To all Miles State High School students – WELL DONE!!! You have shown great resilience and determination throughout this term. The beginning of the year seems a distance memory to many of us with the current crisis taking priority in our minds. I’d like to use this opportunity to reflect on the term and highlight the amazing opportunities students have had and the incredible successes we have had as a school. There are so many great memories and stories to be told from this term, and I ask that you hold onto these memories as we head into our Easter break.
At the end of last year Miles State High School began to introduce a number of online platforms to support and increase student access to learning materials, and communication between students and teachers. Microsoft Onenote Class Notebooks is an application that allows students to access (from anywhere at any time) lesson instructions, resources, and to collaborate with other students and teachers in various spaces. Education Perfect is another online application that was introduced at the end of 2019 as a trial, which lead to MSHS investing in this application for a whole school rollout (and we are grateful now that we made this decision). Education Perfect (or EP as it’s affectionately known as) provides endless online learning materials which have been designed to support our curriculum, as well as allowing staff to build their own learning materials for students to complete. In turn, this provides real time feedback, progress checking, and engagement in student learning.
Our staff (Teachers and Support staff) are to be commended on their efforts and dedication this year. Not only were they planning and preparing for a year without COVID-19, now they are really showing their passion, determination, and courage as they plan for an unfamiliar and unprecedented change to how education is delivered and supported. Our teachers have spent many sessions together over the last three weeks in professional development and sharing ICT skills in preparation for next term. Our admin and support staff have stepped up to the challenges that have presented with each change as we respond to this crisis. Our cleaners need a special mention as they have increased their shifts, adopted new processes and practices, and have ensured that our school is safe with the highest levels of hygiene. Our IT Technician, Mr Dan Vagg, has played an instrumental part of our preparations for possible online delivery through the creation of student Sharepoint Portal, software support and many password resets. Thank you!
This week student report cards will be sent home, along with various information on how to access our new e-newsletter (this newsletter), and the recommencement of schooling in Term 2. I hope you enjoy the new format of our newsletter and find it easy to join up to. Attached below are the instructions on how to access Skoolbag on you smartphone.
During the Easter break, I expect that our students follow the Queensland Governments advice and remain safe at all times. I am sure that during this time students will show their families how they demonstrate our RISE values at school, as these values are based on those of a strong and supportive community – RESPECT – INTERITY – SAFETY – ENGAGE.
Look forward to seeing you next term.
Kind Regards,
Ashley Spain