Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....

11/6/19 - School Banking Day in lieu of public holiday Monday.

13/6/19 - Scholastic Book Orders are due today.

14/6/19 Trent Hill an Indigenous educator, will be sharing with students from 4W, 4E, 5W, 5E, 6W, 6E and 7E.  Can all families please go into the eforms tab and find the correct form relevant to the class your child is in, and submit it ASAP thank you

15/6/19 80's QUIZ NIGHT always a fantastic night organised by our volunteer fundraising committee

17/6/19 Governing Council Meeting

24/6/19 Pupil Free Day, our OSHC service is available - please call to book your child/children in

Week 9 24/6 .... Interviews will commence today and run for 2 weeks.  Teachers will be conducting Parent/Teacher/Student interviews to discuss your child’s progress over the first semester of learning for this year. 

28/6/19 Assembly 9N/7E will be coordinating a whole school assembly at 2.15 pm. Our parents, caregivers and community are welcome to attend

Week 10 1/7/19 First Aid Training for Children this is a great initiative and important life skill for all students

1/7/19 Year 2/3 "Peter Pan" performance - Peter Pan Musical will be performed on 1st July at 6:30pm in the Pavilion.  All students will be expected to return at 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.  The Pavilion will be open at 6:00pm for parents.  Students will need to be dropped off at the music room at 6:00pm.  The play runs for approximately 45 minutes.  The students will be dismissed from the Pavilion at the end of the night.

5/7/19 Last Day of Term 2 Early Dismissal 2.05pm

22/7/19 Pupil Free Day, our OSHC service is available - please call to book your child/children in

23/7/19 First Day Term 3 we welcome our students and school community back

20/9/19 Sports Day a fantastic whole school and community day for all

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 


What a fabulous morning we have had today!! Along with many staff members, I had the privilege of visiting our Year 5-7 market and the atmosphere was absolutely wonderful and the weather perfect to enjoy it all. There were excited stall holders doing a great job of promoting and selling their foods or activities and there were equally as many students from other classes participating in the fun of buying products or participating in activities. The stalls were held in and around House 9 and around the yellow playground and COLAs. Everywhere you looked students were enjoying themselves while stall holders were participating in the culmination of higher order thinking work over several weeks. This process is part of the Year 5-7 HASS studies of Business and Economics. Students have had to develop a business plan including understanding concepts of costs, profit and loss, advertise, create and sell from start to finish. The conversations students have had both during the development and during today have shown a very deep level of understanding in this area of learning. This is a big thank you to all families of these students, for the support you have given your children at home in preparation for this event.

The other important event this week has been World Environment Day. (It is also World Oceans Day tomorrow.) The Waste Warriors organised a Nude Food Day for Wednesday in which student participation was very high. It would be wonderful to see students bringing nude food more often. Our assembly today also had an environment theme with a number of items and visual displays to help us all remember to care for our Earth, (thank you 4W and 6AS.) You may have also noticed some new gardens next to House 9. The Garden Gurus with Mrs McFadyen and Mr Shepherd planned and later planted these areas to make our school environment look beautiful. We are also gathering food scraps for the compost bins. So we are certainly taking care of our school and environment at the moment.


Skoolbag has recently created a newsletter template that schools can use for a newsletter within the app, and this is it!! Over the next few newsletters we will be trialling different elements to add to the newsletter, to see if we can effectively manage using this template without creating extra workload. Please look for these each fortnight Friday and watch our journey! 


I have been made aware that a number of Years 5 and 6 students have applied for middle school placements in private schools or positions at Mitcham Girls School for Year 7. Some students may have already been accepted at these schools. So far I have only been notified by one family about their intention to apply for Mitcham but have not been told officially by any other family. If you are currently waiting for or already received notification of acceptance


My apologies, last fortnight I forgot to acknowledge the work of Melissa and Simon and several other volunteer parents who ran or worked on the barbecue on the day of the election. The barbecue made $1200 for Fundraising and Soccer. Well done and thank you for this great support.


In Week 9, teachers will be conducting Parent/Teacher/Student interviews to discuss your child’s progress over the first semester of learning for this year. By now you should have received a letter of invitation to attend a meeting with the teacher and your child and I would strongly encourage you to attend. The written report for Semester 1 will be tabled at this meeting.




Enjoy your long weekend.   

Anne Rathjen


Our Garden Guru Team have been planning and meeting with Mr Shepherd (HCEPS Groundsman), Mrs McFadyen and the Assets and Grounds Governing Council Sub Committee.  The team have a clear vision to improve our gardens and develop new garden areas throughout 2019, recently the undeveloped garden area on the southern side of house 9 has had garden boxes constructed and quality soil topped up in them, during week 6 the Gurus together with Mr Shepherd will be planting 5 trees, several border shrubs and an element of some flowering plants to add some colour to what they envisage will be a more structured and formal type of garden, beautify one of the main entrances of the school.  The Garden Gurus will also be nurturing some of the plots in the vegetable/garden area.  The guru's will be planting vegetables, a herb garden and planting some bulbs to add some colour to the area.  The gurus and Mr Shepherd plan to work with students during set lunch and recess times to encourage all students to take an interest in the gardens, together with valuing, respecting and acknowledging the responsibility our student leaders are developing with these projects. 


The trees being planted will be established and nurtured with the intention of identified each tree with a dedicated plaque for each Year 7 graduating class from 2017 onwards. 

Sports Update

SAPSASA Knockout Soccer

Boys Soccer team played at Hallett Cove East on 30th May 2019 

Score - 

Aberfoyle Hub 4 vs HCEPS 1

Girls Soccer team played at Aberfoyle Hub Primary School on 30th May 2019 

Score - 

HCEPS 6 vs Nativity 0

HCEPS 9 vs Aberfoyle Hub 0

SAPSASA Knockout Netball

Girls Netball team played at Wirreanda Secondary School on 30th May 2019 

Score - 

HCEPS 30 vs Morphett Vale East Primary School 6

HCEPS 27 vs Morphett Vale Primary School 13

HCEPS 33 vs Lonsdale Primary School 0

Great Day out for the HCEPS Girls who will advance to the finals.

Crows Cup - Girls AFL

On Wednesday......we had girls from Years 5, 6 & 7 field two football teams to compete in the Adelaide Crows Girls Cup at Glenelg Oval, both teams  competed well and they embraced the spirit of the game.  We could see the girls skills and confidence increase with each game played.  The girls also particpated in a clinic during the day   

A Special mention ....

CONGRATULATIONS and Well Done to Cooper Clark. Cooper placed second equal in vault for his age group at the SA Championship gymnastics competition. His overall score was also good enough to earn him a Silver certificate of excellence for achieving an overall average of 87.5% or above for national age grades

Community Support ....

If you are a family that shop at Woolworths can we please ask you to support our school by collecting the Earn & Learn Stickers from today through to the 25th June.  We have placed a collection box at the Hallett Cove Woolworths Store, together with collection boxes in the school administration office and our OSHC.  This program allows us to select a range of bonus resources for our students to enjoy. 

We thank you for any support you may be able to provide to us. 

Book Fair

A BIG thank you to our entire school community for the support shown to our annual book fair.  We had so many visitors to our Resource Centre to view and purchase the wonderful variety of books.  We were lucky enough to be able to purchase books to the value of $680.00 with the reward points earned.  Thank you Again.

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Hallett Cove East Primary School


Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

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