
Issue 2019 / 18


As I write, NSW is facing catastrophic fire and emergency conditions with lives lost, and homes and livelihoods shattered. At such times, the big hearts of Australians come to the fore and we read wonderful stories of how care is being extended. I know each of us wants to do all we can for those affected, coming on the heels of our desire to support the farmers as they battle the worst situation faced in decades. Our Prefect team have already decided to support rural families at the Carols Night in December. Collectively we hope to make a difference. As the days unfold, I am sure we will all find ways to support this latest challenge for the communities around NSW.

The bravery of those fighting the fires is without peer. One of those volunteer fire fighters is our Science teacher, Justin McHugh. I have shared with him my thoughts for his safety and for those of his crew. I know you too will be willing him to remain safe whilst being in his debt for his work at this unprecedented time. 

New Appointment - Head of Grammar School

It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of David Heath as the new Head of the Grammar School. David will be starting at Pittwater House from Term 1, 2020. He has been with St Aloysius’ College for ten years and has worked in many capacities during his tenure. He currently works at the College as the Dean of Administration and Student Wellbeing.

In recent years, David contributed as the Acting Head of Senior School where he led strategic projects emanating from the College’s strategic plan. He has worked as a Year Co-ordinator and both a Senior PDHPE and Business Studies teacher and is highly regarded by his peers for his leadership capacity.

We are also happy to report that David is a Northern Beaches local who, outside of his teaching, has spent a number of years leading the Manly Sea Eagles Under 20’s team as Head Coach.

As a member of the Pittwater House Executive team, part of his new responsibility will be to implement the School’s strategic plan, oversee the academic, social, emotional and physical well-being and development of the Grammar School students and lead and collaborate with teachers to facilitate a culture of teaching excellence.

We are delighted that David has accepted this appointment and know he will contribute much to the School community.

Please join me in welcoming him.

Pasi Sahlberg

I am deaply grateful to our Head of Teaching and Learning Ms Janet Lovell, for arranging the visit of Pasi Sahlberg to our School. She provides an outline of this visit below.

On Wednesday 30th October we were honoured to have renowned educator Pasi Sahlberg speak with our teachers and then with our parents. Pasi also spent some time visiting the ECC.

Pasi is currently the Professor of Education Policy at the Gonski Institute at the University of New South Wales. He has worked as a teacher, teacher educator, researcher and education policy adviser to governments around the world. He is an author and renowned speaker who has a wealth of knowledge about education and education systems in many countries. He is also an advocate for the work of teachers in leading student learning. You may have seen Pasi in the Four Corners episode this week, Digikids.

Pasi spoke to Pittwater House teachers and parents about the changes in education and learning, with a particular emphasis on how play and play based learning can enhance students’ physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. This recent research, set out in Pasi’s most recent book, "Let the Children Play! Why more play helps schools and children thrive" (co-authored with William Doyle, 2019), supports the work of our 2020 K-2 Discovery Hub.

The Discovery Hub will provide more opportunities for children to engage in structured and unstructured play to develop skills such as collaboration, co-operation, resilience, empathy, self-regulation as well as benefit their cognitive and physical development. This is a key time in child development, and we believe it is an optimal time to introduce this initiative.

Examinations and Assessments

With the examinations for Years 7 and 8 complete and those at Years 9 and 10 level, almost through, this has been a time of a level of anxiety and stress for some, as students wonder how much study is ‘enough’ to give of their best. To students, parents and carers, being anxious and nervous about the exams is a good thing. With the right mindset, resilience, strength of character and mental toughness will prevail and will set in place the qualities needed when facing the rigour of Stage 6 and the HSC. Such experiences will occur for all students at varying times through their schooling and indeed through life; it may be before a race, as a student walks to the microphone to deliver a speech, as they prepare for a musical performance… and as they prepare for an examination. This stress and anxiety show we are facing new experiences rather than the safe and secure daily life. As always, the students should reach out to the varied support structures provided at Pittwater House, if they need help.

And whilst the formality of assessments is occurring in the secondary school, other forms of continuous assessment remain for all students; remember a strong finish is expected from all our students.

