St Leonards Primary School

Newsletter 19, 1 November 2019

From the Leadership

Hello and welcome to the hot weather.  We have already had a number of warm days and this trend looks as if it will continue.  Caregivers could help by ensuring hats are in the bag, sunscreen is applied and a water bottle is bought to school.

Our learners have started preparations for our Celebration night and boy are we loving what we are seeing so far. 


World Teacher’s Day

We celebrated the many amazing contributions our fantastic teachers provide to our school last Friday, 25 October at assembly. Teachers received a certificate that held special messages from students. We are certainly very lucky to have so many amazing educators here at St Leonards.


Junior Primary Reading Data 

Each year, the Department for education collects reading data for all of our Year 1 and 2 students.  We have just received our latest results and were pleased to see many of our students achieving well above the state average and well above other like schools. This coupled with our improved phonics results is a real credit to our learners, staff and parents and caregivers.  

Last newsletter we commented on the fantastic results we have achieved in NAPLAN and on our Progressive Achievement Test data in both Reading and Maths. We are really proud of all of our learners for their terrific progress.


After Hours Issues

Over the past few days we have had some visitors on our school grounds at night, who have been leaving broken glass and litter around our buildings, as well as stealing our two water bubblers and four bikes which were left in the shed overnight. We have informed SAPOL who are responding to our concerns.


Parents need to ensure that students are supervised if on school grounds after hours or be aware/vigilant of others that may be on site.


From Governing Council

When dropping your children off, please drop them towards the footpath, use the designated kiss and drop zone and never stop and pick them up in the middle of the road. Also, please no dogs on school grounds. A few of our learners have been frightened.

The class placement exercise has begun.  This is a pretty large undertaking and takes in a lot of variables, but we try our best.


2019 saw the formation of straight year levels.  Whilst this sounds good in theory, new enrolments came and our school grew.  In some JP classes our numbers were well over our preferred limit.  This is because we have to accept all students within our zone and don’t have enough options of where to place new enrolments.

2020 looks as if we will have a combination of some mixed grades and some straights grades.  This gives us flexibility, allowing teachers to work together with generally lower class numbers.  Primary Schools is South Australia are staffed at a ratio of 26 students per class R-2 and 30 per class 3-7.

Dave Henty-Smith, Principal

Jo Meredith, Deputy Principal

Kathy Baker, Inclusive Education Coordinator

Diary Dates

Week 4

  • Bike Ed, Year 7 - Monday 4 November
  • School Banking - Tuesday 5 November
  • Move and Groove - Tuesday 5 November
  • 6:15pm - 7:30pm RAN Training - Thursday 7 November
  • Room 7, Woolworths excursion - Friday 8 November
  • 2:30pm Yard Blitz - Friday 8 November

Week 5 - PE Week

  • Remembrance Day - Monday 11 November
  • Bike Ed, Year 7 - Monday 11 November
  • School Banking - Tuesday 12 November
  • Move and Groove - Tuesday 12 November
  • Volunteers Induction - Tuesday 12 November
  • Rooms 15 and 16, Monarto Zoo - Thursday 14 November
  • 5:30pm - 7:00pm Children's University Graduation - Thursday 14 November
  • Year 4-7 Beach Volleyball

A Term Planner is available as a link  on the Skoolbag app. Please check it regularly as it is a live document that updates as items are added. 


Changes to the volunteering process at St Leonards Primary School

Volunteers have a huge impact on the learning and wellbeing of our children at St Leonards. Their time and energy is valued enormously in the canteen, improving our grounds, as sports coaches and managers, in classrooms, on camps and excursions, as members of the Governing Council and/or its subcommittees (to name a few).

The Department for Education has changed its volunteer policy to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children. St Leonards Primary School, like all public schools, must comply with the changes. There are new steps to be completed by every volunteer and we very much hope that our volunteer community will persist with the additional requirements to continue their valued contribution to the school.

The new policy introduced by the Department for Education will be fully implemented by the first day the 2020 school year. If you are either a current or prospective volunteer, these new requirements apply to you. Any person volunteering at the school in any capacity must have completed all of the 9 steps listed below. Unfortunately, any person who has not completed one of the steps will not be able to volunteer at St Leonards. The staff team is eager to support you to continue your service to the school.

The 9 steps to be completed by Friday 14 February for each volunteer are:-

1.     1. Volunteer completes a SLPS volunteer application form; please first speak to any current SLPS staff member about your wish to (continue to) volunteer and then list them as one of your referees

2.     2. Volunteer gives the application to the front office, with photo ID and has a brief discussion with the Volunteer Coordinator

3.     3. An SLPS staff member contacts a referee

4.     4. The volunteer applies for a Working With Children Check (WWCC) online, (unless they can provide a copy of a current DCSI clearance). This step may take 3 to 5 weeks; the volunteer can continue with the steps below while waiting for the WWCC to be completed.

5.     5. The volunteer completes a Responding to Abuse and Neglect Education and Care (RAN-EC) course for volunteers, either online or at SLPS.

6.     6.The volunteer reads relevant role description(s); available at the Front Office or on the SLPS website.

7.     7. The volunteer does a general induction course, either online or at SLPS.

8.     8. SLPS site-specific induction, including work health and safety and role-specific training is done at SLPS.

