Rowena Martin for your kind donation to Breakfast Club
Term 3 Principal - Mrs Delfs will be taking more leave in Term 3 and I am very pleased to let the school community know that my appointment has been extended into Term 3. I look forward to continuing to work with your children and to meet more parents. I am always available to meet with parents and I welcome quick chats in the play ground or longer discussions in the office.
Whole School Assembly - it was so exciting at the recent whole school assembly. Many certificates were handed out and the efforts of children were recognised. We handed out our first Principal Award of the year to Tyler Nunn. Tyler received this award for visiting the office four times with exceptional classroom work. We look forward to handing out more in the future.
It was also wonderful to see so many parents at the assembly supporting their children and acknowledging the efforts the children put into their time at school. We have some exciting ideas for assemblies next term and we look forward to more and more parents coming along.
As the term draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the staff in providing a learning program for your children. Each staff member is an important part of the school community and offer a range of unique skills in working with your children. Thank you to these people for all their knowledge, skill, efforts and enthusiasm