PHPA Golf Day

My sincere thanks to the organising Committee who planned and executed a great event last Friday. At the post game Dinner, there were many stories to be told and always a little bit of folklore… I am indebted to these wonderful people, David Punter, Steve Speter, Michael Cooper, Tim Powell, Ben Webster and to the increased sponsorship this year. Thank you to our Sponsors: Travel with Kit, Belle Property Dee Why, Wavescape, Podology, Express Glass, Astute, Warringah Building, HRG Studios and the PHAA. Such a happy night and my warmest congratulations.

Rememberance Day

Once more our students supported the community; both at the Manly Dam Service and at the War Vets and also within our School. Our appreciation is extended to Veteran, Mr Ralph Schubert for attending our Service and reciting the Ode and to Pia for her fine presentation and Mikayla for her playing. 

The Class of 2020

In our continuing introduction to the Student Leadership Team for 2020, it is my joy to share the thoughts from our Deputy Head Prefects and the House Captains of Butterworth, Morgan and Orrock in the way they view their role across our School. 

With every good wish for the weeks ahead.

Sophie, Deputy Head Prefect

I think, first and foremost it is important that I express my sincere gratitude to Dr Hillier and the community of Pittwater House for my appointment in such a fun and exciting role. It is an honour to end my journey at this school doing something that has the potential to improve the daily lives for many girls, and to even leave a legacy in the future.

Since the start of my journey at Pittwater House in Year 7, I have wanted what I now have the opportunity of bringing to fruition – a program uniting the mentor and the mentee, and a safe space for girls to put a name to the face of their seniors and have someone to talk to. This was the aim when we tried, tested and refined the College Union Program to what it is today.

As Deputy Head Prefect of the College it is my job, duty and pleasure to create and refine the College Union Program. I work closely with coordinators, teachers and students to run weekly sessions in Thursday form times, assigning other Year 12 girls who voluntarily use their form time to bond with a younger form class. I am personally currently assigned to Year 9 Orrock, (who I am very much enjoying the company of) and I aim to keep the girls with their Year 12 leaders next year, in order to keep them familiar and strengthen their ties. Each week, I send talking points to these coordinators, teachers and Year 12s so that everyone is prepared and informed on what they will discuss.

These topics are focalised around being a woman in the modern world: social media, external and internal pressures, self-love, study habits and so on. From the one session we have had so far we have learned that digression from a talking point is natural and even encouraged, and our best bonds form when we simply guide honest discussions. Our jobs as young women are to be the voice of closer mentors, able to relate to our former selves, as we were their age not so long ago. We are relatable and approachable, yet not preaching from an unrealistic image of perfection. We are human and we are learning too, but we now have the pleasure of offering what so many of us wish we had at the age of twelve or fourteen: having one of the ‘big girls’ in your corner.

I am truly excited for this year and beyond, as this daunting yet inspiring idea has already taken us to amazing new heights. This school, its students and the opportunities it has provided me with has made me proud to be a young woman, and one day we will look back and be grateful for the guidance we could both give and receive. Thank you to Pittwater House, and let’s do this. 

Benjamin, Deputy Head Prefect

It is an honour and privilege to have been chosen to be the Deputy Head Prefect of the Grammar School for 2020. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve the School as it has served me and to have a positive impact on student life at Pittwater House. I promise to work with the upmost dedication in my role always striving to do what is best for the students through both The Big Brogram and through acting as a role model, setting an example for younger students to follow.

So, a bit about me. I started at Pittwater House in 2006 as a young and timid three-year-old in the ECC. Over my fourteen years here I have progressed to be writing this as the Deputy Head Prefect of the Grammar School in my final Pittwater House year. Over those fourteen years I have been presented with countless opportunities to represent the school in cricket, athletics, swimming, cross-country, soccer, water-polo and debating, all of which I have relished and loved participating in. I am what can only be described as a cricket tragic who loves playing the game and it simply wouldn’t be summer in our house without cricket on the TV.

