Newsletter Number 3 • Wednesday 29th March 2023

From the Principal

We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Hills Montessori School Foundation which will assist the school in achieving our purpose to create security for the learners of tomorrow and a lifelong connection for our Montessori community.  

The Hills Montessori School (HMS) Foundation is about looking ahead and seeking opportunities for the long-term betterment of our school.  We are inviting our community to be a part of this new and exciting venture and to become a member of our new HMS Foundation.  The HMS Foundation will provide resources, funding and support through the provision of new and improved educational and learning facilities. It will also provide a way for current and past students, staff and parents to stay connected with our school through events and get togethers.

The HMS Foundation Board has worked tirelessly over the past 18 months to do all that was necessary to set up this new entity.  The idea behind the HMS Foundation is for long term financial sustainability through the generosity of our past, current and future community as opposed to our short term annual fundraising endeavours or the annual building fund donations.

Through the HMS Foundation we hope you will join our campaign as we champion The Hills Montessori School’s success in the years to come. It is our hope that the HMS Foundation will embrace people’s pride in the school, their sense of shared responsibility for the next generation and their need to actively contribute to a community that represents part of their identity.

We encourage you to get involved through:

  • joining and becoming a member of the HMS Foundation,
  • giving when you can to help our school’s legacy live on into the future,
  • attending and being involved with annual HMS Foundation events.

Your involvement and generosity will help us create an exceptional future for Montessori education and will make a difference for Montessori students of tomorrow.

We are launching the HMS Foundation on Thursday 4 May from 5.30pm – 7.00pm at Wairoa.  We invite our current parents to attend this event.  Please note this will be a child free event.  We look forward to celebrating with you and our community - past, present and future, at the official launch and hope you can join us.  Further information will be sent to all families next week.

Cathy France


MSCA Head to Head Forum

Last week we heldthe Montessori Schools and Centres Australia (MSCA) Head to Head Forum in our school hosting Montessori school leaders from around Australia.  The Forum was a gathering of Principals and Deputy Principals to share ideas, develop practice, tackle challenges and provide collegial support.

The Forum started with a tour of Southern Montessori School (both the primary school and middle school campuses) and then we headed to Wairoa for the remainder of the Fourm.  A variety of presentations and rich discussions filled the two days and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.  Participants shared a dinner on the Thursday evening and enjoyed being taken on a tour of Wairoa by our adolescent students.  The Cycle 4 students did an amazing job of catering for the attendees on the Friday offering an amazing spread for morning tea and lunch and everyone was impressed by their skills and what they were able to deliver.   Thank you to Monica Bello (Kitchen Specialist) and the students who worked with her to cater for the event.

Being a well-established Montessori school, it’s important for our school to take leadership nationally within the Montessori community and encourage connection and collaboration and host events such as this.  The Forum is an annual MSCA event and next year will be held in Perth WA.

2023 Theme - 'Unity'

Last week we celebrated Harmony Day and how important it is particularly in our ‘Year of Unity’. Harmony Day is an annual event in Australia that celebrates cultural diversity. To mark the occasion students spoke about how we can foster a sense of unity, promote respect and celebrate all the different cultures which are a part of Australia. Different classes engaged in a variety of activities, including sharing meals from different cultures and then each student in our preschool and primary school had the opportunity to express what the day represents for them by decorating the courtyard with chalk illustrations.

Festival of Arts - Wednesday 29 March

Thank you to our school community who supported the Festival of Arts last night, it was an exceptional night filled with visual art, music, dance, and performances. The evening was topped off with the highly antipated art auction, which raised $4580! We would like to extend our appreciation to Georgia and our Fundraising committee for organising the food, bar and the art auction, and a special thanks to all who placed bids.

