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires and Demons. Their piece “Monsters” was greatly appreciated by all in attendance.

The Year 8’s addressed the issue of social acceptance in a theatrical contemporary piece.  Encouraging people to be proud of who they are and their individuality, and being there to support those friends who are struggling with their self-confidence.

The Year 9’s celebrated the party life in a Hip-Hop piece, and learnt to just have fun.  It was great to see so many of them actually smiling on stage and enjoying the performance.

The Year 10’s performed a very emotional contemporary piece about not letting the government and big corporates forget about all of us.  With a focus on the difficult topics of bullying, domestic violence, refugee in detention centres, and so many people losing their jobs due to corporate cuts, I know for a fact that there were a few watering eyes in the audience.

The Year 11 & 12’s went old school Hip-Hop with an energetic lively piece that incorporated some tricky partnering work, Latin Salsa and one amazing dive roll that all received rapturous applause from the audience.

We had a large turnout of parents, and also quite a few staff who came to see the show and support the students.  To those of you - THANK YOU.

Thank you to all the staff who supported or helped in any way.

Congratulations to all the Performing Arts Dance students for all your hard work.  You all did an amazing job, and I could not be prouder.


Mr Trevor Ghouse

Specialist Dance Teacher.

Student Services

Keeping Our School Community Safe

It is a priority at Cecil Andrews College that every member of our community feels safe and empowered to engage in a positive, stable learning environment. To ensure that we keep our school community safe we have aligned the school’s policies and expectations with the Department of Education policies and expectations. As such, abuse, harassment and intimidation of staff and students will not be tolerated. The Department of Education has developed a plan to support staff and students to create a safe learning environment that explained in the Minister’s Statement on School Violence – ‘Let’s Take a Stand Together’. This document can be found on the Department of Education website. The actions in the plan include students to be suspended who attack other students or start fights, Principals to automatically move to exclude students who physically attack school staff and ‘good standing’ requirements to be added to school behaviour policies.

Currently Cecil Andrews College is reviewing the behaviour policies of the school to align it with the Department of Education’s plan. Furthermore, a good standing policy is being created and will be available for review when the draft is finalised. Our current Bullying Policy and Positive Behaviour Support policies can be found on the Skoolbag App, Facebook and School website. Can you please take the time to discuss these policies and the new Department of Education plan with your child to ensure all members of our community have an understanding of behaviour expectations at Cecil Andrews College. Together we can ensure that our school community members feel safe and empowered to engage in a positive, safe learning environment.


The uniform of a Cecil Andrews College student is a symbol of membership of the School community.  It promotes a sense of pride and identification with the School. It assists students to develop a sense of unity and belonging.  Wearing a uniform encourages a sense of pride in appearance. This Uniform and Dress Code applies at all times when students are required to wear their school uniform before, during and after school - no exceptions. NO Denim NO Hoodies NO Leggings 

All students, parents and teachers have a role to play in uniform management.

·         STUDENTS—must be fully aware of the Uniform Code, Uniform Difficulties Procedure and sanctions which apply for a uniform digression.

·         PARENTS—must be fully aware of the Uniform Code, check students at home and respond to School communications.

·         STAFF—all School staff share co-responsibility to manage the Uniform and Dress Code.

 Thank you to all members of the school community who are assisting the school in upholding the dress code. As we head into Term Two it is a timely reminder that the cold weather is setting upon us. Please remember that there are no hoodies allowed at school. If a student has a jumper on it must be the school jumper of a blue jumper. Thank you once again for your support with the uniforms.

Nurses Corner

We have a defibrillator!!  With the hard work and support of the P&C, Armadale Police Rangers - in particular Ben Boekholt and a Lotterywest St John Heart Grant, it has been installed on the front wall of the entrance gates to the school.  What is amazing about this, is it is for both our school and public community use. It forms part of the Community First Aid Responder network. You can get more information about it here St John First Aid Responder App, and if interested YOU too can get involved.