The Deputy Head Prefect role is a new one for Pittwater House and one that I look forward to working in over the next twelve months. Sophie and I have been charged with the responsibility of coordinating the student led pastoral programs, The Big Brogram in the Grammar School and CUP Groups in the College. The Big Brogram takes place in Form time on Thursdays each week and is facilitated by the senior students in Year 12 who will be joined by the new Year 11s next year. The Brogram has two primary aims. Firstly, to allow for younger students to form relationships with those in the senior years, making the Grammar School a closer and more cohesive environment which promotes communication and interaction in a positive manner. Secondly, to promote thought and discussion on issues that our generation will face in the future, such as mental health, climate change and the rising influence of technology and social media.

I would like to thank Naveen and the 2019 Grammar prefects as their work regarding The Big Brogram has allowed our team to inherit a program with a cohesive structure that we can build upon over the next twelve months. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Lachlan , Matthew , Ethan and Ewan for taking on the roles of year Coordinators of Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively. They will play an important role in making the program the best it can be for the students.

To conclude, I’d like to reiterate how honoured I am to receive this role and that I will work with diligence and determination for the benefit of Pittwater House. Thank you all for this incredible opportunity to contribute to my school as Deputy Head Prefect of the Grammar School for 2020. 

Sean and Georgia, House Captains Butterworth
It is our honour to be provided with the opportunity to serve the School as Butterworth House Captains for the duration of our final year of schooling. Butterworth is a house always filled with excitement and opportunity that we aime to continue into the rest of this year and 2020 through carnivals, House events and House meetings. 

Being a Butterworthian is so much more than our emblem and our colour, it represents a community of hard workers that are always striving for the greatest in House competitions, even if we aren’t getting the blue ribbon at the end of the day. We are constantly supporting each other whenever we can in order to promote a community where everyone feels valued. This taking on our School’s motto of Semper Diligens (always hardworking). 

Our aim for this year is to promote healthy competition within the House as well as with the other Houses, grow inter-year relationships and encourage House spirit. To do this we aim to make use of our House meetings that occur every 3 weeks, and with this gain as much feedback in order to make them a memorable part of everyone’s time at Pittwater House.

For the remainder of this term, our house will be focusing on the preparation for College Performing Arts and Brofest. College performing arts a long-standing tradition focusing on the creative performing talents of the girls’ cohort involving a choir, drama and dance item. Brofest a relatively new initiative in which the Grammar School compete in the production of short films ranging from 5-10 minutes. Both of these promote creative thinking with all years, and encouraging competition. 

To conclude we are both so thankful for the positions we hold and are excited to create our own legacy within Butterworth. 

Matthew and Megan, House Captains Morgan
As Morgan House Captains, we have never been more proud to act as representatives for the best House! In the coming year, we hope to create an engaging and fun experience for all Morgan students. Implementing plans to maintain the enjoyment of House meetings by incorporating sports, trivia and other games to ensure the students are always having a great time. As House Captains we also look forward to the cooperation between other House Captains in the coming year, with an aim of competition and comradery between the Houses. We are so happy to be immersed in all the different personalities and interests that comprise the students of Morgan House. Acting as mentors and friends in all students academic and sporting endeavours.

We are excited to boost the team spirit of Morgan House in the Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, Foundation Day races, Bro-Fest and College Performing Arts. As House Captains we are going to ensure that winning is not our top priority, rather giving it a go, whether that’s participating in lots of races or yelling support for Morgan on the side-lines, we want to ensure students make the most of their House spirit. We intend to prepare our Morganites with chants and inspirational ideas for these upcoming challenges in our House Meetings to ensure success and enjoyment for all. 

This year, with the incorporation of the Student Representative Council (SRC), Big Brogram and CUP Groups we hope to receive active feedback from the student body in an effort to maintain and improve upon Morgans foundations. Furthermore, we are excited to mentor and guide the upcoming Perfect leaders of 2020-2021, giving them a chance to shine as they help to plan Morgan's House Dinner. 

Ultimately, we want to create an environment for all students that survives on teamwork, friendship and respect. Ensuring students throughout the year to realise their full potential.  

