St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wandal Newsletter

19 April 2023

Bernadette Brennan Principal

Term 2

Welcome back to Term Two which is going to be filled with teaching, learning and all sorts of other events including eisteddfod, excursions, cross country, athletics carnivals, and visits to Benevolent Living just to name a few. Our community is vibrant and active and our learners are keen to engage in this environment. To keep this motivation, lets stay in touch with what's happening in your child's year level via Skoolbag, the weekly class email and this newsletter. 

We welcome Mrs Trudy Agius to our staff this term. Trudy is a teacher assistant who has worked in Catholic schools for 30 years and will be working in the student pastoral care and wellbeing space. We also welcome back this term Mrs Marguerite Warren and Mrs Serentha Kajewski. 

Next week we are participating in the ANZAC Day March as a school. Information regarding this was emailed to all families this morning. If you did not receive this correspondence, please check your details are up to date in Parent Lounge. We will also have student representation at the Botanic Gardens Dawn Service and the Alton Downs Dawn Service. 

Have a great week.


Janette McLennan APC

Colour Explosion Run

Important Eisteddfod News:

At Wandal we are very excited that the Rockhampton Eisteddfod is once again with us, and we are looking forward to participating in Speech, Signing, Instrumental and Vocal sections.  Not every student will be involved in every group or choir, but all of our students in Years 1 to 6 will be involved in at least one choir.

Wandal has a long history of Eisteddfod Participation.  I am ancient enough to remember taking part in Speech Choirs in the 1970s, where we all had to sit in silence out on the grass near the Municipal Theatre, waiting for our turn to compete.  COVID restrictions certainly hampered this major local event for the past couple of years, but the opportunity to once again take part is here and so we are very pleased to join in the fun!

Instrumental and Signing Choirs and Groups:  Information about instrumental groups for students in Years 4 to 6 will be communicated by the instrumental tutors, and Miss Godbaz will keep you informed about Signing Choirs for students in Years 1 to 6.

Verse Speaking:  Students in Years Two and Three will compete in Section 300 (Verse Speaking Choir Primary School Years Prep – 3: Enrolments over 150 students) at 9:00 a.m. on Monday 8 May.  Students will travel to and from the Pilbeam Theatre by bus.  Students will wear their full formal uniform.  A more detailed note will be distributed next week.

Students in Year Five will also compete in Verse Speaking Section 301 (Verse Speaking Choir Primary School Years 4 – 6: Enrolments over 150 students) at 9:00 a.m. on Monday 8 May.  Students will travel to and from the Pilbeam Theatre by bus.  Students will wear their full formal uniform.  A more detailed note will be distributed next week.

Novelty Choirs:  Students in Year One will be taking part in Section 211 (Primary School -Freestyle Novelty Over 200) on 10 May in the afternoon (approximately 1:30 p.m.).  Students will travel to and from the Pilbeam Theatre by bus.  Students will need to wear a costume for this section, and the song we are presenting is called ‘We Are the Dinosaurs’, so a dinosaur costume is required.  Wandal has a long tradition of both eisteddfod participation and creative and inexpensive costuming of novelty choirs. The expectation is that costumes are found and created rather than costing a lot of money.  (Please note that the students will be singing and dancing, so the costume will need to take that into account.  Also, all students will need to wear closed in shoes.  All students can come to school dressed in their costumes for the day.  A more detailed note will be distributed next week.

Students in Year 4 and 6 will be competing in Section 212 (Primary School Freestyle/Novelty over 200) on 12 May at 9:30 a.m.  Students will travel to and from the Pilbeam Theatre by bus.  Students will need to wear a costume for this section, and the song we are presenting is called ‘Raining Tacos’, so a costume suggesting that is required.  Students could wear coloured shirts suggesting the ingredients of a taco and jeans.  There is the opportunity for taco hats, complete taco costumes or taco related accessories.  Stereotypical Mexican costumes are not encouraged.  Students are also not to wear shirts that are too easily recognised as something that does not fit with the theme.  For example, a football jersey might be the correct colour, but does not suggest the theme to the audience and so these are not encouraged.  Wandal has a long tradition of both eisteddfod participation and creative and inexpensive costuming of novelty choirs. The expectation is that costumes are found and created rather than costing a lot of money.  (Please note that the students will be singing and dancing, so the costume will need to take that into account.  Also, all students will need to wear closed in shoes.  All students can come to school dressed in their costumes for the day.  A more detailed note will be distributed next week.

Rheanna Starr - Assistant to Principal Religious Education (APRE)

Faith works on all the levels of human experience including the sensual. Our senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell can be ways of encountering God in the world. At first Thomas refused to believe it was Jesus. He was invited to engage in a more intimate visual and tactile experience. But in the end, Thomas still required a leap of faith to recognise that Jesus was the Christ.

When can you sense Jesus is with you, even though you do not see him?

How can we recognise Jesus in other people?

How do you respond to disbelief or doubt within yourself or others?

Thank you to our students and teachers who led prayer reflections that celebrated the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Year 4 Art Work Sale

Thank you to Year Four students who created artworks and sold them, raising $140 for Caritas Australia. What an outstanding act of generosity and talent from our budding artists in Year Four.

Prayer Assembly Term 2

Year LevelPrayer FocusDate
Year 4 WhiteANZAC Day AssemblyMonday 24 April
Year 1 WhiteSt Joseph the Worker Tuesday 2 May
Prep WhiteMother's DayFriday 12 May
Year 3 GoldPrayer ReflectionFriday  19 May
Prep GoldPentecost SundayFriday 26 May
Year 4 GoldNational Reconciliation WeekFriday 2 June
Staff AssemblyPrayer Reflection Friday 9 June
Year 5 GoldPrayer ReflectionFriday 16 June
Year 1 Gold Prayer ReflectionFriday 23 June




Engaging Families in Learning and Wellbeing Event

Are you attending?

School Fees

 Reminder when making a payment, could you please identify the deposit with your parent code, or parent name to assist with reconciling fees.

Term 2 Young Engineers