Burton Primary School Newsletter

Term 1, Week 10, 2023

From the Principal

Governing Council AGM

Thank you to those who attended the Annual General Meeting of the Governing Council last Tuesday. The 2022 Annual Report was released, and the 2022 Chairperson’s Report, Financial Report and OSHC Report were also presented.

Elections were held.

The 2023 Governing Council parent members are:

1. Cara Bristow (Matilda-Rm 14, Katherine- Rm 15)- reappointed

2. Tracy Clark (Chantelle-Rm 3, Hayden- Rm 15)- continuing

3. Angie Johnson (Tahneesha- Rm 9, Lachie- Rm 5)- continuing

4. Matthew Phillips (Harper-Rm 8)- new

5. Lance Kelly (Amber- Rm 1) - new

6. Jessica Hoppo (Alba- Rm 11, Daisy- Rm 16) - new

7. Christie Napper (Hunter- Rm 17) - new

There are 2 appointed (non-parent) community members:

1. Anita Yaxley (Canteen) - continuing

2. Michelle Haywood. (OSHC) – continuing

We welcome Matthew, Lance, Jessica and Christie to the Governing Council.

Swimming and Aquatics

Thank you to the many parents who have already finalised the forms and payment for swimming (Reception to Year 5) and Aquatics (year 6).

Swimming: Reception to Year 5 parents are reminded that the final day for swimming payment and forms is by 9am this Thursday April 6.

Aquatics: Year 6 parents are reminded that the final day for payment and forms is by 9am next Tuesday April 11.

Prime Energy Drink

We have had some students bring the PRIME “energy” drink to school this week. The warning on the back of the bottle clearly states that PRIME is “not suitable for people under 15”. Therefore, it is not a suitable drink for primary school students, and we ask that students do not bring PRIME bottles to school.


Michael Hosking



Gates open : 8:30am - If you need to drop your child at school earlier than 8:30am, then they need to be booked into OSHC, as there is no teacher on duty until 8:30am. If a child arrives before 8:30am they will be sent to OSHC and there will be cost attached to this service. All OSHC bookings can be done via the Hello Hub app, or call and speak to Michelle on 0488 200 207.

Start time: 8:45am - Anytime after 8:45am your child needs to come via the office to get a late slip.

Finish time: 3:05pm

If a child is not collected by 3:30pm they will be sent to OSHC and there will be cost attached to this service.

School office hours: 8am-3:30pm.

For absences, please send an SMS before 9am to our absentee line: 0428218669 (available 24/7) or call the office on 82806277 during office hours.

Canteen available through the QKR app.

Nut Awareness and Allergies

To raise awareness regarding severe allergies and to provide a safe learning environment for all members of the Burton Primary School community, the following management strategies are in place:

·       Parents and caregivers are requested not to send food to school that contain nuts. This includes peanut paste, Nutella, all nuts and nut cooking oils, as well as foods containing nuts

·       Students are encouraged not to share food.

·       Students are encouraged to wash hands after eating.

·       Staff supervising eating at lunchtime. When teachers notice nut product being bought into the classroom the identified child will be sent to the front office to eat their lunch.

·       All children are encouraged to wash their hands.

·       Staff are made aware of students and staff who have anaphylactic responses, including nut allergies. 

·       Staff participating in first aid training in understanding and dealing with Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions).

·       School lunch providers complying with the Nut Awareness Policy.

·       Parents and caregivers being requested not to send boxes that have previously contained nut products, e.g. cereal boxes, muesli bars with nuts, cake boxes, biscuits.

Mobile Phones

If it is absolutely necessary for a student to bring a mobile phone to school it must be signed in at the school  office before school and collected by them at the end of the day after dismissal, (we take no responsibility for phones that have not been signed in).  This also relates to any watches which can make and receive phone calls/messages.

Lost and Found

All Lost and Found uniform items are now kept in "The Hive".  If your child has misplaced something, please check in there.

Please make sure to label all belongings in multiple places, this makes it much easier for our staff to be able to return the items to their owners.

Update your details

Important Dates

Thursday April 6 - Last day to pay for Swimming and return consent forms

Friday April 7 - Good Friday PUBLIC HOLIDAY - NO SCHOOL

Monday April 10 - Easter Monday PUBLIC HOLIDAY - NO SCHOOL

Friday April 14 - Last day of Term 1     - Early dismissal at 2:05pm

                                                             - Casual Clothes - Gold Coin Donation

Monday May 1 - Term 2 begins

Monday May 1 to Friday May 5 - Swimming Reception to Year 5 students

Wednesday May 3 - Aquatics Year 6 students

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club has now moved from the Gym to in "The Hive".

Breakfast club is available to anyone who needs it.


Monday to Friday - 8:30-8:40am

Holiday Children's Book Sale SA

Thousands of children’s books, including picture and chapter books, novels and activity items.

  • Children’s books 50% off RRP!
  • $2 HOT TITLES selection.
  • Teacher Resources.
  • PLUS, FILL a BOX for $45 from a selected range of books.
Norwood Scholastic Warehouse 39 - 41 King Street Norwood, 5067 SA

Thursday 20th April: 8am—5pmFriday 21st April: 8am—5pm

Uniforms - Online through supplier in 2023

As of now, uniforms are no longer kept at the office.  Uniforms need to be ordered online via the supplier's store.

Hats are the only item which will still be stocked in the office for purchasing, but they can also be purchased online.

Collection/Delivery Options:

  • Collect from School: Orders placed before Midday Tuesday during school term will be packed and delivered to the school front office for collection each Thursday
  • Click and collect: Online orders can be collected from the Craigmore location, shop 16 Craigmore Village, 170-190 Yorktown Rd, Craigmore. Please wait for an email from one of our shop staff advising when it is ready for collection.
  • Home Delivery (Fee)


Use the QkR! app to pay your Fees, Order Hats, Lunch orders, Excursion payments.

We are on Facebook

Dear Families,   Burton Primary School is on Facebook! Being on Facebook will allow us to communicate more easily with families. 

Liking our page will enable you to see our posts. You can like our page by going to    


This page will be used alongside SeeSaw and Skoolbag to communicate about events and learning at the school and within the community. We encourage parents to comment and message to provide feedback, ask questions and contribute to the Burton Primary School community. We ask that you read the following guidelines to ensure the page is used safely and respectfully. 

Comments which are:  

- Abusive, harassing, threatening, defamatory, offensive or attacking others 

- Identifying students, staff, families or members of the community in a negative or disrespectful manner.  

Will be removed by our Administrators. 

 If you have a specific concern we recommend you contact the school directly via email dl.1844.info@schools.sa.edu.au or by phone on 8280 6277.  

For us to post pictures of students online, in newsletters and other publications we are updating our Media Permissions for all students. If you are willing for your child’s photo to be used in newsletters, our website, School Facebook Page and other publications please fill out the attached form. Once completed this permission is valid for your child’s total schooling. If you do not want your child’s photo shared please indicate this on the form. Please return to the front office as soon as possible.  

Kind Regards,   

Burton Staff

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Our vision

Burton Primary School's vision is to develop lifelong learners who can positively contribute to their rapidly-changing world.  Our aim is for students to attain high levels of literacy and numeracy along with information and communication and technical skills.