A reminder to all adults that enter the school that they are not to engage with students to resolve issues. If you are concerned about an incident that involves a student at our school please contact the class teacher in the first instance. Please do not approach the child or children concerned directly. This is inappropriate and could result in further action. We appreciate the support of all parents and carers in this matter.
In Week 8 we joined schools across the state to recognise the integral work our non-teaching staff do in supporting our school community. The combined staff from Goonellabah PS and Lismore South PS enjoyed a special morning tea. From our school administrative staff and general assistant to our student learning support officers, our non-teaching staff are the backbone of our school. We appreciate all that they do in keeping our school running and supporting our students, staff and families. This year is even more special while two schools working harmoniously together. An amazing committed team making it work!
It was a privilege to attend the Performing Arts Festival at the Whitebrook Theatre recently, showcasing the talented students in our local public schools. We were so proud of our children’s commitment to weekly rehearsals and performing confidently on the big stage. Thank you to Mrs Titcume and Mrs Brown who worked with our performance troupe to prepare for the special performance.
Have a wonderful week!
Larissa Polak