The AMANDA YOUNG FOUNDATION came and presented to our year 10’s about Meningococcal Disease in May. They received information on how to spot signs of Meningococcal Disease and how to help prevent the spread of it. Talk to your Year Ten student about this, if they haven’t already told you what they learnt. They will have some interesting information to share. The vaccination for Meningococcal ACWY is offered for free to all 15-19 year olds.  **It’s not too late to get it at school, a consent form can be collected from Student Services; or if preferred you can go to your GP**. 

COLDS and ‘FLU season

It is cold and Flu season, again.  Influenza is highly contagious and best prevented by staying home when you have it, other helpful tips, from Health Direct on helping preventing the Flu include:

·         At home, keeping areas clean and tidy, wiping surfaces people with the flu touch with a cleaning cloth and detergent

·         Avoid sharing drinks, foods, lipsticks and toothbrushes

·         Wash your hands regularly

·         Cover your face when sneezing or coughing- cough or sneeze into your elbow instead of your hands,

·         Use tissues, and place them in the bin

VICKY  Community Nurse  (Available Mon, Wed, Thurs  9234 3416)

If you are unfortuate enough to catch the flu, here are some simple tips to help make you more comfortable:

  • Stay home until well
  • Rest
  • Mild Pain relief
  • Drink lots of liquids
    • Eat light food when hungry

    Breakfast Club

    Breakfast Club needs you…

    Our Breakfast Club runs every morning and helps ensure our students are ready to start the day with a good breakfast. It is free for students and we would gratefully accept any donations of suitable foods you may have an excess of, in particular we are looking for anyone who may have extra eggs from their chicken coop or excess fruit off the fruit tree?

     Perhaps you have a business that might be willing to support us with a regular donation?

    If you can help, please contact the school and ask to speak to the Nurse, Vicky (Mon, Wed, Thurs)


    Attendance Procedures

    Students Absent from school, Arriving Late and Leaving Early

     Students who are absent from school for an entire day must bring a note of explanation as soon as they return. This note should clearly state the student’s first name, surname, the date(s) and reason for the absence. Parents are requested to ring on 9234 3401 or send a SMS message 0408 099 112 to the school by 9.00am on the day of their child’s absence.

    All students late to school must report to the Student Services Centre with a note from parent/guardian, have their name recorded, receive a late note and go to class.

    Students needing to leave early

    ·         A note from a parent/guardian/caregiver is essential when a child is leaving school early to attend an appointment etc:

    ·         Report to Student Services prior to school or during recess/lunch time, have their name recorded and receive a Leave Pass

    ·         If a student is unwell they must report to Student Services where the attendance officer will contact home and arrange for the student to be collected.

    ·         Students should not contact parents directly on their mobile

    SMS Absentee Messaging

     Parents will be notified of daily absentees via SMS. Once a student has been registered absent from school an automated SMS message will be sent to the parent’s mobile, by 10.30am

     Holidays during term time

    Parents/Guardians who wish to take students out of school for the purpose of a family holiday are required to apply to Mrs Stella Jinman Principal in writing at least one month prior to the intended absence.

     The school strongly discourages parents from taking planned holidays during term time.




    Senior School Update

    1.    Focus for today: Please remind students attending the Ball that they MUST attend school for periods 1 and 2 on Friday 28th and then they sign out through Student Services or the Front Office. They will all have a copy of your names if you are attending.

    2.    Student Declaration and Permission: Thank you to all students who worked hard to complete these. Mr Morton is contacting the Department to ensure the last four students are also able to complete the Declaration. 

    Katelyn Cochrane

    Douglas Farmer

    Rhys Roemer-Hanisch

    Jerram Yarran


    3.    Students who still need to complete OLNA should, once again, be using the OLNAWA online practise we purchased for each student earlier in the year. All students have been given their Diagnostic Report to help them identify areas of work needed. Please support the students in their preparation.

