With great pride our Head Prefects, Naveen and Lara, announced the members of the SRC to the secondary Assembly last Friday. Based on the House Form groups from Years 7-10 they have leadership from Year 11 students as they prepare to take up the mantle of leadership, under the mentorship of our Prefect body. The student members have already met as a group and have been tasked with several initiatives to ensure the student voice gains traction.
Each year I ask the Head Prefects to put in place an initiative and 2019 will be remembered as the creation of an SRC. Our Junior School has a well run and established SRC and they have long been responsible for a range of activities including charity works; it is my hope that their success will be mirrored amongst the secondary students.
Helping students find their voice is a special undertaking in our schools. Coming together across year levels and listening to varied views allows students to be acknowledged not merely for new ideas but rather for the person who puts forward the view. Of course, student voice occurs in so many settings of an education; in the classroom, in the established teams and groups that seemingly come together for a specific task, in clubs and cadets, on the stage and in debate. The list is endless. Yet each opportunity provides further opportunity for clarity of thought and a safe environment to grow confidence and ensure that our Core Values are enshrined in each decision.
The excited chatter of a new year or a new term, or even a Monday morning, brings all manner of issues to be heard, embraced or modified. Our democratic institutions provide evidence that through the voice of the populace, influence occurs. Whilst social media is bringing an alternate perspective to our long-held version of debate, let us ensure that conversations, face to face, remain the prime instrument of our newly formed SRC. We have the ingredients: the right environment, support and encouragement, and I am sure that there will be some very powerful ideas raised. For all involved, the key is that we truly listen and respect the varied voices offered. For with student voice comes the equally important ingredient, the capacity to listen.