 We’d also like to thank the many volunteers who generously helped us on the night including the parents and alumni who did an outstanding job with food and catering - Paul, Amanda, Jack, Nicole K, Peter K, Jodie and Alexis, thank you for giving up your night to assist at the barbeque and in the kitchen. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Vanessa, Suzie, Shannon-Rae, Deb, Imogen, Nyssa, and Jared for supplying the cakes and sweets for our dessert bar, and to Bec for her donations and expertly managing the bar during the night. We appreciate the kind donation of white wine by Riposte Wines.

 Thank you to Sanjay, Lisa and David, our music teachers for their time and dedication in coordinating the performances and to Ibu Ellis for the fantastic Indonesian inspired acts. A big thank you also to the talented artists Tessa and Marley who created art work on the night. 

 Of course, a special mention to all our students who participated with such joy, enthusiasm and confidence, and to our teachers for the work that goes into presenting the arts program and the task of converting classrooms into art galleries.  

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Board communique

The March Board meeting last week was a productive one. We began to review our Constitution, ratified the Acceptable Use of ICTs for Students Policy and reviewed the 2023 financial forecast.

Jade Crathern

Board President

State Government 2021-22 Round 2 Capital Grant

In 2021, the School received $73,500 (GST exclusive) under the State Government 2021-22 Independent Non-Government School Capital Grant Funding program. This significant grant was supplemented by the School’s Capital Expenditure budget to purchase classroom furniture for Primary students and to enhance pathways and accessibility, including retaining walls and backfilling at our Middle School campus.

We thank the State Government for this $73,500 grant that has allowed us to achieve these much needed capital developments.

Community Support Coordinators

In our School we have a structure to provide practical help to families within our school community who require support or assistance in times of need &/or families who may be experiencing a crisis.  The Community Support Coordinator (volunteer position) oversees this program.  Community support may take the form of providing meals for a family, helping with pick-ups and drop-offs of children, child minding, shopping etc.  Everyone from time to time goes through difficult periods in life whether it is caused by illness, accidents and injury or the death of a loved one – we are all faced with challenges and moments that are hard.  When we are faced with a family crisis, knowing that we have the support of our community and there are people who are willing and able to help with some of the day to day routines and duties can really ease the burden.  Our school community can be wonderful at rallying around and offering small gestures of kindness to let families or individuals in crisis know that we care and we are here to support if needed.

This year Alexis Winslow and Kathy Sharrad class parent reps, have kindly volunteered to take on this role.  We will be sending out a questionnaire via Skoolbag to families to ask if there are any ways they may be able to support if and when needed.  We will be grateful of any support that people are prepared to offer and will ‘keep a register’ of support in the event that assistance is required.

If your family experiences challenging times or faces a crisis please don’t hesitate to contact either your class teacher or Cathy so we can provide some support.  Specific family situations will always be treated in a confidential, respectful and discrete manner and will not be disclosed to the community when seeking support. 

Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” Anthony J. D'Angelo 

Yultiwirra Open Day

Thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to assist as tour guides at our Open Day at Yultiwirra two weeks ago.  We greatly appreciate you giving up your time to help out on the day.  

Cycle News

Infant Program

We have been engaging our senses with the new patch of mint in our little Infant Program garden! Henry has enjoyed watering and smelling the mint, while others have enjoyed brewing a cup of mint tea. We continue playing with the primary colours with our arts and crafts and Logan displayed some beautiful extended concentration while threading red, blue and yellow beads. 

Cycle 1 Preschool

This term we have been learning about our body and in particular our senses. We have utilised a range of specialised Montessori equipment to ‘isolate’ the concept being explored. In these photos Gracie-Mae, Zayn and George are pairing the Thermic Bottles. The bottles contain warm, tepid, cool and cold water. Students work to pair the bottles that feel the same.

Cycle 1 Primary

The children have loved going a bit ART crazy in Cycle 1 this term. We have studied base colours, colours that compliment, colours that contrast, new colours and shades; all in our attempt to create striking Pop Art. We have studied Andy Warhol in Lauren and Ruth’s class and used a variety of techniques to paint and print our own collections inspired by his work. We have printed leaves, drawn repeating patterns, designed shoes and dabbled in photography and the deconstruction of facial features.

