Clapham Primary School

2021 Newsletter

Term 3, Week 9

A warm welcome to the Term 3 Week 9 Newsletter

Wow! What a term it has been. We have had a very successful Book Week, Japanese Spring Festival, casual day, disco and we have even had a visit from an Australian Olympian. As we head into the last week of the term all classes are busily getting ready for the school production and our Year 7 Netball Team is eagerly awaiting their statewide netball final this Thursday. We wish them all the best.

As Term 3 comes to an end we would like to thank all of our families for their ongoing support. Even during these COVID times we have managed to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all. 

                                                                                                  Kindest regards 

                                                                                                  Cassie Kopias 

Letter of announcement

Please find attached a letter of announcement from Jodie Kingham for 2022. 

Class Placement 2022 Information

The class placement process begins now in readiness for 2022.   Every year we organise the following year’s class groupings to meet the learning needs of students. 

When planning classes, consideration is given to estimated enrolments, Reception intakes, class numbers and gender balance. When allocating students to classes, teachers take into account friendship groups, supportive peers, special needs, learning styles and balance of class groupings. Every effort is made to place students with at least one supportive peer (of their same year level) that they work well with.  Teachers will be facilitating a process where students nominate 3 supportive peers. 

Parents/Caregivers are able to provide information that may be useful during the class placement process if they wish. While we cannot accept parents/caregivers requesting a specific teacher, we are happy to receive comments regarding your child’s:

·         specific learning needs,

·         friendship groups,

·         social and emotional needs and

·         any other information which could have an impact on your child’s future class placement.

It is important not to indicate to your child that you have provided information thereby leading her/him to assume the information provided will necessarily be the outcome. Information will only be considered if it is in writing. Please place in an envelope marked Confidential/Class Placement and leave it at the Front Office. Alternatively you can email . Information must be in by the due date Wednesday, October 21th (Week 2, Term 4) by 2pm. Please include your child’s current class teacher and their 2021 year level with the information that you provide.

You can be assured that we do spend a great deal of time and effort in placing children into appropriate class groups. Please note that it is the Principal’s responsibility to make final decisions on classes and student placement. 

Jodie Kingham


Positives for Term 3

Mr L - PE classes have been so much fun in Term 3. The way all classes have worked together and supported each other is a credit to their classroom teachers and to themselves! 

Lynne Averis - It has been wonderful to work with all classes and teachers across this term. Our focus R-7 has been on writing well constructed Information Texts, based on research and learning around Orangutans, deforestation and sustainability. Students have demonstrated high interest and improved literacy outcomes, but most of all, social conscience and a willingness to think constructively about change! Love it! 

Room 1 -  "We have enjoyed learning new sounds to help us read and write." Bonnee and Poppy

"I enjoyed learning about Aboriginal Culture and Places with Room 4 in HASS. We got to go to the Botanic Gardens to learn more about plants and how Aboriginal people used them." Seth and Molly

"We explored nature and did a scavenger hunt with Room 4." Ruby

Room 1, 4, 7, 8 and 17 - This Term, our Junior Primary students have been learning about connections of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples with Country, including their use of environmental resources. As part of our inquiry, room 1, 4, 7, 8 and 17 students went on an excursion to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens to participate in their Aboriginal Food Trail led by experienced guides. We travelled by bus and enjoyed the sunny weather. Here are some highlights of the day from our students:

"It was good to look at the different plants and animals. I liked the lilypad building and the Killerfish Tree. I got eaten alive by mosquitoes." - Kaui

"My favourite part was the bottletree because it sounded like a tank." - Jonathan M

 "I liked the spikey tree because I liked learning about how the spikes protect the tree and how the nuts are used for food." - Charlotte C

 "The first thing our class saw was the bent branches in a tree which could be used to carve a boomerang and the straight sticks were used for spears." - Violet

 "We went to the fountain. I liked that it was filled with water. I learnt about the bottle tree and how it is used." - Kanav

"There was a shopping tree where you could get lots of things like food, medicine, a boat, a bowl and even a plate." - Hayley

"We learnt lots from Ryan who learnt it from his Aboriginal friend." -Harper

 "The scientific name for a gum tree is a Eucalyptus." - Kate

 "I really liked the big pinecones because they were very big and scary. They weren't the same size as a normal pinecone. We saw sticky pods and the outside of them were sticky. The Aboriginals put the pods around fruit and the birds would try to get the fruit, but they would get stuck on the pods. The Aboriginals would then eat the birds" - Oscar

 "I saw the ribbon gum tree, the bottle tree and the red gum tree. We learnt about all kinds of trees and plants and the Kaurna people." - Mishwa

 "At the Botanic Gardens I learnt some interesting facts about plants and the Kaurna people" - Gideon

 "I learnt how the Kaurna people made spears and boomerangs out of the trees" - Alannah

 "We walked around the garden. We went on the bus!" - Aakya

 Room 9 - This term we have enjoyed all things Olympics! We enjoyed researching the History of the Olympics and how far it dates back.  We all completed a research task on an individual athlete competing in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. It was interesting to learn about the world's best athletes and their journey to making the Olympic Teams. It was so special and inspiring to hear from Claire Arthur, the trampolinist and her athlete journey. We loved cheering on the Aussies going for Gold and completing our medal tallies.

