
Issue 2019 / 14


What a wonderful week for the Pittwater House family; three House Dinners and Fathers’ Day Breakfast. These opportunities to come together are precious. For each House, their leaders produced great events with significant involvement from the students. We appreciated the Guest Speakers: Butterworth’s Gee Craddock from Chix Surf School, Richard Tombs Guns Out for Tombsy for Morgan and Joe Galuvao for Orrock who shared his story of the key lessons learned from his Samoan background and the NRL, playing for the Sea Eagles at the time of his retirement. He shared key words that have impacted his journey, one of which was legacy. To quote his father’s words “wherever you go take your name with you…”  was easily applied at these events where we were remembering that ‘our stories are still being written’. 

Butterworth Dinner

Morgan Dinner

Orrock Dinner

Our family

The sense of community and family are spoken of constantly. It is a defining element of our very core. Why is it important? I believe such a sense is important for the development of a child’s feelings of belonging and security; whether this be the 3-year child in our Bilbies class or our young men and women about to graduate. The strong connections with both peers and older and younger members of our School together with our Staff are built through shared experiences and everyday interactions. The routines of our calendar, the identification within our School as members of sub-schools or House groups, allows for that proud identification such as I’m a member of the Grammar School or I’m a Butterworthian. A positive sense of self and the focus on educational instruction and opportunities for engagement in extra and cocurricular activities together with dispute resolution are all a part of our day in working with students. The connections across so many groupings are assisting our students to gain confidence, enhance their thirst for learning and develop to the point of realisation that our senior students seek to give back to the community that has given them so much. This has never been more apparent than when many of our Year 11 students seek a position as a student leader. 

Fathers’ Day Breakfast

I do hope all our Fathers enjoyed their annual special focus last Sunday. We were able to kick start the celebration with the annual Fathers’ Day Breakfast last Friday. Our Facebook posting showed many who attended and enjoyed a hearty breakfast despite the challenging weather conditions. My sincere thanks to the PHPA who once more pulled out all stops in keeping the food coming and the coffee brewing. The little tweaks to a tested and tried program merely ensured a greater engagement and sense of community. 

 Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Education Award

SUO Naveen G12 has been awarded the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Education Award which is presented annually to Year 12 students in recognition of leadership potential, and academic and sporting achievements exhibited in their final year. There are up to 50 awards nationwide, available on behalf of the Navy, Army and Air Force which are being presented to suitable applicants who have applied for entry to ADFA. Captain Elyse Glynn from Defence Force Recruiting presented Naveen with his Award at our Assembly last Friday. Sincere congratulations to Naveen who is a most worthy winner of this prestigious Award. 


The weather was kind to us after the significant rain last week. The oval drained sufficiently for us to witness a magnificent 47th Ceremonial Parade. The Reviewing Officer being Brigadier Michael Ashleigh who is Commander in Chief of Australian Army Cadet Corps.

It was an outstanding parade and all cadets, under the leadership of SUO Naveen are to be highly commended. At the Mess Dinner held on Monday night, we were able to acknowledge the graduation cadets, presenting each with a unique medal symbolising their membership of the Pittwater House Cadet Unit and a citation outlining their role. It was a fitting tribute to this fine group of young men and women. Additionally, I wish to thank the RSM, Ewan for his work on parade and Dining Vice-President. Together with seven of our Year 11 Cadets who worked at table, it was a most memorable and enjoyable occasion. 

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award

I am delighted to announce that Penny C12 will be presented with her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award by Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex at a ceremony at the Sydney Town Hall on Friday 13 September. Penny is so worthy of this Award and our warm congratulations are extended to her. James Fruin (Class of 2016) is also a Gold Awardee who is unfortunately unable to attend the ceremony due to his tertiary commitments on the day.

As we come to the final days of Term 3, I look forward to the continuing opportunities to see many parents and friends at our special events.

With every good wish for the days ahead. 