    4.    Please see Mrs Jones with your licence if you wish to park at school. This is a privilege, not a right.

    5.    NO Senior Students are permitted to leave school grounds without WRITTEN Admin approval. 

    6.    Please abide by the Common Room Conditions of Use as agreed and signed. ALL students must be in full, correct school uniform. Please leave clean and ensure the last person out pulls the door shut.

    7.    All students planning on ATTENDING THE BALL, please continue to pay attention to::

        • Getting to school on time

        • Wearing correct school uniform

        • NOT skipping out on any classes, including Study Skills

        • Parking on the school campus WITH A PARKING PERMIT

        • Exiting the school parking bays IN A SAFE AND LEGAL MANNER

    NB: members of the public, police and parents see and report unsafe practices.


    8.    Rio Tinto Apprenticeships 2020

    Rio Tinto is holding an information session for Year 11 and 12 students who are interested in full time post school apprenticeships in 2020

    The four key trade areas include:

    •         electrical,
    •         automotive,
    •         heavy duty diesel mechanic and
    •         mechanical fitter


    Students will learn about Rio Tinto's Pilbara based operations, the lifestyle of a FIFO apprentice, day to day activities and the application process.

     General Apprenticeship Program Information Session

    Tuesday 2nd July 2019

    4.00 - 5.00pm,

    North Lake Senior Campus,


    188 Winterfold Road,



    Numbers are limited.  Please register your attendance by logging onto https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3VWDKTS

     Students are to see Mr Dimech if they are interested – applications closing soon. 

    9. Graduation 2019: Reference proformas have been handed out last term; this is essential for me and other staff to write Year 12 School references. Please see 1.    Mrs Jones if you have misplaced your paperwork. Return completed forms to Mrs Jones ASAP. You receive these references in your Graduation pack on Presentation Night. 

    10.    Photos required for Presentation Night – letters sent out last term. This was also mentioned in the School Newsletter that parents received.

    11.    Just eleven and a half weeks of formal schooling left! Work hard!

    Mrs Jones                                                    

    Year 12 Dean                                               

    Health & Physical Education.

    RAC bstreetsmart

    In Year 10 Health, students have been undertaking the Keys for Life pre-driver education program. Keys for Life is a comprehensive, national award winning, evidence-based pre-driver program that assists parents, schools and agencies to educate young people about safer road use and provides licencing benefits.


    As part of the pre-driver education program all Year 10 students were invited to attend the RAC bstreetsmart event on Thursday 4th April. RAC bstreetsmart features a crash scene re-enactment attended by the emergency services, just as it would occur at a real crash site. The students also have the opportunity to listen to speakers who have been directly impacted by road trauma and talk with emergency services personnel.

    Health and Physical Education

    Year 9 Lightning Carnival

    On the 9th May, it was our Year 9 students turn to represent the school. Students could choose from AFLX or Netball. The school was able to have two AFLX teams which finished 2nd and 4th and a Netball team that finished 1st. Well done to all students involved. 

    Year 7-12 Netball High Schools Cup Day Carnival

    Afterschool Sports

    We are currently well underway with our after school sports competitions with both the Lower and Upper School AFL competitions and the Intermediate Boys Soccer. All teams are currently doing well with some positioned to make the next stage of the competition. More details in next term’s newsletter.


    Netball Carnival

    On Tuesday nine Year 8 students participated in Netball at the Lightning carnival. The girls played 8 games and were undefeated all day.

    They represented the school in an admirable manner and were proud of their achievements. If you see any of the students around please congratulate them on a fabulous carnival.

    - Imogen Vudrag

    - Sienna Sharp

    - Kyla McNamara

    - Amelia Eades

    - Aria Kete

    - Ngawai Slade

    - Haylee Blurton

    - Manniah Davis

    - Paris Harvey 

    Please see the picture below of the girls with the championship flag.

    Certificate II in Business.

    Year 12 Class completing the Certificate II in Business.

