What a term it has been so far! I am extremely proud of all our students and staff for the effort and work put in over the course of the last 9 weeks. At our last assembly, Room 22 certainly surprised us with their rendition of Bluey that was mashed on to the end of the school song. The junior classes though it was hilarious that the year sixes were referencing us as mum and dad.
I would like to reflect upon the great work of our students that is not only represented by merit awards but also shared at a classroom level. I encourage families who would like to see their child’s work or have an update on progress to make a time with the classroom teacher.
Congratulations to everyone who earned a place in our Interschool Athletics team that represented us over the last week. The reports from staff and community members were extremely complimentary to our students for their effort and sportsmanship.
Whilst some may look at the last two weeks of term as a wind down, it is still 20% of the term. Attendance is as vital as ever and, as so many students have missed school through illness and extended holidays in 2022, I wanted to highlight the importance of attending school every day. Our overall attendance rate is currently sitting at 82%, well below the state average and below what we are aiming for. Every day matters!