What's On - Events and Excursions

School Information

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History Week

During Week 6 Pittwater House celebrated History Week. The History teachers put on exciting lunch time activities such as Junior Trivia, Senior Trivia, Trebuchet Building Competition and the big History-themed Scavenger Hunt. Winners for all of these activities will be announced in the Week 7 Assembly. Special mention to the committed Year 7 students who participated in all of the activities during the weeks:

  • Remy (G7O)
  • Michael (G7B)
  • Ashlee (G7O)
  • Catherine (C7B)
  • Chloe (C7M)
  • Bonnie (C7B)
  • Nami (C7B)
  • Sophie (C7B)
  • Yarra (C7M)
  • Olivia (C7M)

The History teachers of Pittwater House look forward to another great History Week in 2020!

Rachael Sutton
History Teacher


From the Head of Junior School

People are not born as wonderful communicators or as fabulous and engaging public speakers, but these skills are very effective in having a successful work or public life.  Public speaking skills are developed through a child’s school experience by opportunities such as public speaking, debating, discussion groups and engaging in dialogues with their teachers and the school community. Although the term is not frequently used, oracy – the skills in using spoken language – is crucial to the success of our 21st century learners, just like literacy and numeracy.

Throughout Term 3, the entire Junior School participated in a Public Speaking Competition. The competition is designed to give all students the opportunity to participate in a formal competition, whilst also giving confident speakers the opportunity to progress through to various stages and deliver speeches to a larger audience. Every child in the Pittwater House school community should be extremely proud of themselves for participating at every level. 

The following students were awarded certificates and medals for either winning the competition for their year level or for gaining a second place. 


WinnerSecond PlaceHighly Commended
KAnaya  (JK)Rose (JK)

Sophie  (JK)

James (PK)

Harrison (PK)

Thomas (PK)

Year 1Hamish (P1)Leon (P1)

Tahlia (J1)

Annie (J1)

Emaan (J1)

Charlie (P1)

Year 2Heath (P2)Miranda (J2)

Harper (J2)

Hugo (P2)

Year 3Florence (J3)Ethan (P3)

Malia (J3)

Isaac (P3)

Year 4Ayaan (P4)

Melanie (J4)

Max (P4)

Emma (J4)
Year 5Pip (J5T)Annika (J5P)

Kaya (J5P)

Katana (J5P)

Henry (P5B)

Michael (P5B)

Kate (J5T)

Nehan (P5D)

Matthew (P5D)

Connor (P5D)

Year 6Eiyarna (J6H)Kai (P6C)

Ben (P6T)

Max (P6T)

Adele (J6H)

Emma (J6H)

Lachlan (P6C) 

Benjamin (P6C)

Phoebe (J6F)

Keisha (J6F)

Addison (J6F)


Clever JK readers, ending Book Week with the newly purchased library books from National Geographic. JK girls were given the pleasure of being the first students to read and look at the new books! The National Geographic titles cover pre-readers through to chapter books to age 10/11 and are to be found on the Junior Library shelves (or in JK’s classroom).


From the Co-ordinator of Creative Arts

Monday September 2 was the submission for the HSC Visual Arts Body of Works. We wish them well in their final submissions.

Monday September 9 the Music 2 students will be submitting their Core Compositions for external marking.

On Friday September 13 the HSC Music 1, Music 2 and Music Extension candidates will be presenting their performance programs to the external NESA markers. This is a very exciting day for these students who have been working throughout the year on their performances.

The Senior Creative Arts Night - Thursday September 5

The Senior Creative Arts Night showcases the Creative Arts talents of our Senior School. This will take place in the School Hall on Thursday September 5. This night is a great evening that involves all students participating in our co-curricular creative arts program and is a mandatory night for all students in elective creative arts. The performances will start at 6.30pm and the doors open at 6.00pm.

Senior School Music Festival
The 2019 Pittwater House Creative Arts Senior Music Festival will be held on Thursday 17 October and Monday 21 October in the Creative Arts Centre. The evenings will commence at 6pm and will finish approximately 7:30pm depending on the number of performers.