    The Certificate II in Business Year 12 class would like to commemorate our communities’ contribution to protecting our nations. We would like to showcase photos of your family members who have served in the armed forces. We would like you to send in a picture of your loved ones with a short description including their name, when and where they served. These will be collated and made into a presentation to use at our next ANZAC service. Please send your photographs to the school library or by email to helen.samson@education.wa.edu.au by Friday 02 July 2019.

    Tyler Yappo - YAL Scholarship Presentation

    On the 1st of May 2019 I was privileged to be invited to and attend the Young Australia League’s J.J. “Boss” Simons Charitable Endowment Trust Scholarship Presentation. Young Australia League Ltd, known by many as simply YAL, has been helping support and shape the future of young people since it was first established in 1905. For over 110 years the YAL has been connecting young people, mentoring, and creating opportunities for them.

    The YAL together with the Owners of Dome Armadale and Kelmscott offered a scholarship/bursary worth a total of up to $6000 over 3 years ($2000 p/a) to a lower secondary student living in the City of Armadale and attending secondary school. Cecil Andrews College year 8 student Tyler Yappo is privileged to be the successful recipient of this scholarship and he was formally presented with his award at the presentation held in Perth on the 1st of May along with 4 other recipients.

    Funds from this scholarship have helped Tyler and his family to meet costs of schooling including tuition fees, uniforms, and sporting and recreation equipment.

    Written by Maree Lim


    STEM and Digital Technologies Teacher Development

    We are proud to be supporting teachers in developing their skills in STEM Projects and Digital Technologies with a team of dedicated staff led by Principal Mrs Jinman, Deputy for STEM Mr Morton, Head of technologies and Arts Mr Setzinger and Mr Townley - STEM Coordinator with Maths - Mr Maclean, Science Mrs Cockerill, Design and Technology Mr Evans, Digital Technologies Mr Bray, Arts Mr Young. The now more than 20 schools and teachers we are working with are in Metropolitan Area, Great Southern, Pilbara and Goldfields. 


    Whole school STEM Learning at CA College

    Teachers and students from all learning areas are developing learning projects which high light STEM skills and focus on the 5Cs of 21st Century Skills


    Two-Way STEAM

    Two-Way STEAM is our student centred and sustainable approach to STEM integrated Cross Curricular projects linked to community and industry. The two ways are students’ interests, talents and background and the WA Curriculum. Our students bring their gender, culture, interests, skills and beliefs to every lesson. We want to create projects which acknowledge who students are and make the curriculum relevant. STEAM brings Arts and Humanities together with STEM learning.




    STEM Projects


    Robotics is ongoing with students from years 7-12 competing in FIRST Robotics Competitions. Wilder Wolves FRC Travelled to Sydney in March to compete against teams from 11 countries and made us proud dealing with technical issues which resulted in low scores. Our students demonstrated great resilience and positivity and learned many future focussed skills. Wilder Wolves FTC and FLL are gearing up for competition in Semester 2 here in Perth.


    eSports has moved into STEM and students are regrouping for competition in Semester 2. eSports describes the world of competitive, organized video gaming. Competitors from different leagues or teams face off in the same games that are popular with at-home gamers: Fortnite, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Overwatch and Madden NFL, to name a few. These gamers are watched and followed by millions of fans all over the world, who attend live events or tune in on TV or online. Our goal is to give our students opportunities to use the 5Cs of @1st Century skills and their ICT knowledge in an activity they love.


    Mixed Reality in STEM - staff and student are working with a groud breaking 2D, #D, AR and VR presentation tool called www.vortals.app allowing them to use these mixed media to create learning and project sharing content.

    PBL in Work Studies Students in year 9 and 10 have been creating a variety of small enterprises providing the College Community with foods and services as the creators strengthen their Entrepreneurial and project management skills.


    The 10.1 Community Garden is a Two-Way STEAM project integrating HASS, English and STEAM learning. Our year 10s wanted to create a garden for the school to provide food, a peaceful environment and opportunity for students to learn new skills. The project includes Art Murals, a Documentary and the garden. The project has been carried out with contact with Nyoongar Elders Vivienne and Mort Hansen giving the students a greater insight into Aboriginal cultural perspectives on land, food and life and our gardener Imoegen who helped the students learn about food growing and horticulture.


