Parents are invited to bring their children to a play group every Monday morning starting on the 26th August from 8.45am to 10.30am at Kambalda West DHS.
The Pre-Kindy Playgroup is a structured play opportunities for children and families. They are coordinated by experienced Early Childhood staff and planned to give children a head start in their schooling. The play is based around pre-language and pre-maths learning in a fun hands on environment.
Playgroup at Kambalda West DHS provides an opportunity for young children to
· make new friends and establish play routines
· develop speech and language skills
· practise social skills like sharing and taking turns
· build fine motor skills like cutting, drawing and painting
· become familiar with school and school activities
Is your child eligible?
Playgroup is best for children in the year before Kindy, but all families are welcome
When: Fridays starting 16th August from 8.45am to 10.30am
Where: Kindy Room