We are excited to announce that we have organised a new-look, COVID-19-friendly transition program. This is an opportunity for our future Kindergarten students to get a taste of life at 'big' school. Our aim is to help your child feel at ease and make a smooth transition when school starts next year. It might be a good idea to talk with your child/ren about this to prepare them for the session. Perhaps a couple of visits to Gladstone Park and talking about the school prior to transition may also help.
The sessions have been scheduled for the following period:
Session 1 - Week 7 (school term) - Monday 23 November-Friday 27 November
Session 2 - Week 8 (school term) - Monday 30 November-Friday 4 December
Session 3 - Week 9 (school term) - Monday 7 December-Friday 11 December
If you have yet to fully complete your child's enrolment and need to submit documentation, please do so as soon as possible. All documentation, other than the birth certificate which needs to be sighted in person, is able to be emailed via balmainps@gmail.com or balmain-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au.
Please ensure that any health care plans or concerns are updated and communicated/given to the school PRIOR to transition.
If you already have a child at Balmain Public School and have previously participated in our transition program, please note the changes, including COVID-19 safety procedures/practices:
- There will be 3 x sessions your child will be able to attend, over a 3-week period ie. one visit per week
- A maximum of 10 children can be booked in on any one day
- Transition will begin at 9:10am - please ensure you and your child/ren are waiting outside the Gladstone Park gate (near the basketball court), ensuring you are maintaining physical distancing
- Please check in via QR code with your phone. A temperature check will also occur for both you and your child
- Your child will be taken in at 9:20am by a teacher
- Please pack a small fruit break snack only. School uniform is not required to be worn
- Please return promptly to the Gladstone Park gate at 10:30am, to collect your child/ren. Being on time will reduce anxiety for your child/ren, especially if they cannot see you at the gate at pick-up
- Please check out via QR code with your phone,
- If a child is displaying any mild flu-like symptoms, such as a fever, cough or runny nose, they will be unable to attend. Please contact the school on 9818 1177 to cancel the session
- Should your child/ren develop any of above symptoms whilst at the transition session, they will be excluded immediately and you will be called to collect. In this instance, a negative COVID-19 test result will need to be given to the school, prior to attending a future transition session
Please ensure that the school has up-to-date contact details, in particular, mobile phone and email address, as this is our main form of communication with you.
If you need to cancel at short notice or have any questions, please call the school office on 9818 1177.
You will receive a SkoolBag notification shortly, via the app and email, in order to book in for the 3 sessions for our 'Transition to School' program. If you haven't yet downloaded the app, please do so now, by following the instructions ?.