Ethan and Alexandra, House Captains Orrock
As Orrock House Captains, we encourage students to say “yes'' to opportunities through driving Orrock house spirit and uniting together to create a dynamic and positive environment. We are both very excited and thankful to have been given the opportunity to be the Orrock House Captains for this upcoming year and assure you that we will continue a positive and uplifting attitude. Our objectives for the upcoming carnivals and the fortnightly meetings is to increase participation and drive School spirit to make this year enjoyable for everyone. By encouraging participation with in House events such as the upcoming Collage Performing Arts and Brofest, will allow students to interact with the other year groups and form bonds which will allow peer support throughout the Secondary years. We hope to achieve this through implementing a caring and nurturing environment within our School. As Orrock House Captains, we value the idea of promoting house spirit and participation at future school events. Currently, we are planning to create an electrifying atmosphere in our future  house events, through continuously expressing the importance of supporting and encouraging fellow peers. Additionally, one of our goals this coming year is to have a more enthusiastic approach to House meetings. The incorporation of more in-depth conversation relating House spirit and a stronger bond between the different year groups will influence a positive approach to house meetings. Therefore, we believe that the more frequent interactions and stronger bonds between year groups, will positively impact relationships at lunch and in the hall-ways. In conclusion, we are both very excited for the future, grateful to possess these roles and are keen to see what unfolds over the following year. 

Drought Angels Charity

This year, the prefect team have decided to use the money raised from Carols Night to help support the charity, Drought Angels. 

Drought Angels are a not for profit charity aimed at helping the farmers of rural New South Wales and Queensland in this time of severe drought. Drought Angels provide support and relief to farmers through personalised assistance such as food hampers, care packs, prepaid visas, local store vouchers and animal feed. 

We would like you to join us in extending a hand to our rural communities, that provide so much for our country. We know every single donation will provide much-needed assistance and will be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you sincerely,

Alexander and Gracie,

Head Prefects


What's On - Events and Excursions



Student Success - AMEB Results

Congratulations to the following students on the following  AMEB results: Isaac (P3) achieved A for Violin Preliminary AMEB examination; Lucia (J3) achieved A for Violin First Grade AMEB examination and Sophie (J4) achieved B+ for Violin First Grade AMEB examination.

Carols Night

On Friday 6 December we hold our School Carols Night. In previous years, parents and alumni have joined with the choir and orchestra to sing and play at this important school event. If you would like to join us, please email Jim Abraham at

Extension Science

Extension Science students are off to a flying start this year. The students that are undertaking the course this year, have started with 2 evenings at the The Barker Institute with some very illuminating lectures from Dr Alison Gates and Dr Matthew Hill, covering areas of the history of scientific study as well as different ideologies and methodologies of "doing"science. This was a great experience for our students as it really showed the collaborative nature of science and gave them more options for their own investigations. This has also opened up the possibility of our students having their work "published" in the Barker Institute's journal of Extension Science next year.

This was followed up by a trip to the University of Sydney, Westmead Campus, where the students were given the opportunity to listen to Professor Manjula Sharma discuss how to create  a scientific proposal as well as the ethics behind science investigation. Professor Sharma has a wealth of experience in this field supervising 100's of PhD students, with her most famous student being Dr Derek Muller from the Veritasium YouTube channel. This was followed by a meet the mentors session, that introduced 15 scientists from the University of Sydney that have volunteered to be mentors to Science Extension students. Our students had the opportunity to put their ideas to these mentors for advice as well as to ask them how they carried out their own study. The day concluded with a great session from Dr Stephen Morgan on statistics and the importance o f using data in the correct way for the student's reports.

Our students have gained valuable experience during these excursions and it has enabled them to come up with some very interesting ideas for investigation, including the effect of temperature on the metabolism of fish, the materials used in extremely high temperature environments which can lead to fusion reactors and plasma engines as well as the rates of antibiotic resistant TB in developing countries. The student's posters showing their research proposals will be available to view within the top floor of the science block for you to read more into their exciting work.


From the Head of Junior Schools

The School assembled to commemorate Remembrance Day on Monday and as usual marked this day with respect and honour. Along with all Australians, our students can but imagine the horrors of that Great War, and, pray that we are never called upon to perform those duties again.  The solemnity and dignity required for this occasion; the 101st anniversary of the first commemoration of Armistice signed on 11 November 1918 was most evident in our students. Thank you to all who were able to provide flowers for the beautiful class floral contributions.

