St Leonards Primary School

Newsletter 17, 30 October 2020

From the Leadership

Welcome to the end of Week 3. Can you believe that we only have six more weeks to go of what has been a crazy, crazy year.

Last Friday saw a very strange sports day. The focus of the day was on participation and incorporated a number of indigenous games. Our learners, teachers and volunteers did an absolutely brilliant job and were well led by Heidi Bevan. We also had the pleasure of attending Paringa Park Primary school on Wednesday to watch the Holdfast schools Musicfest. Once again St Leonards children excelled in their behavior as well as their performance. A big thank you must go to Liz Condous for her work the teachers who attended as well as our parent volunteers.


Teachers are busily writing reports and we will have these out to you during the last week of school. This final report will also include the students own feedback on their own learning 2020 has indeed been a challenging year for all of our learners, but we have seen some excellent progress as demonstrated the sets of data we have collected.


Currently we are planning our classes for 2021. Next year St Leonards will be starting with 430 students in 16 classes. Whilst we endeavour to create as many straight classes as we can, this is not always possible so there will be a mixture of split and straight classes.


As the leadership team, we notice that there is still a number of parents on the perimeter of the school. We would like to encourage you to come back into school grounds, talk to other parents and start to reconnect with our teachers.  Please remember however the entry into the buildings is still not allowed due to covid restrictions. We hope these restrictions will be lifted shortly.


Recently, we have had some issues with dogs being on site. Unfortunately staff have had to clean up the mess that is left. Please be reminded that dogs are not allowed on school grounds at any time. This can be reported to police by members of our community.


We are currently in the process of reviewing our site improvement plan determining things that we have done well and looking forward for 2021. These reviews will be available in our annual report which will be available  on our website early next year.  We encourage you to have a look.

Thank you for your support through this difficult year. We would love to hear ways you think we can improve our school.  If you have any suggestions please email Dave at

Dave Henty-Smith - Principal

Jo Meredith - Deputy Principal

Kathy Baker - Inclusive Education Coordinator

Proposed Uniform - 2021 SLPS Heritage Collection



Diary Dates

Week 4

  • Softball Carnival - Monday 2 November - Thursday 5 November
  • Year 6/7 Robotics - Tuesday 3 November
  • School Banking - Tuesday 3 November
  • Move and Groove - Wednesday 4 November
  • Volleyball Tournament - Thursday 5 November
  • Outdoor Classroom - Thursday 5 November
  • School Closure Day - Friday 6 November

Week 5

  • School banking - Tuesday 10 November
  • Remembrance Day - Wednesday 11 November
  • Move and Groove - Wednesday 11 November
  • Year 6 MasterChef - Wednesday 11 November - Friday 13 November
  • Assembly, Rooms 2 and 15 - Friday 13 November

Hats on for outside play in Term 4

Absences, Late Arrivals and Early Leaving

Please note that the school SMS number has now changed. The new SMS number is 0436 483 127. This is our preferred method for letting us know about any absences.

Messages should include name, room number and reason for absence eg illness or family.

Alternatively, please call the Office on 8294 9811 to leave a message with office staff.


Children's University 2020 Graduation

Congratulations to all our graduating Children's University passport holders. They have completed 30+ hours of extracurricular learning throughout the year and were treated to a celebration with food and friends in the Hall today as well as a graduation ceremony. They looked fabulous in the caps they made. 

Children's University Coordinators - Heather Pronk, Kathleen Rollings and Nicola Ross. 


Have you ordered your fully compostable zip lock bags yet? We wont be ordering any more until next year, so the boxes we have at school are it for the year!

They last for 12 months, so why not stock up now, and help reduce plastic in our community. These can be ordered on QKR! and are delivered every Friday to students classes.

Year 6 and Year 7 Senior Jumpers for 2021

If you have a student in Year 5 or 6 this year and are continuing on at St Leonards in 2021 you have the opportunity to buy special year level specific Senior commemorative jumpers (these are not compulsory). 

The students of each of these year levels collaborated and voted on the design they wanted. Follow the links below to order. Orders are open for a limited time only so that the uniforms will be ready in Term 1. Please make sure you order for your child's year level in 2021 as the designs are different.

