Speers Point Public School Newsletter

Friday 11 March 2022, Term 1 Week 7

Principal's Message

After several weeks of wet weather, the sun has made a very welcomed return. The old saying, “slower than a wet week” has a special meaning for children when the weather restricts outside play.

Students have done very well under these conditions over this wet spell, and have continued to be safe, respectful, responsible achievers even when they are just wanting to get out and run on the oval, or on the fixed equipment. 

Return of Brekkie Club

We are very pleased to see a return of Brekkie Club on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. For our newer families unfamiliar with this program, students have an opportunity to grab brekkie here at school, including toast and fruit - all free thanks to Bakers Delight and Woolworths who are supporting the program. 

I am very proud of the senior student leaders who are there each week, helping to prepare and serve the food for their peers. It's through their efforts that the program runs as well as it does.

Brekkie club is located next to the school library on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 8:30 and 8:55am.

Mozzie Alert

Given the wet, we’re expecting a return of the mozzies. Classrooms are still using the ventilation strategy and windows and doors are open where possible to allow for natural ventilation. As the rain subsides and the mozzies plot their revenge, we suggest applying insect repellent before coming to school to help combat these winged missiles. 

Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all of our swimmers who competed in the Swimming Carnival this week. I have had so much praise come through for the effort of all of our swimmers – getting in and having a go! Such a great achievement.

We had 3 students go on to compete at Zone, well done Parker, Zara and Cassidy. Parker will go on to the next step and represent at regional. Well done! 


Veljko and Riley represented Speers Point Public School at the Westlakes PSSA school tennis trials on Friday 25 February 2022.

Congratulations to both boys on their achievements at the trials.  Riley got into the top 8 and Veljko made it into the top 5.  Veljko was selected into the Hunter Primary Tennis Team,  which he will compete in the NSW Championship in May.

We wish Veljko the best of luck at the Championships in May.


For the last two years we’ve made a big thing about when your child is sick – keep them home. If they have symptoms – keep them home and we have had exceptional community support around this message.

Covid safety aside, we are still encouraging student attendance which matters even more now. If a student needs to stay home because they are sick, then every day they are not sick matters so much more! All of our classrooms are working hard to get past the interruptions of the last few years, so every day, every minute counts!

Please remember that our attendance rolls are legal documents. All student absences must be explained within 3 days. You can call, email or respond to the SMS alert to submit an explanation.

If a child is sick or attending medical appointments (that can’t be made outside school hours) these are valid and accepted absences. What I encourage is to not let students have days off for trivial things like birthdays or shopping. 

NAPLAN in coming

The word NAPLAN brings many different thoughts and reactions. Next term, in weeks 3 and 4 our students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN assessments. For Year 5 these are completely online, including the writing. For Year 3 it is online except for the writing which is still handwritten.

If you have any concerns around your child and NAPLAN please discuss these with the class teacher for support.

At Speers Point we don’t teach for a test, we teach for life. We won’t be changing our class teaching programs to prep for NAPLAN, but we will continue the high standard of teaching in supporting students at their level of learning. We definitely do not want to stress students.  It is one assessment in a wide range of assessments we use over the year.

If parents are looking to prepare at home these are the few suggestions I would include:

  • Year 5 typing practice. Building skills to write fluently on a keyboard. 

  • Vocabulary building – developing a deeper understanding and use of inexhaustible range of words and meaning. 

  • Building number facts, like simple addition, multiplication facts etc. This allows less “cognitive load” (or brain power) needed on the simple tasks and frees up more RAM for more complex tasks.

    Have a great week

    Chris Payne


    Calendar Dates

    Monday 14 March - P&C Meeting - School Library - 6.30pm

    Friday 18 March - Active Inclusion Sports Day - Support Unit

    Friday 18 March - Hunter Water Show K-2

    Thursday 24 March - Harmony Day/Bullying No Way - Anti-Bullying Day

    Wednesday 30 March - Hot Cross Bun payment and orders due

    Friday 1 April - Cross Country

    Thursday 7 April - Hot Cross Bun delivery

    Friday 8 April - Crazy Hair/Easter Hat Parade

    Friday 8 April - Last day of Term 1

    Monday 25 April - ANZAC DAY

    Tuesday 26 April - Staff Development Day - no students

    Wednesday 27 April - Students return for Term 2

    Thursday 28 April - School Photos

    School News

    Award Recipients - Term 1 Week 6

    Face Mask Recycling

    School Photos - 28 April

    All 2022 school photos are to be ordered online using the code below.

    To order a package please click on the link

    Newcastle School Portraits

    If you need any assistance ordering online, please see the office staff.

    Year 6 Fundraiser - Bakers Delight Hot Cross Buns

    To order your Hot Cross Buns and support the end of year farewell for our Year 6 students, please click on the link Hot Cross Bun Order Form

    Cost $8.00 per pack of 6.

    Payment and orders are due by Wednesday 30 March 2022.

    Payment can be made online via our school website or cash to the office in a clearly marked envelope.

    Hot Cross Buns will be delivered on Thursday 7 April 2022.

    Second Hand Uniform Donations

    If anyone has any uniforms they no longer require,  it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate them to the school to add to our second hand uniform pool. 

    Please bring all donations to the office.

    Thank you

    Library News


    Could you please return any outstanding library books.  Thank you


    Issue 2 orders are due by Friday 25 March 2022.

    Students can order via the LOOP, click on the link Order Online

    or bring in their orders and money to the office.

    Parents and Citizens Update

    Things are starting to heat up around here! We’re rounding out Term 1 with a number of whole school events, so get out your calendar and let’s get organised. 

    First up is the P&C meeting on March 14. It will be held at 6.30pm at the school library. For those who can’t attend, there will be an option to Zoom in at the link below. This is a great opportunity for you to become more involved in your child’s education and have your say in how we can support the school through fundraising.

    ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/94817476718?pwd=aHJTQmw5aTdkUFN0VzFPOFdDbVJ1dz09

    Meeting ID: 948 1747 6718

    Passcode: Sa29xt

    The canteen is celebrating Harmony Day on Friday 25 March. We will have special items from around the world available for sale at lunchtime. They will also be available for pre-order on the Qkr! app. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more details.

    Cross Country is on at the school on Friday April 1st. The canteen will be providing a special meal deal so keep an eye on our Facebook page or the Qkr! app for details. A hard copy order form will also be sent home in the next two weeks. This year, caregivers will be able to attend and cheer on their students. The P&C will have a sausage sizzle and kiosk available on the day for students and spectators. Anyone looking to purchase a meal deal for themselves can order it on the app with their child’s lunch. App orders will be delivered to the student so caregivers will need to retrieve their order from their child (before the kid eats it!).

    We will be running a raffle at the end of this term. It will be drawn on April 8th at the Easter Hat & Crazy Hair Parade. Tickets will be sent home with students in Week 9 and are due back to the school by Wednesday March 30. The P&C is currently canvassing for prize donations. There will be all sorts of prizes up for grabs, both Easter related and secular, so get your tickets in and join us for some fun on the last day of term! 

    If you would like to volunteer for either the end of term event or cross country please follow the link ( https://signup.com/go/ZwbeFcP) or send an email to speerspointpublicschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au

    Community News

    Position Available

    2IC Position Available - Cameron Park Early Learning Centre

    Please see attached for further details


    Speers Point Public School

    Speers Point soaring high, spread our wings and learn to fly.