9.     9. The volunteer signs a volunteer agreement

Along the way, SLPS staff must record/document completion of each step. After step 9, each volunteer will be issued with a badge. Volunteers will need to sign in/out at the Front Office each time they attend and wear their badge to work in the school as a volunteer in any capacity. Classroom teachers will be required to ask you to leave at 8:55am if you are not wearing a badge and only approved volunteers will be able to assist or attend any excursion or camp.

More information will be provided to families about this policy in a separate letter with key dates for additional training sessions in 2020.

In readiness for the policy’s implementation, we encourage you to attend:- the RAN-EC training offered on Thursday 7 November 6:15-7:30pm in the STEM room- the Site Volunteers Induction on Tuesday 12 November 9:15-9:45am in the STEM room

Please RSVP to

We look forward to working through this process with you to maintain and continue to build the highly valued support we have at St Leonards Primary School.

Jo Meredith, Deputy Principal

Children's University News

Reminder that we are having our Children's University graduation on Thursday 14 November at 5:30pm

Heather Pronk, CU Coordinator

We are a 'Nut Aware" school. Students are encouraged to NOT share items from their lunch boxes. For more information regarding our nut policy please refer to the link attached. 

ICAS Digital Technologies

Last term some students elected to sit the ICAS tests run by the University of New South Wales. This year was the first time it was sat online. The following students completed the Digital Technologies test:

ICAS Digital Tech results

Lyla S – Merit

Ryan G – Participation

Leah K – Credit

Ella M – Distinction

Dishen S – Participation

Chloe W – Participation

Zara D – Participation

Scarlett H – Credit

Alkut  – Credit

Jackson M – Participation

Mackenzie D – Participation

Jayden H – Credit

Alexander M – participation

Jessica S – Participation

Joshua H – Distinction

Sports News

PE Week

St Leonards Primary is now a Football Star Academy SchoolFootball (soccer) Star Academy has linked in with St Leonards to begin running it's specialised R-7 program after school on the oval, Tuesdays 3:30-4:40pm. The term 4 program runs for 6 weeks, with the first session next week, free. Your child received a flyer this week with contact details and the link to sign up online. If this has been misplaced please use the link:      to find out anymore information.PE WEEKWe have a very busy PE Week coming up in week 5. Our year 7s will be participating in their Bike Ed sessions, Football Star Academy will be working with all classes to give students a taste of their program and many of our year 4 to 7 students will be attending the Beach Volleyball Carnival on Friday 15th November. To further promote students being active we are asking them to discuss with their families, games they used to play in the yard. We are encouraging students to share the rules of the game with their class and even have a go at recess and lunch time that week. 

Heidi Bevan, PE

What's Been Happening at St Leonards

SLPS Kitchen Garden

We are busy in the garden harvesting our spring produce.  The last of the broad beans have been picked and sent to the canteen.  Students are currently picking carrots, spring onion, lettuce, radishes, spring onions and beetroot.  Katrina continues to work her kitchen magic and uses the produce wherever possible in the canteen.

A quick reminder that we have two rules in the garden.

1.     Walk, don’t run

2.     Ask before you pick

Some of the beds have been planted by classes with specific learning goals in mind.  It is disappointing for them if they are unable to complete that learning because someone else has picked their produce. We try to share as much fresh fruit and vegetables as we can as it ripens.  Strawberries are in popular demand but if they are all picked while still green no one gets to enjoy the unique taste of sun ripened fresh strawberries.

Our Children’s University students recently used rosemary, mint and lavender from the garden to make bath bombs.  So great to see them using their senses and deciding which scent they preferred to relax to.  Apologies to everyone picking herbs out of their plugholes. 

Nicola Ross, Gardens

Clean Up Australia Day Part 2

On Tuesday 22 October Noah, Henry, Ethan and Logan led the students in a second waste audit for the Clean Up Australia initiative. 

Six months ago in the first audit they found: 62 aluminum cans, 55 chip packets, 55 canteen bags, 78 pieces of food, 103 lolly wrappers, 18 disposable cutlery, 42 straws, 75 tissues, 35 bottle caps and 328 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish for a total of 851 pieces of rubbish.

At this audit they found: 11 straws, 9 pencils, 117 miscellaneous pieces, 7 aluminium cans, 66 pieces of paper and 89 soft plastics for a total of 299 pieces of rubbish.

What a massive improvement. Well done SLPS. We look forward to more improvement in the future.   

Room 2

Sports Day

On Friday 25 October we held our annual Sports Day. It was a wonderful day (even with the weather shortening our program a little). All our learners can be very proud of the way they competed and showed our school values to their families and friends. 

The overall Sports Day shield was won by Saints and the Values shield (for showing our school values) was won by Buffalo.

We would like to thank Heidi Bevan for organising this amazing day. We would also like to thank the staff and our fabulous volunteers. 

Sports Day


Thank you to everyone who helped organise, volunteer and bake for the sports day BBQ and cake stall. We raised just over $900.

Community Notices

Baden Pattinson Kindy Fair

Friday 15 November

5pm - 8pm

Adults $2

Children Free

All Welcome


St Leonards Primary School

Learning Together

Respect, Resilience, Readiness

"Building a community that inspires curious, creative and innovative thinkers."

Principal: Dave Henty-Smith

Deputy: Jo Meredith

Inclusive Education Coordinator: Kathy Baker