- Monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms
- Masks in schools
- Welcome back Parents/Caregivers!
- Activities resuming this term
- Close contacts
- Professional Development
- World of Maths Incursion
- School Redevelopment
- Staff News
- School Beanies coming soon!
- Introducing our new OHSC booking system!
- Soccer starts this weekend!
- Article: A Mother's Day message for Dads
It is important that you continue to actively monitor your child for any COVID-19 symptoms. If any symptoms develop (even mild symptoms) students must not attend school and should follow SA Health advice in relation to testing and quarantine. If a positive result is advised, you will need to let the school know as soon as possible.
We continue to work closely with SA Health, and in instances where there are 5 or more COVID-19 cases in a class, we will activate the Catholic Education South Australia Outbreak Management Plan for COVID-19 and communicate with families at that time.