Room 10 - has really enjoyed their learning in Geography, particularly our cross curricular focus on manmade structures in Europe and North America which they analysed in maths looking at 3D shapes and recreated in Minecraft.

Room 13 - Room 13 has had a busy and productive Term 3. We have continued to enjoy the opportunity to collaborate with Room 9 through joint HASS and STEM lessons, as well as building props and perfecting dance moves for Production. Our writing focus has moved from information reports, where we created habitat dioramas and learnt about different animals, to writing and following recipes that celebrate our different cultures. We have enjoyed the opportunity to share our cooking with others, including making a special treat for Father’s Day! As most of us are in our last year at Clapham Primary School, we have also begun our transition visits to our soon-to-be high schools. We are excited for Term 4! 

Room 14 - With support from Mrs Averis, students in Room 14 have developed their informative writing. Their information reports on orangutans were nothing short of outstanding. Well done to Room 14 students for their positive ape-titudes.   

Room 16 - Using increased persistence and resilience the students of Room 16 have tackled Confusion Zone tasks, specifically in our Cartesian Plane topic, that have challenged and stretched their higher order thinking skills. Seeing their individual and collaborative growth within the Confusion Zone from the beginning of the year has been incredible!


Room 1, 4, 7, 8 and 17 photos to the Adelaide Botanical Gardens

Production Information

Please find attached information regarding the School Production and Covid restrictions. 


Thank you to all of the students who entered the Production Poster Competition. The entries were voted on by staff and the top three posters will be used for advertising the production on notes, programs and posters. Congratulations to the following students; Ethan D, Jasmine A and Scarlett K, with their posters being voted as our top three.

Production Posters Top 3

Japanese Spring Festival

On Tuesday 7th September we celebrated the "Haru No Matsuri" (Japanese Spring Festival) to welcome the Spring Season. Our students participated in the Olympics Torch Ceremony, Taiko Drumming, Japanese Traditional Umbrella Dance, Kendo Performance and Japanese folk dance.  The Clapham community appreciated the uniqueness and beauty of Japanese culture. The event was enjoyed by the whole school community.

Our school values are up in West Wing!

Why you should save the orangutans! By Mackenzie Room 10

Library News

This year during Book Week two library monitors Molly S and Elizabeth H volunteered to run two competitions.

Our library monitors were very enthusiastic and did a fantastic job seeing it through to the end. They designed posters to advertise the competitions and displayed them around the school. They also chose the winners, which were announced on Friday, 27th August. The winners of the competition then selected a book from the book fair for up to the value of $15 as the prize.

The winners for the colouring-in competition were Harriet M & Analeigh T and for the find the book cover treasure hunt the winners were Banjo N & Max E.

We also celebrated Book Week with a Book Fair from Scholastics, where students and their families had the opportunity to purchase from a large variety of books.  

I would like to thank the parents and staff for their support. From the sales we raised just over $1,000.00, which was spent on purchasing books for the library. 

Helen Krinas

Book Week Pictures!

Colonel Light Gardens - 100th Celebration Event and Time Capsule

On the 22nd of August our school captains were invited to the 100th anniversary of Colonel Light Gardens at Oxford Circus, to represent Clapham Primary School. Whilst we were there we saw the Premier of South Australia (Steven Marshall), the Mayor of Mitcham (Heather Holmes-Ross) and the Member for Elder (Carolyn Power). At the end of October, they are burying a time capsule which may include letters, photos and documents that will be opened in 50 years.  We are writing a letter and adding some photos to the capsule.  In the letter we will be sharing that Clapham Primary School is 60 years old.

ECO Leaders 2021

Blue Gum St James Visit

What an amazing effort!!

This term our students have been raising money for the orangutans. Isabelle F Rm 2, Saya B Rm 3, Sofia M Rm 2, Abigail F Rm 8 and Madison F Rm 9 raised $59.00 for this cause by selling freshly squeezed orange juice, bunches of flowers, limes, coriander and rosemary out the front of a house. We are just so proud of them! 

Winter After School Sports

A huge thank you to all our volunteer sports co-ordinators, coaches and team mangers - your support of our netball, soccer and basketball teams has been amazing and very much appreciated. Thank you to parents and players - your commitment and enthusiasm made for a very successful season. We also want to thank Helen for her behind the scenes organisation - great work!

Justine Langley

Deputy Principal


The boys give 100% every game and their basketball skills have improved significantly. They play so well as a team and we have lots of fun at training whilst focusing on our skill development. 


Best Player Awards

Congratulations to three Clapham PS students who won Best Player Awards this year at Kenilworth Football Club. Lachlan for Under 8s, Milton for Under 9s and Antonio for Under 10s. There were many more amazing players from our school.   Photos below.

On Sunday the 12th of September year 6 students Harrison and Daly competed in the Under 12 division 3 football grand final representing Colonel Light Gardens Football Club. It was a great game but unfortunately the score did not go their way. Woodville South defeated Colonel Light Gardens 30 to 20, but we are so proud of the boys and their achievements, WE can’t wait to see them back out their next year. 

