Welcome to Week 5!
This week class teachers are holding Parent Teacher interviews. If you are yet to register, please do and not miss this valuable opportunity to speak with your child’s class teacher. Your child’s education is a partnership and this process ensures maximum parental participation in your child’s learning.
Absentee Information
When children do not attend school, they miss vital information, their learning routine is broken and they can lose confidence, which can affect them academically and with building and maintaining friendships.
If your child must be absent from school for any reason, you are required to notify your child's teacher, or the school office by phone, email, Skoolbag, Seesaw or written note as soon as possible, or within seven days.
Children need to arrive before 9.15 each day ready to learn. If your child arrives at school late, you are required to speak to the school office staff with the absence details on their arrival.
Once children are enrolled at school, parents are legally required to send them to school every day that the school is open for instruction or participation in school activities, such as sports days.
Failure to explain an absence within 7 days is recorded as an unjustified absence. School will inform parents via SMS daily, if a student is absent from school without explanation.
Families should always endeavour to arrange holidays during school vacations. This is particularly important if your child is accessing additional support in Literacy and/or Numeracy. To take Extended Leave -Travel parents are required to complete an Extended Leave Application Form at least 10 days prior to taking leave. This type of leave request is for leave over 5 school days and is not automatically granted. Parents must liaise with their child’s teacher to ensure continuity of learning for this leave to be granted.
The department has implemented several attendance programs to support parents in ensuring their children attend school regularly. If you are having difficulty getting your child to attend school regularly, you should seek support from your child’s teacher.
Learning and Support
This week we will officially kick off all our Learning Support groups and start our 5 weekly data collections. In addition to our regular funding all schools across NSW have received some additional COVID funding to support learning and development in literacy and numeracy. Our school is investing our COVID funding to employ an additional teacher Mrs Robertson, four days per week. The Learning and Support team will target students who need additional help in areas of literacy and numeracy, as identified through assessment data and teacher referrals. You will receive advice from the Learning and Support team if your child is receiving any additional support.
Sue Gibson