    Year 9 STEAM

    Our year 9 STEAM Class is building an 80s Arcade Table using Raspberry Pi, D&T skills and Electronics.  

    Year 10 STEAM (AIT)

    Our year 10 STEAM class is developing a Community Feedback App called U-Say aimed at giving particularly students more opportunity to give the college feedback to improve. They are learning about Enterprise. These students will go on in Semester 2 to represent the College in the Just Start IT Entrepreneurs Competition. 

    Ex pupil Cecil Andrews Kaleisha Pilkington is the new Miss Kwobordok.

    Kaleisha Pilkington is still in awe of her peer group's decision to crown her Miss Kwobordok Perth in this years\'s Miss NAIDOC Perth Empowerment and Leadership program.

    The 28-year-old Seville Grove mother of six was bestowed the honour in front of people at a gala event last month to mark the end of the six-week program.

    Miss Pilkington said she had seen the  program advertised before and had known of women who had taken part in it previously, but she never thought of entering it herself.

    "This year I thought I had finally built up the confidence to do it," she said.

    "I had a lot of encouragement from my daughter and I felt like I had a lot to offer the program and I was in a position where they would have a lot to me offer me as well."

    Far more than a just a beauty pageant, the program is open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in Perth aged between 18 and 30 years old.

    It aims to develop the womens leadership potential and assist them to develop life skills by gaining self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Miss Pilkington is currently completing a nursing degree with Charles Darwin University in the hope of one day becoming a midwife.

    she Juggles life with her six children - 10-year-old, seven-year-old, five-year-old twins, a three-year-old and an eight-month-old, as well as working three days a week as a project officer.

    She said the six-week program seemed to slot in perfectly to her busy routine and it was an experience she would never forget.

    "We met every Tuesday evening at a workshop and there was also a sponsors' dinner, a photo shoot and a women's cultural day and the crowing night," she said.

    "That power of sisterhood was the best thing I got out of the program.

    "It sounds like so cliched but the girls blended so well... It's not often you get 14 young women together without any cattiness. 

    "It was amazing to see other Aboriginal women doing well."

    Miss Pilkington will own the title of Miss Kwsobordok (Miss Beautiful) Perth for the next 12 months and will be making a few appearances at various events including at this year's Perth  NAIDOC awards.

    Girls Academy

    Camp of Art & Culture

    The Academy recently took a trip to Geraldton for a Camp of Art & Culture. We were able to meet the new Geraldton Girls Academy and have lunch with some of their students, and see how their space is coming together. The girls bonded with the Challis Girls Academy s we shared dorms, camp activities such as mini golf, basketball and tennis. We visited the Geraldton Museum and Greenough Wildlife Park. This was a great experience for a few of the girls as they had never been to Geraldton before. We also visited the Bindiyarra Aboriginal Corporation and the Yamatji Art Gallery, the girls were lucky enough to have a Yamatji Elder read them a story in language. A geat week of bonding and becoming leaders amongst the younger girls from Challis Girls Academy. To end a great week both Challis and Cecil Andrews Girls Academy watched Aladdin at Orana Cinemas.

    Newman Future Presentation

    VET - WOW Day

    On the 9th of April, the school held its annual World of Work Day in which our Industry partners were present along with some local businesses and tertiary institutions. The following businesses and education providers were present

    ·         Austal/ Marine Industry School Pathways Program

    ·         Datacom

    ·         Deloitte

    ·         CIVMEC

    ·         THALES

    ·         HP

    ·         Engineers Australia

    ·         Rio Tinto

    ·         Defence Force

    ·         South Metro TAFE

    ·         Curtin University

    ·         University of Western Australia

    ·         Murdoch University

    ·         Edith Cowan University

    ·         Notre Dame University

    ·         Apprenticeship Support

    ·         Master Watchmaker Association

    The day was a great success, and students gathered some extremely important career information, and believe that the majority of students present left the day feeling like they had a better understanding on the importance of career development, and finding careers they are interested in and can thrive in.

