Dear Parents and Community Members,
This term we have commenced sending out a newsletter every 2 weeks and this is being trialled until the end of the year. If we require to send any additional information we will be using Audiri (name changed from Skool-bag) and/or See-Saw.
Winter Uniform
As we begin Term 2, I am encouraging all families to maintain high uniform standards. Parents are required to support the uniform policy of the school and, if on any given day your child is unable to wear the correct uniform please communicate directly with your child’s teacher.
I am providing some images to best help visualize the winter uniform: (as below)
In Term 2 and 3 children wear their winter uniform. Students wear a long-sleeved blue shirt, school tie and school jumper. In 2021, following parent feedback, the School Board made a decision to transition girls from white shirts to blue shirts. We are currently, in the middle of the 3-year process and this process of transition will continue until the end of 2024. By the beginning of 2025, all girls’ shirts will require to be blue.
A pinafore style is used for Reception to Year 4 girls. If a child in Year 4 is beginning to outgrow their pinafore, with permission from the Principal the pinafore can be cut to a skirt .
The skirt is worn by Year 5 and 6 girls.
Below is an image demonstrating the school winter uniform which includes long sleeved blue short, trousers. When they are wearing a school uniform they wear the school jumper not their sports top.
Both boys and girls wear their sports uniform with long sleeved sports jacket and trousers.
Please note that as part of the Uniform Policy:
· Students are not to wear make-up, nail polish or jewellery (except for plain ear one stud or small sleepers in each ear, a simple necklace of religious significance and a watch. It is recommended that children wear inexpensive items.
· Students should only have conventional hairstyles appropriate to the uniform code are allowed (no extreme haircuts and coloured hair is not permitted).
· Neatness, safety and hygiene constraints require shoulder-length hair to be tied back by an elastic band or something else in the colours of the school. Ribbons etc, must be blue or black.