ZIG ZAG Public School

(month) (year) Newsletter

Principals report

Dear Parents and carers

Firstly, I would like to thank all families for the support during these COVID times.  Thank you also for keeping your children home whilst they are unwell and to those families who have alerted us to positive COVID cases. 

Your support is keeping our school operational and keeping our staff and students well.  Unfortunately, our best laid plans for our parent’s meet and greet has had to be changed once again. 

With the COVID restrictions relaxed we were hoping to hold face to face, but in recent weeks staff absences and student COVID cases have prevented this from happening.  Therefore, in this newsletter class newsletters have been attached for each class. Arrangements are being made to produce a video to inform parents what is happening at Zig Zag public school in 2022.  A link will be shared with the information in coming weeks.

Please note sporting schools has been postponed for one week due to the weather and student absences.  We have our fingers crossed that all our leaders will be able to attend the Halogen Leadership conference on Tuesday.

A P&C meeting zoom link will be sent home next week with a date and time.  Keep safe in these poor weather conditions. 


Kind regards


Vicki Gillmore


Kindergarten -Mrs Dudley

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Oakey Park class newsletter 

Year 1/2 - Ms Wood

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Water Works Gully class newsletter 

Year 1/2 - Mr Gray

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New Vale Colliery class newsletter

Year 3/4 - Mrs Doran

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 Cafe's Gully class newsletter 

Year 5/6 - Mrs Wallace

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Bucholtz Gully class newsletter 


Term 1 

Tuesday 8 March 2022

-  Leaders conference - Year 6 leaders 

Friday 11 March 2022
- Sporting school activities 
Friday 18 March 2022
- Sporting school activities 
Friday 25 March 2022
- Sporting school activities 
Thursday 31 March 2022 
- Athletics carnival 
Friday 8 April 2022 
-  Last day of Term 1