Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Term 3 Week 7-8

Principal Message

In Week 8 we joined schools across the state to recognise the integral work our non-teaching staff do in supporting our school community. The combined staff from Goonellabah PS and Lismore South PS enjoyed a special morning tea. From our school administrative staff and general assistant to our student learning support officers, our non-teaching staff are the backbone of our school.  We appreciate all that they do in keeping our school running and supporting our students, staff and families. This year is even more special while two schools working harmoniously together. An amazing committed team making it work! 

It was a privilege to attend the Performing Arts Festival at the Whitebrook Theatre recently, showcasing the talented students in our local public schools. We were so proud of our children’s commitment to weekly rehearsals and performing confidently on the big stage. Thank you to Mrs Titcume and Mrs Brown who worked with our performance troupe to prepare for the special performance. 

Have a wonderful week!


Larissa Polak

Performing Arts Festival - Night at the Museum

Monitoring Social Media

The office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner has some great advice and resources to assist parents to navigate the challenging social media world and the inevitable question “are they old enough?”

From time to time the school is asked to deal with issues of students behaving inappropriately on social media. Using the age guidelines of 13+ for most common forms of social media platforms, no student in our school should have an Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter account. Because of this the school deals with social media issues in the following way;

1. Advise parents/carers to take a screen shot of the inappropriate material.

2. Block the sender

3. Make a report to the relevant social media platform

4. Make a report to the eSafety Commissioner

5. Delete the social media account, as the child involved is younger than the recommended age. If conflict between students, arising from social media, occurs at school we follow our school consequence pathway. 

School Matters

A reminder to all adults that enter the school that they are not to engage with students to resolve issues. If you are concerned about an incident that involves a student at our school please contact the class teacher in the first instance. Please do not approach the child or children concerned directly. This is inappropriate and could result in further action. We appreciate the support of all parents and carers in this matter.

2/3 Binging Class

Athletics News

Eight students represented our school at the Zone Athletics Carnival in Byron Bay. All students performed their best in their events. Congratulations to Ava who received the title of PSSA Zone senior girls age champion.  What a massive effort to be named in first place of all 12/13 years across the North Coast Zone. Well done, Ava!

Ava and Tahne were successful in qualifying for the Regional Carnival at Coffs Harbour. A huge congratulations to Tahne who placed 2nd in the 200m for the 11 years boys at the Regional Athletics Carnival. Tahne is now off to the state championships. What an awesome achievement!

Brainstorm Productions Performance

In Week 7 Brainstorm productions performed their anti-bullying show titled ‘The H team’.  The production told an adventure story that inspires students to take responsibility for their own behaviour and wellbeing. Struggling with low self-esteem, the main characters succumb to bullying and excessive screen time. They must learn to critically evaluate the media, stand up to bullying and make good decisions. The H Team fosters teamwork, impulse control, and resilience, to create healthy and harmonious school communities. We encourage you to speak with your child about the visiting performance. 

Intensive Swimming Program

An intensive learn to swim program will be held in Weeks 3 and 4 of Term 4, for students in Years 2-6.  Permission note and details will be sent home in the near future.

Kindergarten Transition

We are getting ready for our Kindergarten Transition Program which will start early next term with 5 special visits for preschoolers ready to start school in 2023. If you know anyone who is in our area who is ready for Kindergarten next year, please get them to contact us so we can share all the details with them. 

P & C Annual General Meeting

All parents and carers are encouraged to attend the P & C Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 14th September, at 5.30pm at Lismore Heights Bowling Club, where election of office bearers will take place.  A General Meeting will follow the AGM.

Please contact the P & C Committee via email to register your interest in attending 

P & C Bunnings BBQ

Thank you to the parents and community members who volunteered their time at the Bunnings BBQ.  The day was a huge success and would not have been possible without your help.

Schools Infrastructure Update

Anonymous online survey

The Lismore South community is invited to provide feedback about the school’s buildings and heritage, information they would like to receive, their connection to the school. This link will direct you to the quick online survey.

COVID Cases - please notify us

Positive tests must be reported to the school and via the Services NSW App. Positive cases are required to isolate for 7 days. If you or your children are unwell, they should stay at home. Adults entering our school site are asked to wear a mask whilst indoors. Your assistance with this is appreciated as we continue to try and keep students, staff and the community well during the winter months. If you have any questions or concerns or require clarification, please contact the school.

Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool

This Week at Preschool

This week we celebrated Child Protection Week and have been focusing on teaching our children protective strategies. This can be as simple as recognising safe and unsafe behaviours, knowing who they can trust and empowering children to ask for help when needed by having open conversations with trusted adults. Having open conversations and teaching your child protective strategies is an important skill for all children to learn. We encourage our families to start those conversations at home if you haven't already and being proactive in teaching our children protective behaviours.  This week your child will be coming home with an artwork that shows the 5 people who your child feels they can trust. This will be an excellent conversation starter to get the ball rolling. 

Thank you

This week we were fortunate to receive a very thoughtful gift. An adorable set of little teddies that have become an instant hit in the classroom and are bringing joy and comfort to our preschoolers. Thank you so much for thinking of us.  

Change of Clothes

A friendly reminder to please pack a hat and set of spare clothes each day for those 'just in case' moments. At preschool we love to engage in play based exploration and experimentation with paint, water, sand and mud!

Flu Season

If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school. That includes if your child had vomiting or diarrhoea the night before, they must not attend for at least 24 hours after symptoms have eased. If they are coughing or have any flu-like symptoms they must not attend. If children come to school and are obviously unwell, you will be contacted to pick them up. 

What's Coming Up

Wednesday, 14th September P&C Meeting & AGM
Friday, 16th SeptemberAssembly 5/6 Mulayum class item
Friday, 16th SeptemberK-2 Macadamia Castle Excursion 
Thursday, 22nd SeptemberPublic Holiday - Australia will hold a National Day of Mourning to pay respect for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
Friday, 23rd SeptemberSRC Badge Ceremony
Friday, 23rd SeptemberLast day of Term 3
Monday, 10th OctoberFirst day of Term 4
Friday, 21st OctoberK-2 Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Excursion
Friday, 21st OctoberAboriginal Art Day Excursion
Monday, 24th OctoberYears 2, 3 & 4 Intensive Swimming Program commences
Monday, 31st OctoberYears 5 & 6 Intensive Swimming Program commences

GPS Canteen

Community News