Gustav Klimpt inspired art has also generated some buzz amongst the children as they have experimented with gold in all kinds of textures. The work on our canvas has been committed to say the least with the children planning and trialing colours, printing leaves in consideration of pattern, size, paint, pressing techniques and also experimenting with ways to highlight. We are so excited to present our piece at the Festival of Arts. 

Corey shared “Gustav Klimpt used gold because his dad was a gold engraver”

Ayushan shared “Andy Warhol makes pop art, it's so bright”

Piper shared “Yellow and purple would go well next to each other because they help each other stand out”

Cycle 2

This term Cycle 2 has embarked on a study of sculpture and ceramics. We have worked with a variety of mediums such as clay, wire, and an array of natural found objects and recycled items. Through this study, children have learnt about the unique characteristics of sculpture, including its ability to exist in three dimensions. Students have honed their skills in manipulating shape, line, and form, by experimenting with different techniques such as pressing, bending, squeezing, tearing, and twisting materials to create their own unique sculptures. Our focus on plan drawings has also expanded the students' artistic repertoire, supporting them to bring their 3D compositions to life.  This investigation has provided a great opportunity for hands-on learning and artistic expression. We look forward to sharing our fantastic artwork at the Festival of Arts.

Cycle 3

Community Activities - Unity in Cycle 3

Throughout Term 1, Cycle 3 has had a focus on building a sense of community amongst students and staff members. In groups, students have been assigned STEM challenges, such as building the highest newspaper tower. They have participated in collaborative art projects and worked hard to problem solve brain teasers. Community and collaborative activities are a focus in Term 1 due to their inclusive nature. Students are grouped with those who they may not spend time with and they are supported to collaborate. The inclusive and cooperative interactions between members of Cycle 3 create unity.

The Cycle 3 community comes together on Friday afternoons, and new friendships are carried out into the school during lunch play.

"It is fun!" - Clancy 

"Community games bring everyone together" - Hazel

"I like hanging out with people from the other class" - Mackenzie

"The brain teasers were hard, but fun to work out. We had to talk a lot" - Cycle 3 Student.

Cycle 4

Full preparations are underway for the upcoming Twilight Market in Wairoa. Year 7 students are busy perfecting their dishes for the Taste of the World section of the market, with each group offering a main dish and dessert from their chosen cuisine. Meanwhile, Year 8 students are handling the infrastructure of the market, including cashiers, drinks, art activities, and music. Year 9 students are focusing on preparing their unique products for their individual enterprise showcase at the market.

The catering crew has been working hard and had great success with the Wairoa Café, where they received a flood of orders and delivered delicious food and coffee with the help of Lauren and Monica. They also provided fantastic food and service for the Head-to-Head forum, where Montessori school leaders from across Australia gathered and praised the catering team led by the talented Monica.

IT lessons with Christine- Cycles 2 & 3

In ICT classes for Cycles 2 and 3, students have been studying algorithms and incorporating artistic elements into their projects. Utilising Scratch as a programming tool, they have created interactive art pieces inspired by line and movement. Students have experimented with Buzz bots and programmed Beebots to generate randomised art. In addition, they have learned about binary code and produced pixel art utilising spreadsheet software. To expand their understanding of hardware, students have worked with microbits, makey makeys, and robotics kits to produce interactive and kinetic sculptures. To create 3D models, they have used tinkercad and have printed some of their designs using a 3D printer. They have also created merge cube images that can be viewed from various angles. All of these creative works were on display during the Festival of Arts.

Music with David

Students have been busy working on new repertoire for the year, which has included developing new music skills, ways of listening, aspects of song structure and ultimately a chance to play/perform music in a live scenario. This week's Festival of Arts was that opportunity.

Preschool have been learning ‘The Arthropod Song’ an arrangement originally organised by Maree, the previous and delightful music teacher. We’ve been able to develop this song into a 4 verse setting that explores some unique biological & environmental aspects of Arthropods.

