The Randwick Buzz

Term 2, Week 4 2022

Important Dates for 2022

Friday 20 May                         Walk Safely to School Day

Tuesday 24 May                      Bully Zero Parent Workshop

Thursday 26th May                 National Sorry Day

                                                   Red, Black and Yellow Mufti Day

Friday 27 May                          P&C Comedy for a Cause Evening

Tuesday 31 May                      Year 1 Excursion Vaucluse House

                                                   Bully Zero Parent Workshop

Thursday 2nd June                 Year 1 Excursion Vaucluse House

                                                   Year 4  Excursion MonkeyBaa Theatre

Sunday 5th June                      Working Bee

Thursday 9 June                      Kindergarten Excursion

Wednesday 15 June                Grow Your Mind Parent Information Session

Thursday 16 June                    Swimming / Cross Country Assembly 10am

Tuesday 21 June                      Year 6 Musical

Wednesday 22 June                Year 6 Musical

Thursday 23 June                    SRC Pyjama Day Mufti Day

Friday 1st July                          Last day of Term 2

Monday 18th July                    Staff Development Day (No students)

Tuesday 19th July                    First day of  Term 3

From the Principal

Reconciliation Week in Australia starts on the anniversary of the 1967 referendum, 27th May and ends on Mabo Day, 3rd June. The following is a child friendly clip that helps us to understand the importance of this week. Our Indigenous students will be participating in the Koojay Corroboree at Coogee Beach next Friday with all our local schools. Thank you to teachers Leanne King and Patrick Madden for facilitating this. 

Service to Others

Randwick Public School, through the SRC, has promoted service to others for many years. Our most recent involvement is the engagement in Oz Harvest in Year 5 and the collection of items to support the Women's Refuge in Redfern.

Kids Giving Back is an opportunity for students as individuals to provide service to the community through holiday volunteering. Capri Whittaker and Amelie Thompson have been the most recent​ students who helped during the Term 1 holidays.

If your children would like to be involved in the next vacation, there are programs for children aged from 6 to 18 years at Kids Giving Back |

Randwick Driver Behaviours

Is your driving creating risk for our students and other road users, because you have only considered your own timelines? Does this model responsible behaviour for your children?

Recent behaviours have included:

  • U turns across double lines in both Frances Street and The Avenue:  This is ILLEGAL
  • Leaving your car at Kiss and Go: Against the RULES
  • Sitting in the 10 minute zone on Frances St answering your phone: Lack of CONSIDERATION to others
  • Standing and chatting with other parents while your car is parked on Frances Street: Lack of CONSIDERATION to others

We all get fed up with Sydney's traffic however bad behaviour only makes it worse. Please stay within the law, obey the rules and consider others first and we will all be better off.

The P&C are working with Council to try to alleviate the problems. Please let Council know that there needs to be more done.

Walk to School Friday

This Friday walking to school is promoted. Please encourage your children from Year 3 -6 to walk all or part of the way to and from school. Promote students' health and diminish the traffic. All the puppies enjoy a good walk too!


Most students in Years 3 and 5 have successfully completed NAPLAN. This year it was all online for Y3, 5, 7 and 9 except for Year 3 Writing.  Given 1.2 million students Australia wide sat the tests across 9,500 sites there was remarkably little trouble. Sickness has meant that catch-up tests continue this week. Thanks to our Year 3 and 5 teachers, Deputy Principal Trent Gardiner who administered the tests and Instructional Leader Emma Garroway who supported the Year 3 cohort.

The advantage of the online test is that it is adaptive, so students receive more difficult questions if they answer correctly. Being accurate on the easy questions is quite important. The intention is that results will be available to schools and parents more quickly to direct learning in the current year. There is discussion that it may be held earlier in the year in 2023 so that information is available sooner.

How sick is too sick?

We are still experiencing quite a bit of sickness at school amongst teachers and students. While COVID seems to be slowing down a little, many children are presenting at school with symptoms including vomiting. While normally encourage children to attend regularly, we urge caution with flu very common and very infectious. Some younger classes have been down to half the cohort, with a subsequent loss of teachers to illness. Please also consider flu vaccinations in accord with health advice.

Daily Pick Up

We will commence opening the Frances St gate at 2.50pm each day so that there is less crowding on the footpath. Parents are welcome to bring younger children in to play in the Forest playground on the Kindy equipment but please remember you cannot enter student toilets with your toddler. Please remain in this lower playground until the bell rings as classes may be using other parts of the playground for outside learning activities or PE and we don't want any toddlers or parents injured.

