We have been learning about space and planets. The children have enjoyed creating the solar system using paper mache and balloons.They decided to draw their own solar systems to display around the room.
Blue Group - Maths
We are always learning through play at Preschool. Macki, Dana, Freya, Hadley and Bronte used loose parts, counters and plastic eggs to represent numbers in the Maths learning area.
Early Stage 1
KC - Maths
KC have been learning about telling time on the hour. They made clocks with movable hands to help them with their learning.
KG - Spelling
Bailey, Mackenzie and Fletcher (back) learning to read and spell words in reading groups.
Stage 1
1/2M - Writing
1/2M have been giving and receiving peer feedback, using the 3 stars and a wish strategy, to improve their writing.
1/2N - Science
In Science, 1/2 N have been exploring the way that forces act upon a paper aeroplane. They had a great time flying their paper aeroplane creations from our tallest building.
1/2D - Maths
In Daily Number Sense, 1/2D are exploring everything we know about a 'Magic Number'. Today's magic number is 44. There are so many ways to represent a number.
1/2A - PDH
In Personal Development and Health, we have been talking about what makes us similar and different to our friends. What a great way to get to know each other better!
1/2C - Reading
1/2C have been learning about visualising in guided reading. We read some sentences describing an unknown animal. The students visualised the animal and drew a picture of it on their whiteboards.
Stage 2
3D - Quick Write
Alexa Woods and Lara Alexander working collaboratively to re-construct a text in quick write. Miss Dunmall read a dictation passage to the students. One student took notes and the other student listened and recalled the dictation from memory. The next goal was to work collaboratively in pairs to re-construct the dictation.
3P - English
Charlie Cunningham and Ruby Michell, using a graphic organiser to take notes and plan their explanation text.
4P - Maths
4P students sharing their ideas and mental strategies with their thinking buddy during daily number sense.
4S - Spelling
Students in 4S have been working in small groups during spelling lessons on Wednesdays. This group is learning all about the etymology of words (where they originate and their original meanings).
Stage 3
5/6W - Art/Drama
In 5/6W we have created alien masks to use in our drama performances.
5/6T - English
This term, Stage 3 have been researching and learning all about WW1. 5/6T were lucky enough to have Hunter bring in some old letters and photos from WW1, to share with the class and to help them write their letters from the trenches.
5/6G - Maths
Year 6 Students in 5/6 G working collaboratively to solve mixed fraction subtraction equations.
Please complete this form for each child in your family who will be attending Kindergarten in 2021 at Narrabri West Public School.