Kambalda West District High School

2019 Issue 9 - Term 3

From the Principal : Mrs Candice Brown

NAPLAN results

The state results for the NAPLAN tests held in Term 2 are beginning to be analysed. This year WA remains the “most improved jurisdiction” in Australia and WA had the highest number of improved mean scores of any state.

Kambalda West raw scores and data will be looked at by the staff in a view to improve the teaching and learning programs. Whilst this test is a one off test on one day, it is important to look at this data and identify the gaps in the learning program and make the necessary adjustments. I will keep parents informed of these adjustments as they are made.

When the individual scores and parent reports are available we will send them home as soon as we can (usually mid-Term 4). I encourage parents to speak with their child's teacher or come to the office if you have questions or concerns.

Bush fire Plan

We are heading into bush fire season and we are updating our plans in case of an emergency. This plan is coordinated with the Fire and Emergency Services and a brief over view is attached for your information. Please call into the office if you wish to discuss.

Learning Journey

On the 4th of September parents and families will have an opportunity to visit primary classrooms or meet with secondary teachers. I encourage all families to take hold of this opportunity and come along to the school. Details can be found further in the newsletter.

Bush Fire Communication Plan


Celebration Cuppa for Certificate Winners

We were so excited this week to have three times as many parents and family come along to the Celebration Cuppa. It is wonderful to see so many parents coming into the school. Don't forget if you come to school for an event you will receive a Uniform Shop Voucher raffle ticket which will be drawn at the end of term.

Children who have earned a certificate at this week's assembly were able to bring their parent or family member to the parent room for a celebration.

School Planning for 2020

2020 enrolments - we are currently organising our staffing and classes for next year. If you know you are not returning next year, please contact the office. We understand that things change so we ask that you keep us up to date with your intentions to ensure that we can plan accordingly.

Kindy enrolments for 2020 are also filling fast and we ask that if you know of a family with a child turning four this year or five before June, please encourage them to call into the office as soon as possible to ensure they do not miss out on a place.

A pre-kindy play group will be starting up this week and we encourage all families to come along and join in the fun. Please see below for all details.

From the Secondary Deputy: Mrs Rebecca Kirkwood

We are past the half way mark of the term and sometimes this causes us to become a little tired and less in control of our emotions or behaviour. This past two weeks we have been focusing on making positive and appropriate choices in and out of the classroom. A letter was sent home last week detailing how we are working toward showing the REACH values at all times. It is attached in case you missed it.

Teachers have been contacting parents and carers to let them know how their child is tracking in class. If you have not received a call and would like one, please call the school office.

Secondary Learning Journey

On Wednesday 4th parents will have an opportunity to meet face to face with teachers. We will be making phone calls next week to lock in appointment times. Parents are encouraged to bring their child with them to the meeting. For more information please call the office.

Exciting Lessons

The students in science lessons this week have been studying biology and dissecting brains. Other students have been heating hair clips and testing their strength using Bunsen burners. The teachers are hard at work designing lessons that excite and engage the students. For more information please see your child's teacher.

OLNA testing

Round two of OLNA testing will be occurring with Year 10 students next week. For further information please contact me in the office.

Secondary Behaviour in Term 3



A visiting artist, JOFFA, has guided the students in the design, preparation and painting of a fantastic mural. It is 20 meters long and 3 meters high. It is very impressive.

The high school students work hard for three days this week to stun us all with a finished mural. It is situated behind the library in the secondary area. All community and families are encouraged to come along and have a look. It has certainly brightened up the area.

Whilst completing the mural the high school students learnt valuable lessons in team work, cooperation, and of course they had to demonstrate our REACH values - Respect, Excellence, Aspiration, Connection and Harmony.

Secondary Cross Country - 9th August, 2019

                                         1st                                2nd                                    3rd

Year 7 - Boys             Zac Savill                Takoda Kemp                  Jaksen Farrell

Year 7 - Girls             Jasmine Nybo        Nikisha Shaw-Rings        Baylee Stevenson

Year 8 - Boys           David Eriha              Rhys Stevenson               Liam Graham-Smith

Year 8 - Girls           Ruby Williams          Nakiyah Herman             Caitlyn Nybo/Jaylee Whitby  

Year 9 - Boys          Brayden Butler          Cain Davis                        Will Brooker

Year 9 - Girls          Chantelle Pries          Riley Hanson                    Taylor Miller

Year 10 - Boys       Josh Greacen              Liam Blondel                    Anthony Woolford

Year 10 - Girls       Taimana Rupuha-Pratley  Haylee Keast            Daisy Wood

Lefroy winning the day with  75 points

Cowan with a respectful 46 points

From the Primary Deputy : Miss Kayla Quin

Learning Journey

The primary classrooms will be open for parents and family to come along and 'learn' about their child's learning. Come along and visit this Wednesday night. Further details are in the flyer below.

Athletics Carnival

All students, both primary and secondary, have been working hard for the upcoming Athletics Carnival. Mr Bilton has been teaching skills such as long jump, javelin, sprinting and team games. Parents are encouraged to come along and join us on the 6th of September at the Kambalda Recreation Centre oval. Children do not need to wear a t-shirt for their faction but may like to wear coloured accessories. The Uniform Shop will be selling hair ties and there is a special surprise planned for each child. The Carnival details have been posted on Skoolbag.

Book Week

What a wonderful turn out we had last Thursday for our annual Book Week Parade. It was a fantastic day with a record number of students dressing up and enjoying the planned activities. Thank you to the community readers from the Police Station, Fire Brigade and Kalgoorlie Hospital who came to read books to a variety of classes. It was also so exciting to have some of the secondary students reading to the younger children. Thank you to the family members who came along for communal reading last Wednesday afternoon.

In the next few weeks we will be establishing a family/community reading group who listen to children reading at school. If you are interested in helping us to promote reading by listening to children and sharing your love of reading please contact the office and keep an eye out for more information.

Communal Reading

Pre Kindy Play Group - Every Monday Morning 8.30am to 10.30am

Parents are invited to bring their children to a play group every Monday morning starting on the 26th August from 8.45am to 10.30am at Kambalda West DHS.

The Pre-Kindy Playgroup is a structured play opportunities for children and families.  They are coordinated by experienced Early Childhood staff and planned to give children a head start in their schooling. The play is based around pre-language and pre-maths learning in a fun hands on environment.

Playgroup at Kambalda West DHS provides an opportunity for young children to

· make new friends and establish play routines

· develop speech and language skills

· practise social skills like sharing and taking turns

· build fine motor skills like cutting, drawing and painting

· become familiar with school and school activities

Is your child eligible?

Playgroup is best for children in the year before Kindy, but all families are welcome 

When: Fridays starting 16th August from 8.45am to 10.30am

Where: Kindy Room