    All parties involved on the day including teachers and exhibitors made mention on how well the students were engaged and behaved throughout the day, and thank you to all involved.

    If any student, or parent has any questions in regards to careers or would like further information on Career development, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Steven Dimech at the College to discuss.


    Certificate II in Autonomous Operations

    You may have seen the news recently, in which it was publically announced that Rio Tinto had joined forces with South Metro TAFE for the introduction of an Automation course which is the first of its kind. The course is the result of the Resource Industry Collaboration between the WA state government, South Metropolitan TAFE and Rio Tinto.

    With changes in the resource industry, and moving towards autonomous operations, the course is designed to provide an alternate pathway into the resource industry in a specialised field. Cecil Andrews College was one of three schools selected as part of the pilot course this year which is an exceptional achievement for the school and the students selected.

    The WA mining industry is a global leader in automation, with Rio Tinto leading the way in its adoption of autonomous trains, trucks and drills. The new automation courses will position WA students to take full advantage of the opportunities automation is expected to deliver to the industry and economy.

    Iron Ore chief executive Chris Salisbury said that the courses were “the first nationally recognised certifications in automation.”

    Rio Tinto was one of the first miners to embrace large-scale automation through its Mine of the Future program, which saw autonomous trucks, drills and trains deployed to its iron ore operations, before some of the technology was expanded to its east coast copper and coal operations.

    The WA government said the Resource Industry Collaboration also counted other mining partners, including FMG, BHP and Komatsu, along with representatives from SciTech and The University of Western Australia.

    Course Counselling

    With year 10 course counselling fast approaching, it is important that parents and students book in a time with a course counsellor to ensure students are guided down a pathway that will allow them to achieve their ideal career/study pathway.

    For students in VET, it is recommended that students have achieved a C grade in Maths and English, or passed OLNA to apply for an external TAFE course (VET in Schools) in a profile arrangement (minimal cost). This is recommended only, and students may still apply, but it is highly recommended a parent & student meeting takes place with the VET coordinator or Course Counsellor prior to applying.

    Please ensure an appointment is made when Course Counselling opens up to discuss VET. There will also be a presentation on the Parent-Teacher night in regards to the WACE requirements along with information on General, VET and ATAR pathways. If you are able to attend, there will be a wealth of knowledge passed on so it would extremely beneficial.  

    Follow the Dream


    During term 2 some of our year 7 and 8 Follow the Dream students, together with Follow the Dream students from Byford Secondary College, attended the annual “Create the Dream” program. This program is offered to our students through Curtin University AHEAD in School Learning experiences. Curtin AHEAD is a collaborative and innovative outreach program that grows the potential of groups and individuals that are under-represented in higher education. The program aspires to open the idea of the benefits of education by raising awareness and understanding of the long-term benefits of higher education. Setting goals is an important aspect of the Follow the Dream program, and we believe it helps students to aspire to achieving academically when they have a clear vision of possible career pathways suited to their individual strengths and interests.

    Through the Create the Dream program students have the opportunity to visit Curtin University’s Bentley campus where they are exposed to life at university and learn what pathways, courses, and support programs are available for them. They tour the campus through an interactive Campus Discovery Race using iPads and clue cards to find various support services and social facilities available to students on campus. Students participate in an academic pathways survey where they are required to answer questions designed to highlight their strengths, skills and areas of interest. At the end of the survey students are provided with a list of possible careers based on their unique set of interests. They are then prompted to research pathways and set goals around how they can make these careers possible and what courses and supports are available to help them achieve their aspirations. Through this activity students are encouraged to think honestly about their personal attributes and often learn something about themselves and their interests that helps them to start thinking about future education and career pathways.