The silver seats near the outside stage are where Year 1 wait for dismissal so please also leave this area clear.

It's been nice to see parents and children using the playground and play equipment after school each day. Children are not permitted on equipment in schools except under direct adult supervision. This means that if your child is staying to play you need to be near them to ensure equipment is used as it should be. You also need to actively supervise your child on the grounds so that means time out from mobile devices for everyone.

Parents as Partners

Having parents in classrooms once again is a great help and we're especially pleased with the parents who have sent in an expression of interest to help Laurie Power, our Learning Support Teacher with the SARP and SAMP programs. Unfortunately, in our busy lives the thing that is most lacking for many children is an adult who has time to listen to them read and practice basic maths facts. That daily practice with a supportive adult regularly can make all the difference. If you have a little time, please consider helping in this way. Thank you too for helping in younger classrooms.

Please note that there is an ongoing Determination by the Secretary of the Department that all adults in contact with children must be double vaccinated even though the PHO was rescinded on May 13. I am sure you would appreciate that schools where so many younger children remain unvaccinated allows COVID or anything else to spread very quickly and the impact this has on increasingly limited teaching staff.

School Improvement

You may have noticed external painting of the school has commenced. This is part of planned maintenance and hopefully the interior will follow. We've also been notified that all our lights will be replaced under the LED lighting program to improve lighting in the classrooms and lower energy use. As you can imagine this is quite a large project to replace every fluoro light in the school. Only the Beehive and Admin currently have LED lights.

We've also been notified that we are part of a program to expand SOLAR panels and energy in the school which will be used to power the Cooler Classrooms and ventilation program when that is finished in June.

Block C which our music programs and AMS use, is also being re-roofed, and a new COLA will be put in place shortly.

  • Don't forget to support the P&C Democracy Sausage Sizzle on Saturday and drop cakes off Friday/Saturday for the cake stall.
  • Comedy for a Cause is also coming up on Friday 27th May so I will see you for a sausage and a drink from 6pm prior to the entertainment.


Susan Allen, Principal

Notice from the Department of Education

Student leave during the term


Families are encouraged to holiday or travel during school vacations. Holidays taken by students outside of school vacation periods are included as absences. Accepting or declining an application for leave is at the discretion of the principal. Section 14 of the Student Attendance procedures states, ‘a principal should not accept a reason for travel during school term if it is not in the best interests of the student. This includes educational, social and participation reasons.’ If the principal does not believe the absence is in the student’s best interests and does not accept the reason, the absence will be recorded as ‘A’. In this case, a Certificate of Extended Leave – Holiday will not be issued. This should be communicated with the parent. Please note, if the period of absence is in excess of 50 days, the student may be eligible to enrol in Distance Education and a conversation around this scenario should take place with all stakeholders to ensure available options for continuity of education are considered.

From the Relieving Co-Principal

Student Morning Tea

On Monday, Ms Allen, Mr Gardiner, Ms Cake and I had our first morning tea with students. This week we were joined by the Prefects, taking advantage of the beautiful weather and sitting outside. The Prefects shared what they like most about Randwick Public School and their ideas on how we could better utilise the spaces and resources available. They were also very keen to tell us about the great teachers they have and provide suggestions on the learning programs that we currently offer and ways these may be enhanced. This will be an ongoing program that will occur each fortnight, allowing different groups of students to tell us about themselves and what they value, as well as share the ideas they have to strengthen teaching, learning and wellbeing at Randwick Public School. It also provides an authentic opportunity for students to have their voices heard and understand that their ideas and opinions are important and respected.

Thank you to Mr Pozarik for his organisation of this fantastic initiative and to the canteen for catering. We look forward to many more opportunities to build quality connections with students across the school.

Kate Cohen

Relieving Co-Principal

From the Deputy Principal

Walk Safely to School Day

National Walk safely to School Day is on Friday 20th May 2022.

On Walk Safely to School Day, primary school aged children are encouraged to walk with their parents or caregivers to school. This encourages healthy habits as well as teaching vital road safety skills. Primary school aged children across Australia will make those important steps towards a healthier future by participating in National Walk Safely to School day on Friday 20th May. National Walk Safely to School Day, now in its 23rd year,  is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long0term well-being of our children. 

