St Bishoy- Imagine

April 2019

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today brings a very busy and productive first term to a close. 

I want to thank all who have laboured to contribute to the growth of our students. These contributions may be on a grand scale. My experience tells me that it is more likely to have a thousand small, yet meaningful contributions. Let us not diminish the daily acts of logistics, of waiting, and of making lunches.

We are getting ready to celebrated Easter and students and staff have been actively engaged in raising funds for Project Compassion. This highlights one of the three actions for Lent leading up to Easter: to pray, to fast and to give. 

During Easter. we are invited to reflect on our prayer life. We can let our actions serve as our prayers. We can live a life of prayer by being patient, tolerant, compassionate, generous, kind, encouraging, accepting, forgiving and supportive. As the Lord said “A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35). 

Please accept my holiday wishes of blessings and joy for all members of our community. I am well aware that many parents and carers will continue working through the student’s break. For those folk, I add my empathy to my best wishes. 

I trust that these next two weeks provide opportunities for occasions of deep reflection. We have both Easter and Anzac Day within this holiday break. These celebrations and commemorations provide poignant moments to reflect on “Holy Love” as a community, as families, as parents and as individuals walking with God. They are prompts to consider the broader perspective of life. Living is more than going from home to work for 5 days, having two days off and then repeating the same process. Standing in a privileged position afforded by the sacrifice of others requires both honour and responsibility. 

My prayer is that we all return safe for another term of our journey together.

Blessings, I'm grateful that many of our students have offered their prayers through action so sincerely. Thank you to the students and teachers. 


Michael Atteya

Important Dates

Wednesday 1st May- First day of Term 2

Primary Awards


Congratulations to Andrian for winning the Easter Raffle. Thank you to AnneMarie Farah and her family for all their support fundraising for the College. 

Primary Easter Assembly

We ended the term with our Annual Easter Assembly. Students were excited to present their item to everyone. It was lovely to hear the students read Bible readings and understand the love that Jesus has for us. God bless!

Teachers vs Students Volleyball Game

Teachers played a volleyball game against the High School students on the last day of Term 2. The game was fantastic and everyone played so well. Thank you to Mr El Bahou for organising the game. The students won with a score of 60 to 54. Well done to everyone and we all look forward to the next game!


Check out a new addition! Mr Atteya has introduced Peach to the students. They had a great time and Peach learned a lot of English too!


Thank you to Mr Atteya for visiting Year 2 with the snakes to educate the students. 

Premier's Reading Challenge

The certificates have been given to the students who participated in the PRC in 2018. Well done to everyone and keep reading this year so they can be lodged. God bless!