The Senior Music Festival is a performance opportunity that is open to all students in Years 7-11. The students can perform as either a soloist or in a small group (maximum 4 players). We encourage everyone who learns a musical instrument to perform at this event whether they are taught by one of the Pittwater House music tutors or an outside tutor. Students are able to enter a maximum of 2 pieces on any instrument but can perform 2 pieces on different instruments. There is a total maximum time limit of 5 minutes per student.

Students performing vocal solos will need to submit the lyrics to their song with their application form.

Backing tracks are an acceptable accompaniment but must NOT contain the instrumental/vocal part being performed by the student. A piano/keyboard accompaniment can be arranged with sufficient notice, if music is handed in to the music cottage by the end of Term 3.

Please complete the application form on Skoolbag before 3.00pm on Tuesday 15 October. Late entries CANNOT be accepted.

If you have any questions, please email Mr Jim Abraham at

Creative Arts Student Achievements

Throughout the year our very talented Creative Arts students will be performing in numerous Eisteddfods competing in many sections such as: Contemporary Vocal, Solo Dance, Dance Groups, Solo Instrumental and Instrumental Groups. These students will be representing either Pittwater House, themselves or their own private studios. We would like to acknowledge the results of students, please let us know of their Creative Arts success throughout the year by emailing and we will publish the results. 


Student Sporting Success

Congratulations and good luck to Ashlee J4 who has been selected to represent the Northern Region at The State Gymnastics Championships in October; well done Ashlee.

Congratulations to Kate J5 who has just competed in the Gymnastics NSW State Championship In level 6, division 1, Kate was the runner-up NSW State Champion placing 2nd overall. She was also the runner-up champion on the Bars and Beam and 4th on Floor; well done Kate.

Good luck to Kai P6 and Taylor C9 who are competing at the Australian Interschools Snow Sports Championships being held in Victoria this coming weekend.

Congratulations to both Darcey J6 and Arabella J5 for being selected into the U13 Girls Manly Rep Cricket Team; well done girls. 

Pittwater House Sport News

To view the following 'Sport News' items please click on the Download button below

  • Term 3 Nominations
  • Sports Reports
  • Tern 3 Calendar Dates
  • Sports Office Contact Details

View Pittwater House Sport News Here



Join Cadets

All students who will turn 13 or older in 2019 are able to join the cadet unit. Enrolment forms are available at Reception or click here.

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents' Association)

After a crazy few weeks at PHPA HQ, we can finally take a breath and thank everyone who helped with our last 2 events. Neither would have been possible without the efforts of TPHS Staff and Volunteers.

The World Challenge Team is very grateful for all your support and help in organising/providing raffle and silent auction prizes. The Comedy for a Cause night was a hoot, with four outstanding comedians, a busy bar and some gourmet food on offer contributing to a memorable evening!  Many have called for the event to happen again in 2020 - so watch this space!

Despite Fathers’ Day Breakfast being a tad soggier than previous years, we had lots of happy Dads and children indulging in some delicious breakfast and three lucky Dads went home with fabulous hampers won in the raffle!

As we speed towards the end of Term 3, we would like to invite all parents and guardians, Network Parents and Volunteers to our Term 3 Community Meeting on Friday 6 September at 8:30am on the Junior School Deck. There will be coffee and cake as usual and we will be reviewing the 2020 School Uniform, showcasing the Clothing Pool and sharing with you all the amount raised at both events mentioned above.

Have a great week and enjoy the Spring sunshine.

Kate and Connie PHPA

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8am.

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Menu

For the latest menu and to find out the weekly specials visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

Located next to the School Uniform shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

Please Note: Purchases cannot be charged to your School Account.

The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.


School Uniform Shop News

Junior School students must have a note in their diary or an email sent to the school shop if they wish to purchase any items. Too many students are turning up on Friday mornings needing PISA socks without a note or email.

Pittwater House Raincoats size small adult  are in production hopefully we will have them available middle of Term 4. All other sizes are in stock.

There are a few cotton jumpers available, sizes 8-16  (great for in-between seasons) 

In Stock Now: Track Suits, Sport Bags and Fleeces

Lost Property: is over flowing with unlabeled items. Please label all clothing and come in and look for items you may have lost.

To Notify the School of Student Absences

Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

Term Dates