    On the campus tours which are conducted over two days, the students are introduced to the many faculties at the university and welcomed at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies where they are immersed in the cultural news and events, as well as support services available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Students are prompted to take photographs and make videos which they then collate into an iMovie to share their experience with parents and fellow students.

    As this year’s group was relatively small compared to previous years, students were invited to participate in a hands-on activity in the University’s Makerspace.  The Curtin Library Makerspace is a creative learning environment that fosters exploration, innovation and play through making.  By encouraging self-directed learning, it supports individuals and groups to learn new skills and develop maker projects. When visiting during the campus tours students had a go at coding an LED light board and were introduced to the fun and creative art of sand drawing using natural sands sourced from across Western Australia.

    All up, it was a great experience according to comments and reports from attending students. We look forward to our continued relationship with the Curtin AHEAD team.

    Highlights of this year’s Create the Dream program include:

    -         A very rare opportunity for some students to get “up close and personal” with a real race car designed and built by the Curtin Motorsport Team

    -         The opportunity to work with Curtin University students to learn how to code and program LED lights

    -         Lounging about in hammock city

    -         Finding the long-lost gnome ‘Moe’ which had been missing from the university for a year

    -         Playing with life-size board games

    -         Climbing into the letters in the Curtin University sign

    -         Creating stunning sand-art postcards with local natural sands

    Student comments:

    “It was fun and great to find out about what Curtin University has to offer.” – Keira-Jayne Logue

    “It was nice to meet and work with Follow The Dream students from Byford SC.” – Bonita Batista

    “It was fun and informative. We got to learn all about uni life.” – Noah Brooks

    Written by Maree Lim

    Clontarf Academy

    The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate meaningfully in society.


    Term 2 has provided a great opportunity to continue building upon the work done since the start of the year. The majority of boys are into the swing of things with regards to Academy activities and have a better understanding of the lay of the land in terms of what’s expected from them. We continually work to develop and build the capacity of all boys, focussing on communicating and reinforcing our key messages and expectations.


    To be able to keep the boys engaged there needs to be a vibrant academy program that encourages boys to keep attending and doing the right thing in the classroom and around the school. Academy activities are planned within the focus areas of education, leadership, employment, healthy lifestyles, life skills and sport.


    Some of the highlights of our Term 2 Academy program are listed below:


    ·         Year 12 Woodside Cup curtain raiser game at Optus Stadium

    ·         Year 9 boys participating in the West Coast Eagles Aboriginal Leadership Program

    ·         Playing Basketball against Yule Brook College

    ·         Year 7 boys participation in health & wellbeing sessions delivered by staff from East Metropolitan Community & Population Health Services

    ·         Year 8-10 Goldfields Cup football carnival and camp in Kalgoorlie

    ·         Worksite visits to Hitachi in Forrestdale and Bunzl in Canning Vale

    ·         Food Sensations cooking class thru Foodbank WA

    ·         A number of boys representing the schools Year 8/9 and Year 10-12 interschool football teams

    ·         Damien Lopez and Dylan Avsar gaining part time employment at Coles Seville Grove

    ·         Hosting the staff morning tea in the Academy Room

    ·         Senior students attending ID related Employment Forum and Trades & Apprenticeship Forum

    ·         Watching the Fremantle vs Carlton match at Optus Stadium

    ·         Year 10 boys completing their Umpire AFL Introductory Course

    ·         BOUNCE excursion

    ·         Dylan Avsar and Lou Gracie gaining their White Card qualifications

    ·         Alumni Braiden Quartermaine starting a traineeship with Broadspectrum


    Brett Pilling, Joseph Kickett and I look forward to working with the College staff, Academy parents/guardians and the broader school community to help improve the educational outcomes of the boys and provide them with a range of development, training, employment, sporting and broader life opportunities.



