St Leonards Primary School

Newsletter 2, 14 February 2020

From the Leadership

As our children and young people have adjusted to their new classes and teachers for 2020, there has been a strong focus on building a sense of belonging. Belonging to a group or a community contributes to one’s sense of self, and supports positive self-esteem.

Today, we asked students to put the hand on their heart and notice that the St Leonards logo sits between their heart and their hand. By incorporating the values of respect, readiness and resilience, we stand together and will continue to achieve great things together.

Governing Council AGM

On Tuesday night, we welcomed many new and existing parents to become acquainted (or reacquainted) with the school, and elected the 2020 Governing Council at the AGM.

We are thrilled to have received a record number of new nominations which were accepted to make up a Governing Council of 16 parent members. 

The following are our Governing Councillors for 2020 including those providing their second year of service: Heather Pronk, Melanie Perkins, Emma Scott, Rachel Newrick, Michelle White, Rebecca Chrisan, Warren Ainscough, Bret Prew, Sarah Darbyshire, Peter Heading. Lisa Dash, Kellie Grant, Linda Marrollo, Matt Clarke, Shaun Atkinson and Romildo Votto.

Thank you to all of the parents who contribute to the Governing Council and its subcommittees so that our children and young people can feel proud when they put their hand on their heart as students of St Leonards Primary School.

Acquaintance Night

It was wonderful to see so many parents attend both the reading workshop and in their child’s classroom, meeting the teacher. The overall theme of the evening is that we work in collaboration with each other, we are “Learning Together” and that we are developing consistency across the school. There was a very positive and community buzz in the air. Thank you to the school community for your attendance.

Birthdays at St Leonards

Birthdays are acknowledged as a special occasion for all of our students and teachers use many strategies to celebrate, including singing ‘Happy Birthday’ with the class, providing special privileges throughout the day, and a number of class-specific rituals. We also support Right Bite Strategies to promote healthy eating and inclusive practices for children and young people with food allergies and intolerances. For these reasons, please do not bring cakes to school for sharing with classmates. Class teachers are not able to accept and/or distribute sweet food treats to students. Thank you in advance for your support.

Bike Shed

It is fantastic to see so many active children and young people riding their bikes and scooters to school each day. Please be aware that at times the bike shed has been full to capacity and some bikes have needed to be ‘parked’ outside of the shed. Whilst we do our best to ensure that bikes are secure, the school cannot guarantee this, and we urge you to provide your child with a bike lock. A side-benefit of this practice is that it also promotes personal responsibility for our learners.

Teacher availability

Partnering with parents is a key priority for St Leonards, and we strive to build positive relationships and good communication with parents of all students. Please be mindful that teachers often have a lot to organise in the mornings, and are required to attend a staff meeting promptly at 3:20pm on Tuesdays. Your child’s teacher will let you know the best times to get in touch with them, and will respond to emails within two working days.

Supporting the Henty-Smith Family

The staff would like to thank our community for their support and compassion as we come to terms with the grief the Henty-Smith family is experiencing. At the request of our Ambassadors, today we observed a minute of silence at assembly, and gathered for an aerial photo which we’ll forward to the family as an expression of our sympathy at this difficult time. If you would like to send a message to Dave, please collect the special envelopes from the Front Office and return it by 3pm Monday 17 February.

Jo Meredith, Acting Principal

Kathy Baker, Inclusive Education Coordinator

Diary Dates

Week 4

School Banking - 8:45am, Tuesday 18 February

Growth and Development (Family Session) - 6:40pm, Tuesday 18 February

Volunteer Workshop - 2:30pm, Wednesday 19 February

SAPSASA Swimming - Thursday 20 February

Reading Information Session - 5:30pm, Thursday 20 February  

Inclusive  Education Coffee and Chat - 2:30pm, Friday 21 February

Week 5

School Banking - 8:45am, Tuesday 25 February

Russian Pancake Day - Tuesday 25 February

Year 6/7 Camp - Wednesday 26 February - Friday 28 February

Volunteer Workshop - 2:30pm, Wednesday 26 February

Hats on for Term 1


Pupil Free Day - Friday 6 March


Important Reminder

Please return all general school consent forms and student detail forms as soon as possible. Accurate student details are essential for communication especially in the case of student illness at school.

Mark all changes on the the student detail form clearly, sign and return to the Office. If there are no changes, please initial and return the form to the Office.

Mel Worden, Office Manager

Uniform Shop

Unfortunately we are still experiencing delay in the arrival of new uniform stock due to supply issues. We thank everyone for your patience and understanding.  We will inform you as soon as the stock arrives.