WSTSD is an opportunity for parents and carers of Primary School aged children to promote safe pedestrian behaviour.

WSTSD will inform parents and carers that they need to closely supervise their young children, particularly those under 10 years of age, in all road environments, holding hands when near or crossing the road.

WSTSD will promote and inform parents, carers, teachers and children of the significant physical, mental and social health benefits which can be achieved through regular walking.


The objectives of WSTSD are:

  • To encourage parents and carers to walk to school with primary school age children and reinforce safe pedestrian behaviour.
  • To promote the health benefits of walking and help create regular walking habits at an early age.
  • To ensure that children up to 10 years old hold an adult's hand when crossing the road.
  • To help children develop the vital road-crossing skills they will need as they become mature pedestrians.
  • To reduce the car dependency habits that are being created at an early age and which will be difficult to change as children become adults.
  • To promote the use of Public Transport.
  • To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles.
  • To reduce the level of traffic congestion

Families are encouraged to leave the car at home where possible and walk to school. If this is not possible, consider parking and walking part of the way.


Randwick Public School will once again be participating in the ICAS assessments for Years 3 to 6. ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, mathematics, science and spelling. All ICAS assessments will be held in Term 3. These assessments give students in Years 3-6 the opportunity to challenge themselves and receive recognition for academic achievement. The assessments are suitable for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. If you would like your child to participate in the ICAS assessments in Term 3, please use the Parent Payment System to register and pay.  

The 2022 test window is as follows. However, specific days and times will be confirmed once numbers have been finalised.

Digital Technologies: 8-12 August

English: 15-19 August

Science 22-26 August

Spelling Bee: 22-26 August

Mathematics 29 August - 2 September

Payments can be made until Monday, 1 August. 

Parent Payments can be made at using the school’s unique access code: RCA67

Trent Gardiner

Deputy Principal

Kindergarten Class Work

Red, Black & Yellow Mufti Day

In 2021 it was highlighted by students, parents, community members and teachers the need to make Indigenous signage more visibly present around the school. 

In support of this initiative, on Thursday, 26th May, all students will be encouraged to dress in the traditional colours of the Aboriginal flag - red, black and yellow. A gold coin donation will be collected on the day to raise funds to purchase plaques which will be displayed around the school.

From the P&C

Election Day BBQ & Cake Stall Volunteers needed - 9am-11am, 11am-1pm on Saturday 21st May to raise a few $$ for the school. Please use the link below to sign up to help- thank you to those who have already put their names down.

21 May 2022 Election Day BBQ — Signup Sheet |

Friday May 27th 2022 - in the school hall

We will have the bar open, the Volkswurst German Sausage Truck (he does a delicious vegetarian option!) will be providing food and the Silent Auction will be running on the night.

Buy your tickets at $35 entry fee for a great line up of Comedians!

Parents of RPS, we want to hear from you! LAST CHANCE

Tell us your thoughts on community building opportunities, the P&C and cultural events at the school by filling in this short survey. It will take no longer than 8 minutes, and responses are completely anonymous! Get your response in before the survey closes this Friday

Working Bee

We’re going to hold our first post-covid working bee on Sunday 5 June, from 9am – 3pm.

The working bee is a great opportunity to help keep the school grounds looking their best. Jobs for this working bee will include composting & mulching, maintaining the gardens, painting, covering library books and other odds & ends.

It would be great to see you at the bee – you can stay for an hour or two, or the whole day. Bring the kids and they can play or be put to work! There will be some morning tea and a BBQ lunch to keep us all going.

More information including a sign-up sheet will be provided shortly via Skoolbag.

Play date for Years 2 - 4

Friday 24th June - Week 9, after school at the Parent's Room/ Uniform Shop (beside canteen) until 4pm.

Siblings are welcome and a light afternoon tea is on offer.

Please provide your feedback by clicking on yellow banner link. We will direct the feedback to the appropriate people and/or share it in the newsletter! So that we can get in touch with you, support you or gather more information, it is greatly appreciated if you could provide your contact details if you would like.

Thank you!

Please see the Community Advertising section for activities held at the school, during school holidays and within the local community. You can access this link by by clicking on yellow banner link above or by visiting the Randwick Public School website, scroll down the front page and click on the link "Community Advertising". 

Information for parents and carers about the changes to school operations because of COVID-19 health advice current from 8 September 2020 is available in the following languages:

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