    Darren Davis

    Director Cecil Andrews Clontarf Academy

    E: darren.davis@education.wa.edu.au




    Tuesday 23rd July 2019 -                  First day back to school

    15 August 2019 -                                Year 9 Lightning Carnival

                                                                  Junior School After School AFLW Competition -   Females

    29 August 2019 -                                Year 7 & 8 Immunisations

    30 August 2019 -                                Athletics Carnival

    2 - 27 September 2019 -                   OLNA Testing

    12 - 18 September 2019 -                 Year 12 Interruption free week

    19 - 25 September -                          Year 12 Exams

    26 September -                                  Year Anniversary Assembly

    27 September -                                  Year 12 Breakfast

                                                                 LAST DAY OF TERM

    School holiday events at The University of Notre Dame

    1-on-1 Advice Sessions – 8-12 July

    Considering your uni options but unsure of the right degree for you? Our advisors can introduce you to a range of programs that match your strengths and interests to help you find the right degree for you. We'll answer your university questions and you can even submit your application on the day! 


    A Day in the Life of a Uni Student – Friday 19 July

    For Year 10, 11 and 12 students

    Experience what uni life is like at Notre Dame – where you are trained in critical thinking – so you can separate real news from fake news, truth from lies and information from knowledge. Get a taste of our degrees by taking part in lectures and activities, meet current students and academics, and check out the facilities with a campus tour.

    Register now at www.notredame.edu.au/events

    Call 08 9433 0533 or email future@nd.edu.au for more info


    Come to School Every Day!

    Why….…because school enables children to build on their knowledge and skills each day, each week and each year.

    Why……because children can miss out on the basic skills and may experience difficulties later with their learning.

    Why……because school helps children build confidence in areas such as communication, teamwork, organization and social skills.

    Why……because going to school is a legal requirement and there are fines associated with this.

    The law states all children from Pre Primary to Year 12 must attend school (or have an alternative educational or workplace arrangement).

    Under the law, you are responsible for making sure your child goes to school on ALL school days.  You must not keep your child away from school for minor reasons.

    Don’t be soft on school attendance… because we want all children to be their best.

     What the law says:

    Under Western Australian law (School Education Act 1999), parents must send their children to school unless:

    • They are too unwell.
    • They have an infectious disease.
    • The principal is provided with a genuine and acceptable reason.

    You must let the school know within three days why your child is not attending.

    Under the law, schools must:

    • Monitor attendance of students.
    • Follow up with parents and caregivers on student absences.

    What happens when your child misses school without a valid reason?

    • Your school will ask you for an explanation.
    • Your school will meet with you to discuss ongoing issues and plan a response.
    • A School Attendance Panel will be set up to review the steps taken and provide advice.
    • In some cases you might be fined.

    Support and help for families

    If your child is reluctant or refuses to go to school, or is missing school without you knowing, there is support and help available.  Contact your school or South Metropolitan Education Regional Office for information/assistance.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q:  What should I do if my child is unwell?

    A:  Inform the school and provide a medical certificate if requested.

    Q:  What should I do if my child refuses to go to school?

    A:  Contact your school as soon as possible and the school will arrange advice/support.

    Q:  What should I do if we are going on holiday during school time?

    A:  Holidays during school time are detrimental to your child’s learning.  The Principal of your school will not consider this an approved absence.  Arrange your holidays during vacation periods.

    Q:  Can I take my child out of school for social occasions?

    A:  No.  This is not considered reasonable. You should arrange social occasions such as personal shopping trips and birthday celebrations out of school hours.

    Q:  Will my child be marked absent from school if he/she is doing a VET, Registered Training Organization program?

    A: No as long as this is part of the school program.  Attendance at these programs is also monitored.

    Further Information & Support:

    Talk with our Student Services Team about your child’s attendance or any support you may need.

    Contact number: 9234 3400

    Absentee SMS: 0408 099 112

    Skoolbag APP



    The Department of Education’s South Metropolitan Education Regional Office in Beaconsfield also has trained staff that will be able to provide relevant information and support.

    Contact number: 9336 9563

    A reminder that  Cecil Andrews College has a zero tolerance policy to bullying, violence, and drugs.