Under 10's Soccer

Well done to our Under 10 soccer team on their fantastic efforts this season. The boys learnt a lot and displayed excellent skills and sportsmanship, but most importantly had heaps of fun. Last week the team played at the Bowker St night carnival, winning 3 out of their 4 games. Thanks to Jason (Ollie’s dad) for coaching. Well done to Aaryan, Ansh, Elijah, Hudson, Jordan, Kobe, Lachlan J, Lefteri, Logan, Long and Ollie. 

Soccer Trophy presentation

Soccer Carnival

Our 2021 Under 9s Soccer team has now finished their season with the most amazing last game at our home oval. As always our Clapham students displayed great sportsmanship and had so much fun. We would love to thank Kasem for coaching the team. He's a fantastic role model to all and the players absolutely loved him. 

On Monday night the team played at the Bowker St Carnival. They played  very competitively against some very strong teams. It showcased how much our team has improved over the season. 

 Well done to Henry M, Tom S, Fergus P, Isohbel, Ibrahim K, Mack K-S, Xavier K, Milton P, Ollie W, Aleks N and Jasper H on a successful season. 

FUTSAL Sessions

Tuesday lunchtimes have been fun with various players coming into the gym for some indoor soccer (futsal). The skills in the school cohort keep rising. Players are able to take what they’ve learned from their recess and lunchtime practice (and not to mention their After-School Sport teams) indoors. In indoor soccer - it is all action and a lot of touches! 


We finished our badminton unit in PE and that was a lot of fun – with classes mixing between shuttles and balloons and with everyone being able to find a level that suited them. Well done to the students who took ‘rallying’ to a new level. It was great that so many had seen sports such as Badminton at the recent Olympics! The new Smartboard in the gym makes for easy viewing too, so we could see how the experts do it. With Badminton, plus a unit on AFL, plus Table Tennis, it has meant it’s been a very busy 2021 so far.  

Table Tennis

SAPSASA Athletics

Students from 4-7 also had final preparations and practices for the SAPSASA Athletics event held at Mile End in August recently. The athletes represented Clapham with pride and there were so many amazing efforts on the day that it is hard to list them all. I won’t lie about the weather – it tested almost everyone! Some students came home dry and others got hit by freak rains in the middle of their 800m runs. It’s lucky so many have trained for cross country and for challenging conditions. Well done to all who participated, and thanks to the parents who step forward to drive and support the day. It can’t happen without you! 


Congratulations Olivia D

A big congratulations to Olivia D who has been selected to participate in the recording process for the 2022 Festival of Music online Learning Portal, App and other resources. It is indeed an honour and a privilege to be selected, as well as a fantastic learning experience. Well done Olivia!

Nude Food winners

Week 8 Nude Food winners are Room 17! Congratulations. 

Bike Passport

Bikes are a popular mode of transport particularly in the warmer weather. Owners should take reasonable steps to secure their bike when it is not in use.

 SAPOL has developed a Bike Passport to record the details of your bike, this will help to identify your bike in the event that it is stolen. Never leave your bike unlocked and unattended, even for a very short period of time.

Engrave and mark your bike frame (near the serial number) with your driver’s license number e.g. S123456. When at home, secure your bike in a locked shed or inside your house. For more information visit


Governing Council News/Information/ Leadership Report

 The following is a brief update from our last Governing Council meeting and of each sub-committee:

  • Facilities: Planning for projects are progressing. The school now has 3 weekly meetings with DPTI Manager (Metro) and Facilities Manager to ensure they are completed in a timely manner.
  • After School Sports - A fantastic winter season! Many thanks to our coaches and team managers.
  • OSHC - Numbers continue to increase in before and after school care and vacation care bookings. Please see attachment below for Vacation Care Program. 
  • Finance:  The 2021 budget is tracking well.  M&S Levy (School Fees) amount $410 proposed for 2022 (this has been the same since 2018).  Please see notice re M& S Levy below.

Please also see attached Leadership Report that will now be sent after each Governing Council meeting.


M& S Levy

Recently our Finance Sub-Committee reviewed the M & S Levy (school fees) for 2022.  Our school fees will remain the same as 2021 at $410. Please see attached Notice of Materials and Services Levy for 2022.  We are inviting the school community to attend a Governing Council meeting where the M & S Levy for 2022 will be discussed, prior to approval being sought.  This will take place on Monday, 25th of October (Staff Room) at 7pm - Week 3, Term 4.  

Tracy Clifford-Clark—Finance Officer, on behalf of the Finance Sub-Committee



Vacation Care Program

Please see attached program for next holidays.

Parent Update Week 6 Term 3 2021

Year 7 to High School in 2022

Little rays of sunshine have come into the world!

A big congratulations to Sam and Craig on the arrival of their beautiful twin girls Wren and Raven. Everyone is doing well. 

Important Dates

Wednesday 22nd September School Production 
Friday 24th September 

School Closure Day 

Monday 11th October Term 4 begins
Monday 25th October Governing Council Meeting