Uniform Shop opening times are Monday 8:30am - 9:00am, Tuesday 2:45pm - 3:15pm, Wednesday 8:30am - 9:00am, Thursday - closed, Friday 8:30am - 9:00am.

or order online via Qkr!

PE News

In PE lessons we are focusing on Team Work and Rules and Routines of PE Lessons. This includes learning the rules of different games, scoring and umpiring skills. We will be doing this through team building challenges as well as two sports; Lacrosse and Netball.

Grading in PE

From year one, students receive an A to E 'grade' for Health & Physical Education. This is a combined grade between specialist PE lessons as well as health and PE lessons from the classroom teacher. This term students will be graded on two achievement standards:

  • working successfully in mixed pairs, groups and teams
  • following rules and instructions to keep ourselves and others safe and games fair
Ready for PE in Summer

Its been fabulous to see so many students with their water bottles, hats and sturdy shoes. PE lessons are always adjusted if the weather is warm. We access the hall when needed but its important that students also learn HOW to look after themselves in warmer weather by experiencing modified PE activities with regular breaks.


We have extended the date of the lacrosse nominations. Many students have enjoyed the free clinics run by Glenelg lacrosse club.

We would love as many students as possible to join us for the Year 4/5 and Yr 6/7 carnival on Wednesday 5 March.

It is a fun day out and no experienced required. It supports our PE program in which we are learning about teamwork as students will be placed in teams of 4 to play modified, non contact games against other local schools. 

Interschool and SAPSASA Forms

Thank you to our year 4 to 7 students for returning their registration forms for interschool and SAPSASA events for the year. We will only be nominating students who have ticked particular sports for each event. Our first Interschool event is the year 4 to 7 lacrosse carnival on Thursday 5th March. Glenelg Lacrosse Club visited us this Wednesday to start some free clinics for each class to get ready for the carnival.Sport at St Leonards Facebook Group & Newsletter Information

Please follow our Facebook Page - 'Sport at St Leonards' to receive all updates on PE and sports events across the school. This and the school newsletter will be our way of communicating upcoming events. If you have any questions, please phone the school or email Heather Pronk or Heidi Bevan rather than direct messaging on Facebook as we are both very busy with our families out of hours but check our emails regularly. Our emails are:

St Leonards Football Star Academy School

We are super excited to announce that as of 2020 St Leonards has become a Football Star Academy school. This means that St Leonards has been selected to be a target school to provide specialised football (soccer) programs for Reception to Year 2 students after school on Thursday’s.

The academy also visited us in Term 4 of 2019 to run some free clinics, in which all the students participated. Part of the academy is having access to a portal which enables parents to sign up to more than one soccer program a week at other venues in the local area to develop their soccer skills right through from a basic level to a more targeted skill level if they wish. Please see the flyer below that was given to students last week.

Inclusive Education Coffee and Chat


NAPLAN is being run online for 2020 and will be held in Term 2. NAPLAN is for all students in Years 3, 5 and 7.

The attached document is the Privacy Collection Notice.


Library News

Library Borrowing

The library is open every morning from 8:30am – 8:45am and after school from 3:05pm – 3:15pm for borrowing and returning books. Students can also use the library at lunchtime or with their classes at their set library time each week.

Reception to Year 2 students can borrow 2 books

Year 3 – Year 5 students can borrow 3 books

Year 6/7 students can borrow 4 books

All books are borrowed for 14 days.

If a book is overdue, students cannot borrow again until the book has been returned or if lost has been paid for or replaced.

Overdue notices are sent home at least twice a term.

 Premier’s Reading Challenge

 1.     What is the Premier's Reading Challenge?

The Challenge is a literacy engagement strategy that requires students to read 12 age appropriate books in a year. Students who complete the Challenge receive an award in Term 4.

2.     Who can participate:

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is open to all students from Reception to Year 12 in South Australian government and non-government schools as well as home education students.

3.     What must students do:

·         Read 12 books: students are challenged to read 12 books from the start of the school year until the first Friday in September.

·         Recording: students will record the titles and authors of the books they read on the PRC recording form (can be found on the website for from the teacher)

·         Endorsement: Teachers, teacher librarians, public librarians or parents/carers must sign each entry on the Student Reading Record. This indicates that a student has read (or shared in the reading of) a book at an appropriate literacy level and that the book title and author are accurate.

4.     Number of free choice books:

Reception - Year 7

students will read 8 of the 12 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist at an appropriate literacy level. They may read 4 books of their own choice at a similar standard to books on the list. At the teacher's discretion, students may read more than 4 books not on the booklist.

Useful Information:

Book series: if at least one book from a series is included on the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist, then any book from that series can also be included.

