Willoughby Public School Newsletter

Term 2, Week 10 - Friday 3 July 2020


At Willoughby Public School we empower students to demonstrate creativity, collaboration, curiosity and persistence to become successful life-long learners. Students will be challenged in productive and innovative learning environments promoting inclusivity, resilience, respect and confidence.


Dear Parents and Carers

As Term 2 draws to a close for our annual winter holiday break, I find this is a time for reflection on the changes we have encountered throughout the term. All students and parents are to be congratulated on managing such significant change in a short space of time.

We have a wonderful new school to learn in and an awesome playground to run and play. It has been wonderful to see siblings and buddies having opportunities to catch up and play together in the playground.

Our school captains were involved in the Department of Education media launch of our new school – what great ambassadors they are for our school promoting and sharing the excitement of the WPS journey into our new learning and play space.

Staff News

I would like to thank Miss Robertson for teaching 2U for Semester 1, while Miss Upston has been on extended leave. Miss Robertson has supported 2U throughout the COVID 19 pandemic and the move from demountable city into the refurbished classrooms in Block C. Miss Upston will return to Willoughby PS at the start of Term 3, welcome back! 

A huge thank you to Mrs Winkler for acting in the role of Assistant Principal Stage 1 while Miss Upston was on leave. It has been wonderful having you as part of the leadership team.

Baby News

Mr and Mrs Blake welcomed a baby boy on 30 June – Fletcher Baillie Blake. Both mum and baby are well and we look forward to meeting him in person later in Term 3.

Throughout the remainder of 2020 Mrs Davidson will be relieving as Deputy Principal and Mrs Townley will be teaching KD.

Thank you

I would like to acknowledge the support and leadership of Mr Michaeil, Mrs Blake, Mrs Davidson and the school executive team while I was on personal leave during Term 2. I spent the time caring for my mum while my dad was in hospital which sadly resulted in his passing. Our family has appreciated the support and messages of condolence.

Monday 20 July Staff Development Day (pupil-free day)

Families are reminded that students return to Willoughby PS on Tuesday 22 July for the start of Term 3. Our teachers will be participating in professional learning and collaborative planning.

Building update

Throughout the July school holidays, Taylors, the building company will be completing the final stages of the build. During this time the demountables in “Demountable City” will be decommissioned and removed from the high school site. The oval will then be reinstated during Term 3. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to seeing the oval back and no demountable buildings on our WPS and WGHS school site.

School Security – 1300 880 021

Unfortunately, our school was broken into last weekend resulting in a number of technology items stolen and graffiti. Our new building has automatic lights which are activated by movement – if you’re passing and see lights on inside the building, please help us and phone the police or the school security number listed in the heading.

Extra-curricular activities Term 3

We are excited to announce a number of our extra-curricular activities will be resuming in Term 3. There will be changes to how some of the activities are run to include the new hygiene measures introduced because of COVID 19. Please support the groups and abide by the new measures so all students remain healthy and safe.

Please view the photos below of the wonderful Willoughby facilities supplied by Mr Michaeil.

On behalf of our staff at Willoughby Public School I would like to wish everyone a healthy and relaxing winter holiday.

Jennifer Simmonds


Willoughby Public School Term 2 Holidays works notification

Please see attached communication from School Infrastructure regarding works to be carried out during school holidays. 

2021 Kindergarten enrolment now open

If you have a 2021 school-ready child at home who will be starting Kindergarten next year, please commence the registration process by popping in to our front office and filling out a registration form.

That way we can keep you informed of the orientation days and information sessions. 


Willoughby’s Senior Choir (Years 3-6) will be recommencing in Term 3, Week 2.

Senior Choir, open to Year 3-6 students, will rehearse on Friday mornings 8:15am in the Year 5 Homebase’s Presentation Space (top floor of our new building).

Primary Proms Choir 2020

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the Arts Unit has advised that the 2020 Primary Proms program and associated events have been cancelled. All students who were involved are encouraged to join the Senior Choir – we will hopefully use some of the wonderful repertoire we had started learning earlier in the year.

For any questions or queries contact Mrs Firth.

Message from the P&C

We hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday.

Uniform Shop 

We made an error in last week's newsletter. The Uniform Shop will continue to operate online only until further notice as WPS has not been cleared for parents to enter grounds as yet. We hope this will change soon. In the meantime, the online uniform shop can be accessed at: https://wps-uniform-shop.myshopify.com/

We'll see you soon, ready for another fantastic term at WPS!

Jenni Brown & Tanya Taylor


Willoughby Public School - Uniform Consultation

Dear WPS Parents, Carers, Teachers and other interested parties,

Willoughby Public School, the P&C and the Uniform shop would like to transition the girls’ current winter tunic to a winter skirt.

Girls will be able to choose between wearing the winter skirt or the girls’ pants.

Any changes to uniform require consultation from the school community.

The children have been surveyed this week at school.

Here is the link for parent/carer/other adult votes: https://forms.gle/TSHVhDnxEEW81foe6

This link will close at 3pm on Friday 10th July 2020.

Many thanks

WPS Uniform Shop Committee 

'Your Community' - new look P&C advertising supplement

Our WPS Advertising Supplement, supporting and promoting local businesses, has a new look!   ‘Your Community’ is now presented to you all as an e-Magazine.  This Term's supplement is extra special as it has been created to support our local businesses in these tough times. 

If you have any feedback or want to feature in the next issue, please contact Simrita Virk at advertising@wpspandc.com.au.


At Willoughby Public School we have a number of students with a





Even a small trace of nut, peanut or nut/peanut product may trigger a severe allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis, which attacks the immune system leading potentially to death within minutes.


This reaction can happen by taste, touch and sometimes can be airborne. All of these students have access to an adrenaline injection in the form of an Epipen, which can save lives. Photo posters are displayed in the classrooms, canteen, staffroom, playground bags and sick bay for easy identification of these children.


Willoughby PS works with parents/carers to support students in developing an awareness of their allergies and what foods to avoid. Students are encouraged not to share food and to always check with a parent/adult/teacher if unsure at any time.




Please help us by not including peanut or any nut products in your child’s lunchbox. This includes peanut butter and Nutella.


Please avoid products with any nuts/peanuts listed as an ingredient.


Explain about nut/peanut allergy to your child and encourage the ‘no food sharing’ rule.


Please consider what you are sending for birthday treats to share with the class, checking there are no nut products included.


The school canteen does not serve products containing nuts.


It is only with the continued support of all parents and staff that we can effectively maintain a safe school environment for these children.


Thank you for your understanding. We know you will want to support the school and these children.



Put safety ahead of convenience. Always.


Macquarie Uni School Holiday STEM programs


2020 New Canteen Menu




How to install the SkoolBag App






Parent Guide to NSW Syllabuses