The incoming Kindergarten and ECC students for 2020 have been enjoying their transition mornings immensely. The last 2 Friday mornings have been spent meeting new friends and teachers and familiarising with their new environment. We are all looking forward to these excited new students joining the Pittwater House Junior School and ECC Community.

The results from the ICAS Science, Mathematics and English competitions for those students who took part yielded pleasing results. For the first time this competition was on-line, and we need to note that our students experienced many technical disruptions from the ICAS site itself during the English competition. Congratulations to all students who participated in these competitions. Of special note; in Science there were 10 Credits, 3 Distinctions and 2 High Distinctions gained; (HD to Henry, (P4) and Henry (P5). In Mathematics there were 26 Credits and 7 Distinctions, and the English results produced 18 Credits and 7 Distinctions.

Surf Education has commenced this week, preparing all students from Year 2 to Year 6 for the summer ahead, with the opportunity to practise the identification of safe places to swim and how to be informed and knowledgeable about the surf and beach conditions. Mr McGregor has prepared the students back at school with lessons about the Surf-Ed experience and the students will be well-prepared each morning to adapt to the varying weather and surf conditions.

The SRC has been an inspiration to all students this term delivering the results of two drives in two days. On Tuesday, Mrs Donna McMullen collected over 200 pairs of boots and training shoes donated by Pittwater House families for the Boots ‘n All collection, destined for an Aboriginal community in the Moree district. Donna will present to the students in Assembly on Friday 22 November, giving the students an insight into the community they have supported.

On Wednesday 13 November SRC representatives from Years 5 and 6 visited Macquarie University Special Education Centre to see how the money donated earlier in the year has been used to buy science equipment, particularly magnets for the students. Our students were tasked with designing some experiments for the MUSEC students to perform and guided them through their activities. This was another beautiful opportunity for our students to learn about making a difference through their actions.


Pittwater House Sport News

To view the following 'Sport News' items please click on the Download button below:

  • Term 1, 2020 Nomination Dates
  • Sport Reports - Basketball, Cricket, Softball, Tennis, Triathlon and Waterpolo
  • Term 1, 2020 Calendar Dates

Student Sporting Success

Congratulations to Molly (C7), who has been selected into the Sydney Netball Academy for 2020. 46 talented 14, 15 and 16 year old players were selected across the Sydney region to take part in coaching sessions, the academy games, academy challenge and a high-performance camp over the next 12 months. Well done Molly.

Congratulations to Amelia (C11), who represented the Carlile Swim Team at the 2019 NSW Multi Class Championships (13/10/2019) at the Ryde Aquatic Centre. She completed in 4 events (Girls 17 years and over), achieving 4 Gold medals. Amelia also swam Personal Best times in the 200m and 400m Freestyle with the following results 200 Metre Freestyle 1st place, 400 Metre Freestyle 1st place, 100 Metre Backstroke 1st place and 200 Metre Ind Medley 1st place.


Join Cadets

All students who will turn 13 or older in 2019 are able to join the cadet unit.  Enrolment forms are available at Reception or click here.

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents' Association)


Please note the date of 2019 PHPA AGM has been moved to Monday 9 December at 6:30pm in the Great Hall. All Pittwater House Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend and listen to a round up of 2019 PHPA Activities and what’s planned for 2020.

PHPA Christmas Camp Out 2019

You are invited to A Christmas Camp Out 2019… An Event for all School Families. This will be a wonderful, relaxed way to wrap up what has been a very busy year for everyone! There will be a BBQ Dinner and Breakfast as well as fun and games for all during the afternoon. Set up will be from 12pm with the fun starting from 3pm. Tickets: Parents $25, Child $15 plus $5 per Tent - Day Passes also available $20/$10.

Available at:

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch at:

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8.00am

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Summer Menu

The Canteen has moved to it's Summer Menu which runs from Term 4, 2019 to the end of Term 1, 2020.  View Here


Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers

The Council is running another FREE Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers Workshop and this will be the last one for this year.

Book online

If you have any questions or need more information please call or email on the details below. 

Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and Skoolbag please call School Admin on 9981 4400 or email to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.

To Notify the School of Student Absences
Please download and use the Skoolbag app or log in to the Edumate Portal or email:

Term Dates

Click Download