Awards: There is only one award  per student per year

Award order: first year - certificate signed by the Premier, second year - bronze medal, third year - silver medal, fourth year - gold medal, fifth year - champion medal, sixth year - legend medal, seventh year - hall of fame medal, eighth year – hall of fame reader for life award (R4L), ninth year – R4L bronze, tenth year – R4L silver, eleventh year – R4L gold, twelfth year – R4L champion, thirteenth year - R4L legend and fourteenth year – R4L hall of fame.


We encourage all families to visit the library. Feel free to ask me any questions either in person or by email

Kelly Peterson, SSO, ICT/Library Manager

Children's University News

Our students have the opportunity to be involved in an exciting program: Children's University Australasia (CUA). CUA aims to encourage high quality out of school hours activities for children aged between 5 and 14 years. The most important principles of CUA are that participation is voluntary and activities must take place outside the normal school day - during lunchtime workshops, after school, weekends and holidays.

In partnership with the University of Adelaide, CUA aims to raise aspirations and develop a love of learning by issuing students enrolled in CUA a "Passport to Learning", which records their individual learning journey. After 30hours of learning, the children are rewarded for their participation with certificates at a graduation ceremony to be held at the University of Adelaide. 

Participating students have access to activities at school and also in the wider community (Learning Destinations). These activities have been validated by CUA trained staff as good learning experiences. A full list of Learning Destinations can be seen at

CUA members are also able to earn 10 hours from Regular Restricted Activities. These are external organisations of which students are paying members and attend on a regular basis (eg sporting clubs, dance studios, swimming centres etc). In order to earn hours, students who participate in these activities must inform their CUA school coordinator who will pass on an appropriate "review" form.

CUA is not compulsory. The activities are all voluntary and the children choose what to do and when, and the learning always has a link to something they could do at a 'grown up' univeristy.

Students are enrolled in Children's University when they receive their Passport to Learning. The annual fee for 2020 is $35.00 ($16.50 for school card holders).

If you would like to become a member of CUA for 2020 please complete the details of the form that went home earlier this week (or pick up a copy from the Office) and return to Heather Pronk by Friday 13 March along with your payment (payment can also be made via Qkr! please quote the receipt number on the form). If you have any questions please email

Swimming Week - Reception - Year 5

Notes have been sent home with all Rec - Year 5 students for swimming lessons in Week 8. Please ensure that forms and payment are returned by Thursday 12 March. 

  • Full fee is $40 
  • Fee for State Aquatic Centre members $16.00 (when copy of membership is presented to the Office).

Every day the children will be required to bring clearly labelled:

  •  appropriate bathers           
  •  goggles (optional)                                                         
  • plastic bag to put wet  clothes/towel in
  • towel                                       
  • thongs/sandals (to wear on the bus only)                 


Students wear their bathers to school each morning under their school uniform with appropriate school footwear (not thongs). Students will leave their clothing at school, and will wear only bathers, towel, goggles and thongs on the bus. They will change back into their uniform on their arrival at school.

Session Times

9:15am – 10:15am                  Session 1              Rm 1, Rm 2, Rm 5 (Note – bus leaves school at 8:50am)

10:15am – 11:15am                Session 2              Rm 3, Rm 4, Rm 6

11:15am – 12:15pm                Session 3              Rm 8, Rm 9, Rm16

12:45pm – 1: 45pm                 Session 4              Rm7, Rm 12

1:45pm – 2:45pm                     Session 5              Rm 14, Rm 15 (Note – bus returns to school at 3:10pm)

Consent Forms

The attached Department for Education Water Safety Program Consent form and the school permission slip need to be returned to the Finance Office with payment by Thursday 12 March.

Medication/Health Care Plans

If you indicate on the Water Safety Program consent form that your child requires medication, the school will take their current healthcare plan, including medication, to the pool. Please be aware that healthcare plans remain current 12 months from the date of issue. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the school has a current healthcare plan when medical conditions exist for their child. It is also imperative that medication provided to the school is within its use-by date.


As per Department for Education and Aquatic Centre guidelines, parents are advised that photography is not permitted in the State Aquatic Centre.



Please note that the Canteen will be CLOSED during R-5 Swimming (Week 8) and will re-open in Week 9.

 If you have any queries, please contact the school on 8294 9811.


What's Been Happening at St Leonards

Around the School

Community Notices

St Leonards Primary School

Learning Together

Respect, Resilience, Readiness

"Building a community that inspires curious, creative and innovative thinkers."

Principal: Dave Henty-Smith

Deputy: Jo Meredith

Inclusive Education Coordinator: Kathy Baker