Students in each level are working on time signature rhythms within contexts to 2, 3 & 4. Cycle 3 will eventually tackle the tricky world of Compound (6/8) contexts. Cycles 2 & 3 are tackling these concepts verbally, using body percussion and with alternate drum, sticking skills. 

I’m keen to develop a song-based acknowledgment of country with students in Term 2, so that we have more than a spoken version on hand.

Cultural Connection Zone

The Cultural Connection Zone is a regular spot in the Newsletter highlighting cultural events & information provided by the Cultural Understanding  (staff) Committee.

Harmony Day

Last week our school celebrated Harmony Day which is a part of 'Harmony Week'.  It is an opportunity to celebrate the remarkable cultures that make up our country. Australia is one of the world's most multicultural countries  – from the oldest continuous culture of our First Australians to the 49% of Australians who were born overseas or have a parent who was.

Australia's cultural diversity is a great strength and brings with it a whole host of traditions, religions, languages and food. It helps us to do things in different ways, reduces discrimination and lets us accept difference. 

Term 2 Sausage Sizzle

A note has been sent home in preparation for our Term 3 Sausage Sizzle in the 1st week of next term (Friday 28th April).  Orders must be in by the last day of THIS term.  Class Parent Reps are organising and hosting this special lunch for the students to celebrate the beginning of Term 2!

Save The Date(s)

Sharing Assemblies

We wish to invite all parents/caregivers to our next sharing assembly  this term held at Yultiwirra campus, where students will have the opportunity to share their work with the rest of the school.  Please make a note of the date. 

Monday 3rd April  2.30pm – Cycles 2 & 4 sharing 

Community Breakfast - Thurs 6 April

On Thursday 6th April we will hold our annual Community Breakfast in the school courtyard at Yultiwirra commencing at 8.15am.  A pre-order form has been sent home.  It is a wonderful way to come together as a school community to end the term.  We hope to see you there!

Annual General Meeting

Please enter Tuesday, 23rd May 6.00pm in your diary as the date of the school’s AGM.   The AGM will be held in person at Yultiwirra in the Common Room. 

Board Nomination forms and information about the AGM will be sent home next week.  Board Nominations need to be lodged at the school office by Friday 5th May.  If you would like to discuss Board member obligations, please email Cathy.

Vacation Care

The Vacation Care Program will operate each day during the coming holidays from 7.30am to 6pm.  The program will also operate on Monday 24th April (pupil free day in wk 1 of Term 2).  The program was sent home last week.  You can find the program here.

If you are interested in your child attending Vacation Care and have not already completed the booking form, please make sure you do this ASAP and hand into the office or directly to Annie. We are currently trying to finalise staffing and confirm excursion arrangements.

Community Lottery

We are pleased to announce that the Community Lottery raised $1770 for our school.  This money will be put towards 2023 fundraising priorities.  Thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket!

Diary Dates

Term 1 2023

Friday 31 March

Wairoa Twilight Market

Monday 3 April

Sharing Assembly 2.30pm - Cycles 2 & 4 sharing

Tuesday 4 April

Marketing meeting 4.00pm

Wednesday 5 April

Snippets with Susan 2.45pm

Wellbeing committee meeting 4.00pm

Thursday 6 April

Yultiwirra Community Breakfast

Term 1 Ends 2pm

Friday 7 April

Good Friday

Monday 10 April

Easter Monday

Tuesday 11 April

Vacation Care Begins

Monday 24 April

Vacation Care Ends

Tuesday 25 April

ANZAC Day public Holiday

Wednesday 26 April

Term 2 begins

Finance meeting 6.00pm

Board meeting 7.30pm

Thursday 27 April

RAP committee meeting 1.30pm 

Foundation Board meeting 6.00pm

Friday 28 April

Yultiwirra Suasage Sizzle

Wednesday 3 May - Friday 5 May

Cycle 4 Orientation camp

Thursday 4 May

Foundation Launch at Wairoa 5.30pm - 7.00pm

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed."

Maria Montessori