Year 6 2021 link:

Year 7 2021 link:

What's Been Happening at St Leonards

Sports News

SAPSASA Athletics

Well done to our SLPS students who attended the SAPSASA Athletics Carnival on Tuesday. Our students demonstrated a high level of organisation and responsibility in making sure they were marshalling for their events at the correct time. SAPSASA is still processing times and places - we look forward to announcing our District Representatives soon.

Beach Volleyball

A reminder that Beach Volleyball is coming up on Thursday 5 Nov  for those students that have nominated. For those parents that registered via Skoolbag to assist on the day, watch your emails - we will be sending you a confirmation email shortly. At this stage we will assume that it is no parent spectators which is in line with our other Sport SA events lately. If this changes we will let you know. Students not registered for beach volleyball will remain at school for their usual program.

SAPSASA Uniforms

Please wash and return all SAPSASA uniforms ASAP. Its helpful if they are return in a labelled bag so we can mark off that you have returned it.

PE Program

This term we are learning about Disc Sports! We will be playing Ultimate Frisbee, Frisbee Golf and lots of different mini disc games to help us to develop our throwing and catching skills. Part of this hand / eye coordination unit will also be using multi sport equipment like fling nets and scoop balls on the days that it is too windy for a disc (: I encourage families to look up disc sports online & watch some clips of competitive Ultimate and Disc Golf - its amazing to watch!

Hats and Drink Bottles

Hats are compulsory in term 4 and drink bottles must be brought to school. Its important that students learn to regulate in warmer weather so PE will still go ahead on warmer days but will be modified to suit the conditions. This could include basing the class in the shade and moving in and out to participate in games or having extra drink breaks. Please ensure your child dresses in layers so as the day warms up, they can cool off by removing bulky layers.

Ms Bevan, PE Teacher 

Sports Day 2020

We were very lucky to be able to run our Sports Day this year after all. The weather turned out to be perfect. All of our learners showed teamwork and sportsmanship. This year our events were modelled on traditional Aboriginal games. 

Our overall Achievement Shield winners this year were Holdfast and our Values shield was taken out by Patawalonga. 

Thank you to Heidi Bevan for all her preparation in the lead up to the day. We would also like to thank the volunteers who helped on the day and  Sarah Darbyshire for the fabulous photos of the day.

Garden News

“In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.  One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.  He started to look for some food.” Eric Carle.

His mother was a Monarch butterfly and had laid her eggs on the swan plants in the school garden.  Over the last five weeks we have watched while our caterpillars have eaten for over two weeks then had a rest before building their chrysalises on our sweet peas.  We patiently waited for them to emerge and were so excited to see our butterflies fly off into our school garden.  

For more beautiful photos and to follow the story of our school garden you can find us on Facebook just search SLPS Kitchen Garden.

Nicola Ross, Garden Specialist

Loose Parts Club

The sun is shining, school is back (wow, Week 3 already), and we just can't WAIT to get back to creating at our lunchtime Loose Parts Club! Last term, students expressed a strong interest in building pipe and tunnel systems. It was great to see children of all ages working together to share knowledge and adapt their ideas. This term, to expand on this interest, we are asking for donations of materials suitable for building pipe/tunnel systems such as pipes, hose offcuts, etc. Any other materials suitable for Loose Parts play will also be gratefully accepted. Donations can be dropped off in the Art Room and will be added to our Loose Parts shed. We're excited to see what innovative designs our students will create in the weeks to come!

Shannon Baker, SSO

Room 9 - Movement Art

Room 2

Room 4

Community News

Kids Helpline Event

Mayor's Christmas Card Competition 2020

School Signage

We are excited to announce that we are now offering signage on our school’s fence line in Glenelg North.

This is an opportunity for SLPS to partner with the community and help with promoting local businesses.

You can benefit by purchasing your space and gain invaluable exposure to families, passing motorists and locals as well as showing your support for our school community. 

 There is a limited number of signs so get in before they are all gone.  

 If you are interested or know of someone that might benefit from advertising to our local community please contact  

 Michael on 0414 350 225 or

St Leonards Primary School

Learning Together

Respect, Resilience, Readiness

"Building a community that inspires curious, creative and innovative thinkers."

Principal: Dave Henty-Smith

Deputy: Jo Meredith

Inclusive Education Coordinator: Kathy Baker

Enrolment Officer: Mel Worden